How much do you think you actually use your phone each day? How many hours total? I don’t play games on my phone, or listen to music, but I do use it for social media and to check my emails while I am away from my desk. I honestly have never stopped to think about the total amount of hours I spend each day, though.
Treehugger posted an article this week about projected phone usage versus actual phone usage. The usage included games, apps, calls, texts, and the amount of times people use it to just check the time. A group of people {between the ages of 18 and 33} were asked to estimate how many times they used their phone per day. The average estimate was about 37 times. Then, apps were installed on their phones that tracked the actual number of times people checked their phone. It was more than double their estimates at about 85 times per day. The total time spent per day, on average, was 5 hours. 5 HOURS! Holy buckets, that is a chunk of time.
In the slightest effort to justify that many hours of use, the article did mention that the phone is a one-stop-shop. Where we used to spend time looking at maps, at our computer emails {or writing an actual letter–gasp!}, taking pictures, etc., we now use our phones for all of those applications. I know lots of people who don’t wear watches anymore either, simply because they check their phones {and use it as their morning alarm}.
Even though I have never tracked my usage, I bet it is higher than I think. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing–it’s just the way our culture is going, I guess.
How about you, do you think you spend more time than you would estimate on your phone each day?
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Carla says
I spend a lot of time on my phone. I use it as a watch and my alarm clock. I text quite a bit and check the weather and instagram. I have my personal and work emails on it and I am addicted to solitaire.
I really don’t want to know how much time I am on it.
BeckyM says
Yet another reason I only have a basic ($9) tracfone used when we travel. I’ve never sent a text. We have a desktop computer only and the kids get to use it for 30 minutes on Sat. and Sun. only. We may seem like dinosaurs compared to most people these days but we get to enjoy those 5 hours doing other things… oh, and having conversations with each other! LOL :0)
andrea d says
Ummm…. I still have a flip phone. I recently “upgraded” so now I can actually take pictures with it (though I rarely do). Most of the time, I don’t even know where my phone is- I have to call it from the house phone and listen for the ring (praying that the ringer is actually on and the battery isn’t dead). I will say though, I homeschool my kids so we are home 90% of the time and I do have an i-pad and my laptop nearby when at home- I probably use those more that I should.
Lisa Millar says
We don’ have a mobile/cell phone. 🙂 (I still get that question frequently in an incredulous voice “How do you survive????” lol )
I love it that when we leave the house to do something we are not bound to doing ‘stuff’ on the phone.
I know its really convenient and people make good use of them, but quite a number of times I find it a little frustrating to be out with someone and they are forever glued to their phone answering/sending messages. Its like its impossible to get a flow of conversation or attention.
We use a home computer a lot – facebook, keeping in touch, photo sharing, following blogs etc.
Its just nice to fully ‘unplug’ when we go out of the house.
pamela sheppard says
Most days I don’t use my cell or my landline at all. But if you asked how much I use my computer…that would be a different story!
Donna in VA says
My flip phone lives in my purse, turned off. It’s for emergencies and my personal convenience, not for everyone else to contact me whenever they feel like it. I should carry it when I walk the dog, (again for emergencies), just have not formed the habit yet. I probably use it once a month. I did learn how to text because I understand that text messages can get through in circumstances where cell phone calls will not go through.
Jen Y says
Zero – I don’t have a cell phone. Still enjoying my freedom. 😉
Adeel A. says
My usage is around 1 hours maximum per day as I often use my notebook and I prefer to use that instead of mobile, unless it is not in my reach. I mainly use my smartphone to fetch information from Google.
Robyn says
I’ve got a one stop iPhone. However, I’m on a smaller data plan, so I’m careful and aware of my use.
It’s a back up alarm two mornings a week.
I check the clock about five times a day, and send a text or five about every other day.
So aside from calling people, I’m under two hours a week.
My calls and texts are unlimited. I figured anything long could wait until wifi zones.
That’s completely offset by iPad use. I’d be embarrassed to admit that use.
It’s my only computer, so email, Web browsing, book reading, music and occasionally movies add up.