For the most part, everything is coming along nicely in the greenhouse. All the smaller tomato starts have been moved outside {I still have another flat under grow lights in the house} and the pepper plants are starting to fill out a bit as well.
Everywhere I look lately there seen to be new blossoms.
And the strawberries I planted in gutters, are going crazy. I’m hoping for a mid-June harvest. But I do have one problem.
Over the past month or so every once in awhile I would notice a dead brown leaf or two when I watered the plants in the greenhouse. I never gave it a second thought. Until today. Today’s dead brown leaves had fur on them. Or rather mold. And after a bit of online research, I believe I have grey mold. Eeek! Grey mold is cause by improper ventilation. Which in my case, makes total sense. I’ve been so worried about keeping the heat in the greenhouse, that I have been doing a poor job ventilating the thing. Crackers!
Lesson learned. From now on I’ll be more vigilant about keeping the windows open so fresh air can get in so the plants can breath better. Let’s just hope this disease hasn’t set in to all the plants and they all die off. Because that would really suck. Big time.
Have you ever had any problems with grey mold before?
Please tell me all my plants are not going to die. Pretty please.
Looking for a pop up greenhouse? Amazon has a ton of them. Check out this 5 foot Plant House by Flower House. The ratings on it are pretty awesome and it’s currently going for $169 on
*Amazon prices can change at anytime.
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Monique Toro says
That pop-up greenhouse is really cool. Is there a way to put grow lights in there?
qathy says
All of your plants are NOT going to die.
(You’re welcome)
Desi says
What about using a fan to help ventilate. The greenhouses I worked in would have one at one end and both ends were open to let the air go through.
Jaime says
Hi Mavis, I heard of an idea that goes along with the vertical garden. My mom told me about Cinder Blocks, planting in the holes. My gardening adventure is melons this year, and was wondering how I could plant some in a rock area I have. So I bought some cinder blocks and have them ready to go. It has been pouring the rain so will probably get them in in a couple of days. I even saw where they make raised beds with them. You could even paint them. Anyway, I put a few in my garden, similar to yours, have a little corner and put several herbs.
Mavis says
I’ve seen the cinder blocks used as planters as well but I have not tried them before. I think they might be a great solution to gardening in rocky soil. Let me know how it goes and send me a picture! 🙂