Things are really starting to heat up in the greenhouse. Yesterday it reached 76 degrees inside. Wowza! I need to buy a few lawn chairs and then I’ll be able to rent it out as a sauna.
I think the Butter Crunch lettuce only has about a week left until it’s time to pick, and the Romaine lettuce is not far behind. I’ve never been so excited about lettuce before in my life. This whole growing food in a greenhouse experiment is really exciting.
The radishes are starting to bulk up and are starting to poke above the soil. Not much longer on those either.
The spinach is also taking off. I’m not sure how long it will be before it is ready to pick, but the Handsome Husband keeps wandering in to my greenhouse and eyeballing it. I think he wants it for his spinach smoothies {ewww}. Note to self: purchase an alarm system for the greenhouse.
The flats of flowers, lettuce, broccoli raab and onions are doing well. I have a few more flats under lights in the house and I think I’ll try to bring them out to the greenhouse this week. Once I do that, it will be time to start my cucumbers, and zucchini plants under the grow lights inside. Holy cow… It’s time to get this show on the road people.
Oh, and get a look at these strawberry plants. Wahoo, they are really starting to leaf out. I love it! I can’t wait for all the chocolate dipped strawberries we will be FORCED to make here in a few months. Such torture.
How’s it growing in your backyard? Any seeds seedlings popping up yet?
Botanical Interests Butter Crunch lettuce seeds $1.89
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Mary Ann says
Impressive! Reminds me of my days of propagating perennials. Loved having all of those gorgeous seedlings, cuttings, and divisions growing. Felt like such an accomplishment!
With limited space we have 6 tomatoes, 2 cherry tomatoes, 4 Japanese cucumbers, and 2 bell pepper plants in the ground and I just planted my green bean seeds in the garden 3 days ago.
I’m envious of how many different varieties you’re growing and how much space you have! (Not that I have your energy anymore, though!)
I’m SO looking forward to seeing your garden harvest hauls!
Mavis says
I’ll be planting the Japanese cucumbers this year as well. I think they are my favorite!
Heather S. says
I want a greenhouse – it looks so cool! Just tell your HH to make sure he weighs anything he takes 🙂
Mavis says
Oh that’s funny. I don’t think my husband would weigh anything but potatoes. Don’t worry, I’ll keep track.
Desi says
Looking at all those flats made me remember, I love planting time until you’ve done one flat and realize you’re just getting started, haha, too much fun. I would love a green house… someday, maybe once the kids are in school.
Sadly no seedlings yet, can’t plant yet seeing as the chickens are in the garden plot and my hubby has no time to move their home yet. I’m honestly considering planting radishes in my flowerbed, they’ll be done soon right.
Mavis says
28 days is the norm for radishes. 🙂
Desi says
I’m gonna go do that today!
Margaret says
We have nary a thing going on yet! Too much volitile weather here in Wisconny still! Freezing tonight! But I’m looking forward to getting some seedlings going soon. We have no greenhouse. I wonder how many flats clustered around the windows my husband will tolerate. 😀