This weekend I’ll be working on cleaning out a few of the raised garden beds. The zucchini and cucumbers have about a week or two left and the beans are almost done.
A lot of the squash vines are starting to wither away as well. For everything there is a season, right? Luckily the carrots and beets we planted a few weeks ago are starting to emerge and the kale and Swiss chard are still growing strong. I have no doubt we will have plenty of fresh vegetables to harvest from the garden this winter, there just won’t be as big of a variety as there is in summer.
I’m still picking tomatoes at the first sign of color and ripening the on our window sills. It’s all I can do for now. Next year I think I’ll start my tomato plants a little earlier. Oh well, you learn something new every year.
Here are a few pictures I snapped last night in the backyard garden.
What’s happening in YOUR garden?
Have your plants begun to wither, or is your garden still alive an kicking?
Do you think it will be a hard winter? Personally, I’m hoping for lot’s and lot’s of snow.
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becca says
My tomatoes and green beans are still kicking – and I’m still picking. My onions are *almost* ready, with a few already pulled. I don’t know about garlic (first time growing it). The cucumbers are done and everything else has already been pulled out.
Sara says
Well last year I had hardly a bucket full of tomatoes. This year I have 20 plants and have already pulled 3 bushel baskets full. Cucks are done thank goodness we had 3 plants and those suckers kept producing like crazy. Cabage we have harvested the second crop of these although tiny they taste great these should be done.
Life lesson no zucks buy the tomatoes. Way to much water. Which they hate. I will move them for sure next year
Michelle says
My poor little peas that I planted clear back in May are finally producing. The birds wouldnt’ leave them alone and it took them this long to grow. I think we have 2!