This year I’m on a mission to grow 4,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables in my suburban backyard. In 2012 I was able to grow 2,028 pounds, and in 2013 I’m going double or nothing. I have absolutely no idea if I’ll be able to achieve my goal. But, as with any adventure, half the fun is getting there. ~Mavis
It’s been two weeks since I last updated this garden tally and let me tell you Bob, I’ve been busy. If I’m not in the kitchen whipping up another batch of heirloom tomato sauce, then I’m working in the garden harvesting vegetables for planting seeds for my fall garden. It’s a bust time of year and with the kids back in school you’d think I would have more time to get stuff done around here, but not so. There’s so much to do it’s crazy.
Here is what I have harvested so far this year:
Basil – 1 pound 3 ounces
We are currently out of fresh basil right now. Although we’ve enjoyed making fresh pesto and strawberry basil jam this summer, I need to get some more seeds planted so we can enjoy fresh basil all winter long.
Beets – 106 pounds 0 ounces
We’ve been pulling up beets lately. There are still a lot left to harvest and I’ve been planting them in intervals so we should have plenty this winter.
Bok Choy – 6 oz
It’s time to harvest the Bok Choy we have growing in the pallet garden. Maybe today?
Broccoli – 13 ounces
The fall broccoli we planted is looking healthy. The slugs have not discovered it yet so I am hopeful.
Cabbage – 40 pounds 14 ounce
We are patiently waiting to harvest our fall cabbage!
Carrots – 17 pounds 10 ounces
Last night we harvest over 12 pounds of carrots. Carrots are one of Lucy’s favorite vegetables so we had to set some aside in the fridge just for her. Luckily she she hasn’t figured out how to dig them up yet, but when she does, we’ll be in trouble.
Chives – 1 pound 15 ounces
We cut fresh chives as we need them.
Cucumbers 8 pound 11 ounces
We’ve been picking cucumbers and slicing them up for lunch snacks {is that weird?} and in salads. I suspect we will have to pull up all the cucumber plants in the next 2 weeks though as the cooler temperatures set it.
Egg Count – 1,967
We collected 82 eggs over the past 2 weeks. The count seems a little to low to me so I’m not sure of someone collected eggs while I was in California last week and forgot to write it down or what. Oh well, as long as we have enough to eat, I’m happy.
Garlic 9 pounds 2 ounces
Our garlic has been harvested for this year and I am using it in practically every dish now.
Garlic Scapes 11 ounces
We used these to make Garlic Scape Pesto. Yumm!
Green Beans 15 pounds 11 ounces
We’ve been harvesting green beans from the tepee poles lately. Yumm a licious!
Kale – 25 pounds 7 ounces
Feeding it to the chickens every chance I get.
Kohlrabi 5 pounds 10 ounces
Lettuce – 36 pounds 13 ounces
We harvested a wee bit last week, and since we received all that iceberg lettuce from Mr. Produce Guy the other day I think we’ll hold off harvesting anymore until next week. Maybe I should get some bunnies? Hmm.
Microgreens 5 ounces
My favorite way to eat microgreens is with egg salad sandwiches.
Mint 13 oz
I made some blueberry mint jam and also harvested some mint for tea.
Oregano – 1 pound 9 ounces
I been using fresh oregano for my heirloom tomato sauce.
Onion – 25 pounds 6 ounces
Last night I decided to pull up a bunch of onions. These ones didn’t get as big as the others so I thought I would go ahead and harvest them before it gets to cold and they rot.
And in case you didn’t know, all the cool people are storing onions in their pantyhose these days.
Pears 47 pounds 7 ounces
We had a bumper crop this year. Vanilla Pear Jam is awesome.
Peas – 42 pounds 9 ounces
We’ve got peas growing in the greenhouse and in a garden box. I wonder which set will be ready to harvest first?
Potatoes – 252 pounds 5 ounces
We have so many potatoes that we’ve decided to donate our extras to the food bank. Potatoes are super easy to grow, but next year, I don’t think I’ll plant so many. 😉
How to Harvest and Store Potatoes for Winter.
Radish – 22 pounds 2 ounces
Note to self- Plant more radish seeds.
Raspberries – 21 pounds 7 ounces
Raspberry season is officially over in our backyard. Boo!
Rhubarb – 39 pounds 9 ounces
Rhubarb is rad! I think we have about 5 or 6 rhubarb plants sprinkled around our yard. I’ll have to dig up the crowns this fall and move them all to one location.
Sage – 14 ounces
Squash 12 pounds 12 ounces
Last week we harvested a delicata squash, this week 2 acorn squash and another delicata squash. Pumpkins are next!
Spinach – 15 ounces
I planted more in the greenhouse last week for a winter harvest.
Sprouts –2 pounds 15 ounces
Here are instructions for growing your own sprouts.
Strawberries 23 pounds 14 ounces
Besides eating them fresh, so far we have made strawberry kiwi jam, strawberry freezer jam, strawberry pie, and homemade strawberry shortcake. There are just a few left to pick and then we’ll be done harvesting berries for the year.
Swiss Chard 29 pounds 15 ounces
Chickens LOVE chard. 😉
Tomatoes 186 pounds 9 ounces
Over the last 2 weeks we have harvested over 41 pounds of tomatoes. When it rains, it pours right?
Wheatgrass – 7 ounces
Zucchini – 36 pounds 4 ounces
We haven’t had as many zucchini this year as we would have liked but oh well, there’s always next year, right?
Total Food Harvested in 2013: 967 pounds 15 ounces
Total Eggs Collected in 2013: 1,967
If you are new to gardening or just want to learn more on the topic of organic gardening, my #1 favorite book is The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food By Tanya L.K. Denckla.
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Susan says
WOW! You are doing GREAT!
My chickens LOVE grape leaves and grapes! We have a grape arbor so they have had full access for the last few months. We (DH, too!) have fed most of the grapes to them- withholding a few for us b/c the crop was good this year and the grapes excellent.
The grapes are gone and soon the leaves will be, too! Chuck’s Produce has some green, seedless table grapes (huge things) on sale for .49 lb (I know!!!) I bought some for my girls. LOL! Talk about spoiled 🙂
Debbie says
Wow your garden tally is most impressive! I am especially impressed by your carrot total.
I tried growing carrots in a container with poor results. I am planning to try square foot gardening in the spring – I doubt carrots will be on my planting list. Keep up the great work – I enjoy your gardening tips and recipes.
Sara says
Holy shenanigans! Your garden is AMAZING! We are slowly adding square footage around here. The more confident I get, the more beds we build 🙂 and no, cucumber lunch snacks aren’t weird, they are awesome! My kiddos adore fresh garden cukes. Do you have a trick to growing kohlrabi? We are in Florida, so maybe it’s just early, but my plants are looking kind of pitiful…
Laura says
What do you do with all those eggs? 41 per week is a low egg count?
Mavis Butterfield says
I bake a lot and we eat a lot of scrambled eggs.
Janet Weeks says
Get some bunnies for sure! Reliable sources say that aged rabbit manure is great!