This morning I headed out to the garden on a mission. My mission was to pull up all the Crimson Giant Radishes. We’ve been snacking on radishes on and off for the last month or so, and honestly, I’ve had my fill. So I decided to see if the food bank would take them.
I thought about calling ahead, but I didn’t want to be turned down. I figured if I showed up in person, with a beautiful tray of radishes, the food bank would be more likely to take them. And guess what. It worked.
Not only did the Food Bank lady take the radishes off my hands, but she encouraged me to bring by any extra produce this summer, as long as it was in small amounts. Hot diggety!
Now that the radishes are gone… It’s time to transplant heirloom tomatoes. Only 74 more to go. Yee-Haw. Now we’re farming!
Looking for Crimson Giant Radish seeds? You can find them online at Botanical Interests.
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alliegator says
How many tomato plants are you growing?! I thought my 32 plants was a lot. (we have more starts, but I don’t know where I can put them, so they’ll either get squeezed in somewhere, or I’ll give them away).
Mavis says
Around 120. And yes, I know I am crazy. 😉
Kim says
at least there is way more things to do with tomatoes than there are radishes
Saralie says
yankee doodle Mavis, you should have had 10 more kids to feed all those tomatoes too! You grow girl!
Jenn Bane says
Mavis, I’m slightly obsessed with your blog.
Are you doing anything special with planting your tomato plants this year? I read one woman’s blog on how to grow 10 foot tomato plants. She plants a fish head, egg shells, a couple asprin, and some more soil ammendments under each plant. I’m only growing 10 tomato plants this year and planted fish heads, egg shells, asprin and a tomato food powder under 4 of them. They are doing a bit better than my other plants but nothing substantial… we’ll see how their production is 🙂
Also, do you prune your plants? Or just let them do their thing?
Thank you!
Mavis says
I wouldn’t be surprised if the tomatoes in the greenhouse reach 10 feet high. I really don’t do anything special to them other than use really good soil. I don’t use pesticides but I do water them with Miracle Grow twice during the summer. 🙂 Also, I usually don’t prune my plants either. I just let them to their thing. 🙂
Jenn Bane says
Okay good to know 🙂 I’m just going to let the other 6 plants do their thing and see what happens. Either way, it’s just me and my 2 year old eating the tomatoes since the hubby doesn’t like them.
On a side note, I just picked my first couple sugar snap pea’s and OH GOODNESS.. I wonder if I’ll even get enough to cook with 🙂 My son kept asking for more but there we’re only 4 on there. They may end up being eaten strait off the vine all summer 🙂
LaurelB says
I feel so inadequate. My little ole 8 plants. Something to shoot for next year. Although not in those numbers.
Angela says
That’s so awesome about the food bank!!