This past week was a wee bit crazy.
With the Labor day holiday and hanging out with my brother who’s been in the hospital for the last few days I totally forgot to keep a log of what I ate at meal time but I did remember to snap a few pictures of what I consumed. This week I stocked up on a few essentials like bread, milk, eggs and yummy produce. Here’s what I spent/bought:
Bread Outlet $10.80
The Girl and I stopped by the bakery outlet and picked up a nice selection of bagels, breads, rolls and buns. Seriously. 10 packages for $10.80. The savings are HUGE when compared to grocery store prices.
Harbor Greens $5.20
Cantaloupe $1.00, broccoli $0.99 a pound, pepper 2 for $1 and avocados @ 2 for $1.50. Not too shabby if you ask me.
Fred Meyer $9.12
Milk was on sale again for $0.99 per half gallon, 18 count eggs $0.99 {I think I’ll make a quiche this week} bananas $0.59 a pound, carrots $1.19 and a free Fred Meyer freebie yogurt.
Zaycon Turkey Breasts – Free with Credit
Here are some of the meals we ate last week:
Turkey, cheesy rice and my new favorite corn side dish.
Leftover turkey… pies.
I’m pretty sure I could live off of tea and cinnamon rasin toast.
On Monkey Boy’s day off I brought him breakfast in bed and included some of his gagalicious Eggo waffles. When was the last time you ate an Eggo waffle?
Corn pudding, rice and lentils. It’s pretty much the breakfast of champions.
Hospital cafeteria food. It’s come a long way baby. 😉
Keep calm and carry on.
Total Spent This Week $25.12
- Total Spent in September $49.92
- Total Spent in August $111.42
- Total Spent in July $121.97
- Total Spent in June $167.81
- Total Spent in May $299.74
- Total Spent in April $0
- Total Spent in March $136.58
- Total Spent in February $106.85
- Total Spent in Janaury $105.36
Freebies we’ve been gifted or were earned in 2016: $200
- $100 gift card to Whole Foods {Christmas gift from my parents}
- $100 gift card to Trader Joe’s {Christmas gift from my parents}
- 22 packets of vegetable seeds
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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Shannon says
Hi Mavis,
I’ve noticed on your grocery wrap ups, you don’t seem to include the cost of restaurant (hospital) meals. How do you take this into account when tallying your annual food budget?
Kara says
Hope your brother is okay! Thankful for your blog. It’s the only one I read on a daily basis.
bobbi dougherty says
Sorry about your brother, I hope he is better. Hospital food IS much better than it used to be! lol Thanks for sharing!
Stacie n. says
Hospital food, right?! Our youngest had his appendix out a few weeks ago, and I had a fantastic grilled ham and cheese!