This past week we spent less than $20 on groceries. That hasn’t happened in a long time {or so it seems}. So far this year we’ve spent $877.48, which if we were to stay on track for this year, puts us around the 3rd week in August spending wise. So, we are about 6 weeks of grocery shopping over budget for the year at this point. Yikes!
I guess this means one of two things.
We are going to go over budget. Or, I’m going to have to get in ninja mode and track every single penny. Decisions, decisions.
Last week people were wondering what the heck I was going to do with the 40 pounds of Zaycon chicken thawing in my fridge. Well, I took the easy way out. I put almost all of it in the crock pots, added a few seasonings and called it good.
I tossed the cooked chicken breasts into zip baggies and tucked them away in the freezer to use during the fall and winter months. Chicken soft tacos, lasagna, soup, pot pies, chicken salad and a ton of other things can now be made in a jiffy. Plus, we were able to save 10 pints of concentrated stock. Easy peasy.
19 Eggs – Free!
The HB’s were out of town and one of the perks for feeding and locking up the chickens each night was being able to collect {and keep} all the fresh eggs each day.
Harbor Greens Market $2.72
Cauliflower $1.00 a head, broccoli and tomatoes $0.99 a pound.
Albertsons $4.09
Day old bagels $0.99, bananas $1.90, carrots $1.20
Costco $10.78
If you haven’t tried the Fisher Fair Scone Mix from Costco… you are totally missing out. We LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this just add water mix. We typically stuff ours with raspberry jam {just like they do at the Puyallup fair} but they are really good with cheese and bacon crumbles mixed in as well.
Here are the meals I ate last week {minus snacks}:
Breakfast – 2 nutella cinnamon rolls
Linner – Chicken soft tacos
Breakfast – Banana, nutella cinnamon roll
Lunch – Eggs benedict {lunch date with The Girl}
Dinner – Bean soup and a leftover biscuit
Breakfast – Banana, oatmeal
Lunch – Croissant with jam and 2 plums
Dinner – Ham and bean soup
Breakfast – Breakfast cookie, plum
Lunch – Big Salad
Dinner – Bagel with cream cheese and ham and bean soup
Breakfast – Oatmeal
Lunch – PB& J sandwich
Dinner – Chicken soft tacos
Saturday {Garage sale day}
Breakfast/Lunch – 2 bananas, granola bar, pb&j sandwich, cookies
Dinner – Scones and the last of the plums
Brunch – Scones, bacon and eggs
Dinner – BBQ Chicken
How about YOU? How is your grocery budget coming along so far this year?
Total Spent This Week $17.59
- Total Spent in July $61.14
- Total Spent in June $167.81
- Total Spent in May $299.74
- Total Spent in April $0
- Total Spent in March $136.58
- Total Spent in February $106.85
- Total Spent in Janaury $105.36
Freebies we’ve been gifted or were earned in 2016: $200
- $100 gift card to Whole Foods {Christmas gift from my parents}
- $100 gift card to Trader Joe’s {Christmas gift from my parents}
- 22 packets of vegetable seeds
- Free Zaycon Meat 30 pounds Chicken Thighs, 40 pounds Chicken Breasts
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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Susan from Dallas says
I love your Monday posts. You inspire with your healthy (mostly, lol) meals and menus! I also cook most of my chicken ahead of time (crockpot) and freeze for quick meals in the future. It works great for our family. I plan to make your strawberry jam in a few weeks. Can’t wait to try your recipe! I’ve noticed you make a lot of jam and often “gift” it (nothing better) soooooo that could technically reduce your food budget (to gift budget). Ha, just here to help. Lol
Rita says
Were you able to keep track of how much the hh spent while you were gone back East? Or are you not counting that? I admire you Mavis!
Mavis Butterfield says
I filled the fridge/freezer with food and left some pizza/take out money on the counter. I think I did ask if they went to the store and I want to say they bought milk and chips and that was about it. No, I didn’t even bother asking them to keep track.
Marcia says
Ha! I wouldn’t either. We just had a few weeks of crazy vacation:
1. All 4 of us flew to NY to visit family.
2. While we were there, we did buy some groceries. Mostly we ate with in-laws, but had some lunches and snacks for while on the go. Husband cannot find that receipt from Walmart, I cannot find the receipt from Target. Shopped at a little farm for strawberries. No receipt.
3. After a week, husband & little guy came home. I rented a car and drove all day to PA to care for stepdad. I shopped at Walmart. I think stepdad paid. But I also shopped at the corner store for a few things. Paid cash, cannot find receipt.
4. Then I came home. Husband shopped while I was gone, miraculously saved receipts.
5. Husband left to retrieve elder child. Gosh I don’t even know if they shopped while they were gone.
So, vacations…it’s nice and all if you can save receipts and tally it all up, but I just figure it should count as vacation money. Or “cash”.
I’ve tried to keep track on line via “MINT” or the like, but the problem is breaking things out. Walmart, Target, Costco – they all involve “non-food” items like shampoo, paper towels, socks – so I can’t just categorize them.
Gardenpat says
My question last time and again this time because it wasn’t answered is on the Zaycon chicken. I didn’t see it entered under the Freebie stuff you got but needs their did I see it listed it under what you bought with an amount alloted. Did I miss something? Because whether you got it free with credits or paid for it outright, that makes a huge impact on the budget either way and it will make it easier to understand for me at least.
Thanks for all you are doing to encourage us all!
Gardenpat says
Okay, now I see it listed this week! That makes a major impact on the budget that would be harder for most of us to achieve! That represents over $100 that we would need to add into our budgets. So, now I can look at my budget more realistically.
Susan from Dallas says
GardenPat, Mavis listed the chicken under Freebies she has received or has been gifted!
Gardenpat says
I just saw that and said so in the post above yours! 70 lbs of chicken is an amazing freebie!
Marcia says
It is! As are the eggs.
I was just at a party with friends and was sent home with at least 20 lbs of citrus plus a zucchini. Some of my friends love to garden, but aren’t good at estimating what they will eat.
Stephanie says
Thanks for sharing great ideas.
I’ve heard from public health you should not thaw meat/chicken and refreeze.
Ashley says
I believe that’s just if you are refreezing it raw. Once it is cooked it is okay to refreeze. I think….
Mary says
Yes you are correct.
Carrie says
Now all you need is some northern beans and salsa verde and you have white chicken chili! That’s my favorite thing to make in the winter with leftover chicken. Serve with diced avocado and tortilla chips.
Marcia says
I really should buy chicken when it’s on sale, crock pot it, and freeze it. I really should. It’s so easy. I don’t need to be fancy.