Costco $138.96
Over the last 10 days I have flown home from the east coast, packed up and moved my home {staying in a hotel for two of those nights waiting for paperwork to go through} prepared for a tv appearance by pulling an all nighter in hotel bathroom and started on renovations at the new place within 36 hours of moving in. We are currently living without a kitchen, a laundry room and are now down 2 bathrooms.
If that’s not enough to make you take the easy way out and head to Costco, I don’t know what would.
Sure, I could fire up the bbq and set up a dish-washing station on the back porch or maybe even plug a crock pot in somewhere, but you know what? I’m tired, and I took the easy way out. And sometimes… that’s okay. So please don’t leave hater comments saying you are disappointed I bought a bunch of easy peasy microwavable foods this week. Because really, I feel like I’m doing the best that I can. Maybe you are superwoman, but definitely I’m not.
Target $21.17
Convenience food is spendy!
Smith Brothers Farm – Sponsored
Having milk delivered to your front porch is pretty darn RAD if you ask me. Monkey Boy missed out on his chocolate milk last week because we were in the process of moving and we had to skip a week. But luckily Smith Brother’s delivers to our new neighborhood and we’re all pretty happy about that! 🙂 Milk, it does a body good!
How did you do this week?
Total Spent This Week $160.13
Total Spent Year to Date $1415.96
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
One Hundred Dollars a Month is proudly sponsored by Smith Brother’s Farms, my family’s favorite milk. Check out their website HERE and learn about the over 100 top quality products Smith Brothers Farms can deliver to your porch box.
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Carol says
Mavis, My Dear, you do whatever you need to do to get through all of these projects before the snow starts to fly! You are simply reapplying your energies to where they are most needed now….thanks for taking us along with you on this ride!
Hugs <3
Christine says
I’m just impressed that you took the time to take pictures of your groceries and post them here! Yikes!
Alicia says
Aw Mavis. I’ll beat up anyone for you who goes all judgemental on you while you are busy with your new house! 😉 That set up for weeks is not an easy thing. And eating convenience food isn’t easy on you when you are used to eating super healthy all the time either. Good luck with all of this! I’m sure it will be worth it when it’s finished!
Rosaleen says
Whaddya mean you’re NOT Superwoman? You are attending to multiple tasks while “holding down the fort” and keeping everyone fed. Heck, you are even doing some of the construction labor t keep down your renovation costs.
If you were actually wimping out, you’d be having all your meals prepared as well as the laundry picked up, cleaned and DELIVERED .
Give yourself a break!
Cecily says
I think you are a super women Mavis! If I had a fraction of your energy I would be thrilled. You inspire your many readers and provide healthy, home cooked meals for your family most of the time, and you deserve a break from cooking AND blogging once in awhile. Your loyal fans will understand and still be here!
Em says
No way I could do what you do. Enjoy your convenience food while you’ve got it.
Mary G says
I don’t think you need to feel bad about getting some “emergency” food at a time like this. And it’s still way cheaper than eating out. Kitchen remodels can be tough. You just have to get through it and then you’ll have such a nice work space. How many bathrooms are in your new place? I’m hoping to drop to 1 or 1 1/2 when we eventually downsize.
Becky says
gasp! Is that? no, it can’t be… is it? is that really a doughnut box on top of that microwave??
I’m teasing, so please don’t throw your keyboards at me… we’ve all been where you are at one point or another. You are only human, and convenience food is great, for these emergencies. Its the people who eat them 90 percent of the time, that have issues, NOT YOU.
I can’t wait to see the finished house.
KAte says
haha, I think it’s a Costco sized box of plastic silverware…not that I would judge doughnuts either, I’m a big fan of doughnuts.
Diana says
Well, without kitchen and laundry, your options are definitely limited, as is your available time to do the food prep thing. You hopefully won’t get hate comments from readers, but I bet your digestive system will notice the difference and may induce its own kind of hate on you. Stay strong and fight back. 😉
Fran says
No guilt! I’d be doing some drive-though during moving time:-D
Emily says
Don’t think of it as spending more on groceries, think of it as spending less on eating out (which would be the easy option when one has no kitchen)
Pam says
The first 7 days in my new house produced a pile of pizza boxes and Hardee’s bags. Took me 7 days to find my microwave! If you’ve got haters that comment on what you feed your family under the conditions you’ve got……tell them to put on their big girl panties and get a life. The family is being fed and sometimes – that’s as good as it gets. Hang in there…………:)
Janet says
To feel healthy during your move and remodel, eat as many healthy foods as possible with the “junk” foods. Fruit, veggies, cheese, healthy cereals, yogurt, etc. can all be healthy and fast. You will tire quickly of the processed foods because of how they taste and how they make you feel afterwards.
I am excited to see your new pictures. You are the first one I check each day. It’s nice to be let into someone’s else’s life like you let all of us. Keep that special smile on your face and remember there is an end to your remodel and life will get where you want it to be.
P.S. I showed my 11-year-old son the picture of your lovely rat from your new kitchen. He was pretty grossed out – and I laughed.
Take care
Vy says
You are still standing upright, that makes you superwoman in my book! Convenience foods have their place and time, and living without a kitchen is one of them!
Catherine says
Mavis, honey, you do whatever you need to do to stay sane. If I could cook you a meal and bring it to you, I would. But by the time I got it there from Albuquerque, it might be a little cold! Good choice of convenience foods, btw! Those Yakisoba noodles from Costco are our go-to convenience foods–one of our few!
randy says
I wished I lived nearer you I could bring you food!!!!!
Nicole says
I completely understand the need for minimal preparation foods and paper products right now. Last fall we remodeled our kitchen and I was without an oven, countertop, dishwasher and sink for 5 weeks. By the end I had gained weight and felt sick and sluggish from all the convenience foods and reduced amount of produce. It made me recognize what a difference it makes to eat fresh and real foods. We were so grateful for those couple of times when friends brought dinner to us. Good luck to you.
Tracie H says
Stay strong Mavis! It won’t last forever! And you’ll be so happy you did it as soon as you moved in, instead of “later”. Sending you and your family lovely thoughts and prayers.
Vicki says
Mavis, Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about what you feed your family during the kitchen remodel. You always eat healthy the rest of the time. Having been through a kitchen remodel myself I know how stressful it can be but worth it in the end!
Preppy Pink Crocodile says
I’m glad you bought convenience foods. Proves your just like the rest of us. Sometimes we have time to go the extra mile and sometimes we don’t. THat’s just life. It also really highlights the price difference between convenience foods and whole ingredients.
Hang in there! I’m sure the renovations will be well worth the inconvenience in the long run.
KK @ Preppy Pink Crocodile
Barbara Harvey says
Mavis you are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and have far more stamina then most of us readers here. You do what ya gotta do and when its over there will be more time for loving your new house and special pampering of yourself because no one deserves it more than you do!!!! Personally I think you should take a small hiatus from the blog world (just dont forget to take pics while away) and focus on your new house(s) that you are making into homes. Stay strong and carry on and GET ER DONE! 🙂
Lissa says
Eat anything you want. Tear down any room in your new house that you feel like tearing down. Ok fine, leave the greenhouse behind. Just please don’t stop blogging. Very selfish of me, but no blogging breaks allowed! Please. We all love you too much. Ok, maybe you can post shorter updates. I need my Lucy fix and NEED to watch the progress of your remodel. WE LOVE MAVIS!
PS- We’ve got your back. Anyone who leaves a hater comment about your food choices will be ripped to pieces (metaphorically speaking of course).
Darlene says
Looks good to me momma 🙂
jestjack says
No “hater” here…ya do what ya gotta do! BUT I for one would like a bit of background on why the big move. Been following your progress on the garden and it seems you put so much work in the place. And then to move….MAN. So if you could share why you moved….cutting costs….house too big…job change…etc? .
Glenda says
Jennifer says
You have to do what you have to do. And convenience food definitely has a time and place in the world. And it is cheaper than take out.
CathyB says
I already think you are wonder woman! You do way more than I can possibly imagine! Don’t feel bad about living your life however you need to, plus it makes me feel better that you are human and have some limitations too.
Shell says
Nothing wrong with giving yourself a break. Your time is more valuable right now than worrying so much about what you eat.(including your rest time). Good luck with your town and new house. Actually sounds like fun.(although hard work) It will be worth it , though.