Rain is in the forecast today, so it looks like I’ll be wearing snow pants and a parka while performing today’s garden chores. With the cooler temperatures these past few days, the cold weather crops are thriving. Do you see the kale above? Isn’t it beautiful? I WANT TO PICK IT!!! But I won’t. Not yet anyway. I want to see how big it gets.
I don’t understand why more people don’t plant showy vegetables in their garden pots. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather plant food in a container, watch it grow, and serve it at my kitchen table, than watch a flower bloom, die, and be tossed on to the compost heap. But that’s just me.
It looks like I’ll be harvesting radishes today. Some of the Easter Egg Radishes I planted a while back are ready. I’m excited! I have been planting radish seeds at 2 week intervals since early spring and this will be my 3rd harvest.
Another garden chore on the list for today is to deadhead the broccoli raab. By clipping the little broccoli head at the top it will allow the side shoots to really take off. I have a feeling stir fry will be on the menu next week.
Yesterday I made a giant bowl of Caesar salad and nearly wiped out my current crop of lettuce I had growing in the lower gutters. With warmer weather on the horizon and lettuce planted outside in pallets, I think it may be time to replant the gutter with new seeds. But what kind of seeds? Looking ahead, whatever I plant will have to be able to tolerate warm weather. Hmm. Any suggestions?
I also have a bit of weeding between the garden boxes to do today as well. Earlier in the week, I planted carrots in the last 6 of the raised garden boxes you see above. I planted the seeds around the perimeter of the garden boxes so I’ll have room to grow heirloom tomatoes. I’m still hoping to plant a total of 100 tomato plants once the weather warms up. That is, if the Handsome Husband doesn’t kill my second batch.
What’s on your list for today? Will you be heading outside, or staying in?
Check out One Magic Square: The Easy, Organic Way to Grow Your Own Food on a 3-Foot Square By Lolo Houbein. Amazon has it currently on sale for $12.89 and it’s packed with earth-friendly tips, tricks, and solutions for establishing and maintaining an organic garden in a small space.
*Amazon prices are subject to change at anytime.
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Teresa R. says
I love your blog. I have family in Seattle (well, Bellevue), and I feel more connected with them when I read your blog! I’m totally new to gardening (went from 2 tomato plants last year to a 20′ x 16′ garden this year). I’ve only planted onions & potatoes so far. We’ve had quite a cold spell here (East Tennessee), but it’s warming up this week. I LOVE your humor and your wisdom. Thank you for taking the time to do the blog!
Mavis says
WOWZA! That’s quite a jump in garden space. Doesn’t it get hot in Tennessee? Oh I’d try planting a few water melon seeds at the end of your garden if I were you. I’m jealous!
Teresa R. says
Definitely have watermelon planned! It does get pretty hot here, but I think I’ll be ok if I keep everything watered well. I’m looking into rain barrels, since we have a salt system installed for the house. I’ve already learned so much and found some great ideas on your blog!
Sarah B says
Hmm, my garden is much smaller, so I’m going to let the rain keep my plants watered today. Thinking about going to the Seattle Tilth plant sale in a few weeks to pick up some warm weather plants. I have a pepper and a tomato coming from Territorial seed, but their plants are in 2″ pots and tiny. Thinking of checking out a plant sale for the future. Plus I need herbs anyway.
How many raised beds do you have? Are they made with 2×6 lumber? I’m down to 3 4×8 beds, one of which is all strawberries, if they make it. I might need to pick some up at the sale.
Do you have any bean teepees? I’m thinking of growing one for my 4 yr old to play in. Have some yard long beans, but the best place in our garden is west facing against the house. Not sure how well it’ll do in that location.
Looking for a local landscape designer…any recommendations? Want to focus on edible plants, and redo our yard next year after our hopefully final drainage project this summer.
Mavis says
Holy Cow, did you see they will be selling over 50 varieties of organic tomatoes? I may have to go to see if I’m missing anything! If you are looking for a local {garden} landscape designer try Seattle Urban Farm Company. 🙂 Also, I have 16 4′ x 8′ garden beds.
Sarah B says
I know, 50 varieties?! Plus lots of other stuff and it’s all organic! Thanks for the link!
Robin in SoCal says
Ok so riddle me this Batgirl if you plant and successfully grow 100 tomato plants what are you going to do with all those stinkin’ tomatoes? Planning a week long canfest? canarama?
Mavis says
I.Have.No.Idea. 🙂
Heather S. says
I haven’t noticed any new weight updates. With some lettuce and radishes picked you have to be at least 1 1/2 pounds by now… I think a canfest/canarama for the tomatoes sounds fabulous! I’ve heard you can dry them in your dryer as well 🙂 It all looks wonderful. I was trying to convince my husband that the small space on the side of our house that he was leveling for his shed would be much more purposed as a greenhouse. He is not yet convinced, but still hasn’t built the shed so I still have a shot!