I went a wee bit over budget this week stocking up on dairy products and I’m starting to feel like I won’t be able to make my goal of feeding my family for $100 a month this year. But hey, even if I come in at around $120 a month… I think that’s still pretty good considering I’m not into the whole couponing game these days and not buying a bunch of junk food at discounted prices.
Or maybe I’m just telling myself that to make me feel better. I don’t know.
Fred Meyer $13.31
I found a few recipes I wanted to try so I mainly stocked up on missing ingredients this past week so I can try them out. Whipping cream. It.Is.Expensive. 🙁
Costco $11.49
I wonder if I can make this jug of parmesan cheese last until the end of the year?
Backyard Garden Harvest – Zucchinis, potatoes, tomatoes, beans and a little chard.
Farmer Ted – Free
Ahh… the anniversary corn. Yes, the HH did bring it home and now we have a year’s supply of frozen corn.
Barter with Mrs. HB
Don’t tell the HH but I traded away some of that corn for some snacks. 🙂 🙂 While I was there Mrs. HB made me take a Bawls soda {energy drink} because Mr. HB bought a bunch of them and she didn’t want them in the house. And those spotted bananas? They went straight into the freezer for smoothies.
Here are the meals I ate last week {minus snacks}:
Breakfast – Fruit smoothie
Lunch – 4 slices Cinnamon Raisin Toast
Dinner – Lasagna and green beans
Breakfast – Shirley’s iced cinnamon raisin toast
Lunch – Leftover lasagna
Dinner – White bean soup with ham
Breakfast – Oatmeal cookies
Lunch – Cheese and black bean quesadillas
Dinner – Beef soft tacos
Breakfast – Oatmeal with peach jam
Lunch – Fried rice and zucchini
Dinner – Zucchini and Corn casserole
Breakfast – Pancakes
Lunch – Scones at the Fair
Dinner – Chicken and Rice
Breakfast – Smoothie
Lunch – Leftover zucchini casserole
Dinner – Taco casserole
Breakfast – Big breakfast – eggs, waffles potatoes, zucchini and sausage
Linner – Chicken, mashed potatoes and corn
How about YOU? How did you do with your grocery spending this past week?
Total Spent This Week $24.80
- Total Spent in September $24.80
- Total Spent in August $111.42
- Total Spent in July $121.97
- Total Spent in June $167.81
- Total Spent in May $299.74
- Total Spent in April $0
- Total Spent in March $136.58
- Total Spent in February $106.85
- Total Spent in Janaury $105.36
Freebies we’ve been gifted or were earned in 2016: $200
- $100 gift card to Whole Foods {Christmas gift from my parents}
- $100 gift card to Trader Joe’s {Christmas gift from my parents}
- 22 packets of vegetable seeds
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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Lissa says
Ok Mavis. I’ve read your blog every day for years and consider you a friend. Heck, I even know when you need a new bra( because you tell all of us and it’s why we love you). You are one of the best money savers there is. WHY are you buying pre-grated parmesan cheese? Everyone knows you pay through the nose for the convenience of a big industrial machine somewhere grating it for you! You have a food processor. You could grate massive quantities of lower priced cheese hunks in a matter of seconds. Oh sister, please tell me there’s a plan for that container or some other reason you HAD to buy overpriced cheese! Signed, Your Loving Friend
Beth says
Reading what you ate last week it looks like your zucchini is taking over your menu…it reminded me of when my sister and I accused my Mom of plans to make zucchini koolaid because she was including zucchini in every meal when our garden was overrun with it! Your zucchini relish recipe is the bomb.com- have you made any of that yet? I need to make some of it while zucchinis are in season-love that stuff!
Mavis Butterfield says
I haven’t made any yet this year. I’m trying to use up what I’ve already got canned and put up in the pantry before I made anymore jams or other stuff.
Athena says
My husband would LOVE that bottle of Bawls. We moved to Texas from Idaho 2 years ago and he can’t find anywhere to get it here. He’s taken to ordering it from their website with SUPER EXPENSIVE shipping or having my parents send him some. He misses it so much!