Do you ever go through periods in your life when you have no idea what day it is and when you try and remember what the heck you did in the past week you come up blank? Well, that’s where I’m at right now. It’s weird. I thought I led a pretty busy life before… but now, now it’s just kind of nuts.
Case in point: My brother. He saves the unused condiment packets, crackers and juice that comes on his hospital tray everyday for me. It is hilarious. I opened my backpack yesterday and finally unloaded all the loot and was pretty impressed at the assortment he’s collected. He’s supposed to be on a liquid diet but instead he orders veggie burgers just so he can have one bite of the pattie. Because hey… whynot?
When you are jacked up on morphine and you want to give something to someone and your options are limited… this is what you do. It’s all about finding joy in the little things. And I love it. It makes him happy.
Speaking of joy… yesterday my brother and I hustled my mom into spending $18 on candy down at the hospital gift shop. Somehow, my brother and I started talking about Fredrick and Nelson… and how they had the best chocolate truffles in town and how they were the best gift you could give anyone at Christmas way back in the day. And then how The Bon Marche’ bought Fredrick and Nelson, and then Macy’s bought The Bon and how somehow a chocolate company in Seattle ended up buying the rights/recipe {?} to make the truffles.
I told him that last week when he was readmitted I bought him a package of mint truffles but when I found out he was switched to a liquid diet I ate the whole bag and that I felt a little guilty about it {because they were supposed to be a gift}.
Then we came up with the brilliant idea that he could just suck on a bit of the chocolate. Yada yada yada, the next thing you know mom is downstairs buying chocolate, caramel and a bag of black licorice Scottie Dogs.
Yada yada yada… if you can’t eat anything you can atleast suck on it for awhile to get the flavor and spit it out, right? Well, that’s our working theory anyway.
See, it’s the little things. When that’s all you’ve got, you’ve got to work it baby. 😉
As you can see it was another stellar week in the What did Mavis eat {!?} department.
But hey, I didn’t spend a dime on food last week, so there’s that.
Keep calm and carry on. That’s my motto for today.
Total Spent this week $0
Total Spent Year to Date $1245.71 {Ouch!}
- Total Spent in September $195.98
- Total Spent in August $111.42
- Total Spent in July $121.97
- Total Spent in June $167.81
- Total Spent in May $299.74
- Total Spent in April $0
- Total Spent in March $136.58
- Total Spent in February $106.85
- Total Spent in Janaury $105.36
Freebies we’ve been gifted or were earned in 2016: $200
- $100 gift card to Whole Foods {Christmas gift from my parents}
- $100 gift card to Trader Joe’s {Christmas gift from my parents}
- 22 packets of vegetable seeds, meat from Zaycon
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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Elise says
I find it amazing that in the middle of this family tragedy you are able to make jokes (really good jokes) and keep us with you. I hope it’s a source joy for you and not a chore (it doesn’t feel like it’s being a chore from this end).
Big hugs to your family again,
Elise says
PS – now you have me craving boxed mac n cheese!!!!! Love that stuff – awful, but love it. Just generic, don’t like the name brand – I didn’t have the name brand growing up, and it’s different, but not in a way that I like.
Laura T. says
Your hospital stash made me smile! How sweet is your brother! And he sure knows you!
If you let the chocolate melt in your mouth that’s a sort of liquid then, right? :0)
My grandmother was in a nursing home at 92 years old. She wasn’t supposed to have a lot of sweet stuff.
Sometimes she would really want an ice cream bar. I would go to the gift shop & get her one. She’s 92 & in a nursing home…if she wants an ice cream bar, or anything, so what! Is it going to add another 10 years on her life to not eat that ice cream? I know your brother’s case is different but still. You have to have a little joy mixed in all that & maybe being a bit of a rebel spices things up a bit! Sending out cyber hugs & prayers to you all!
Susan says
When my only Sister was in the hospital dying of breast cancer she was craving a certain kind of hamburger and asked me to go get us each one. When I returned she made me dig in her purse to reimburse myself. Yes, that’s the kind of person she was! It was very hard to let her treat me but I will never forget it. It was very important to her, she was that kind of person…
It still makes me cry.
Mavis, hugs to you! We understand!!! Try to get some rest.
PEGGY says
I’m not even looking at the food or your tally’s, I hope you brother’s okay! Prayers are sent to him and you guys.
Kate in NY says
I hope that when my kids grow up, they will look out for one another in the way you are looking out for your brother right now. I can’t imagine anything more incredible than that.
Earlene says
How is your brother doing? The funny stories you share sure make it real for all of us! This life when life is not looking so great!
Linda M says
Lost my Dad to cancer this summer. He got so swallowing was next to impossible. So us kids tried to think of anything and everything we could that he might be able to enjoy and swallow. I understand. He worried about us three kids and until he passed he tried to do for each of us. He told us we were sure awfully good to him. I told him that is what you do for someone when you live them!! Just like he was doing for us! Just like you and your brother are doing for each other!! Treasure this time…..laugh as much as you can….and share those stories of what you remember together. You sure won’t regret a moment if it!! You all remain in my prayers and I am enclosing huge hugs!
RebekahU says
Mavis – We are praying for you and your brother. I think it is sweet of him to save the condiments for you. The time you are spending together is invaluable. Laugh, laugh, laugh as much as you can. The endorphin rush will do you both so much good. During this time, squeeze all that you can out of every minute. That way, you’ll have no regrets. Just keep swimming! We will cheer you on!
Tracy says
You hang in there, Mavis. We’re rooting for all of you.
Ellen in Clackamas says
FRANGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The mint ones are the best. My Aunt in Seattle used to send each of kids a box for ourselves. I will still splurge on them once in a while.
Right before I lost my Grandma the doctors put her on a salt restricted diet because she had congestive heart failure. One day she called me and asked if I would make her a big bowl of buttered, salted popcorn…you betcha Grandma!! My Aunt yelled at me for doing it because I was “ruining” her diet. I told her–she’s 85 she can have what she wants. I think if something sounds appealing –as long as it really won’t hurt you–you should be able to have it.
Jennifer says
Ok, well if you suck on chocolate for long enough it becomes liquid. Just saying. Hope your brother improves.
Christine says
Mavis, thanks for keeping it ‘real’ for your brother, yourself and the rest of your family! That’s what families do!! Cherish every moment and keep on keeping on! Hugs to you all and you all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!
Helen in Meridian says
Remind him that he learned his great skills from your mother. Ah yes, I remember the Mint Frangos from Frederick & Nelson. They closed the Portland Store in one day without letting the little olde ladies who worked there know. Every coat or purse left in their locker was locked in for good. They sure had a whale of a giant one month long liquidation store in the former Montgomery Ward Warehouse. Macys still has those at Christmas at our Boise store.
Catherine says
Love you. Love your brother. Love your mother, too. Y’all are doing hospital right.
Practical Parsimony says
When I was on a liquid diet, I reasoned that sucking on Kisses would soon render them liquid. The doctor nixed that idea!
mandy says
I got to be with my grandma this summer, in the hospital and at home when she was done. Funny, through it all, we still have managed to keep up with our “horsin each other” as she calls it. And we manage to cuddle. I sit on a stool and put my feet up on the bed so we can rub feet. As far as diet, we’re pretty much stickin with Ensure, water. The exception being a little apple pie with ice cream. and I did give her a little sip of wine one night. She loved it, but she said “that was sure a very small drink”, not too pleased that it wasn’t more.
I was thinking for your brother, one candy I like to suck on is salt water taffy. You have to resist chewing. It gets to a nice texture and flattens up on the roof of your mouth. I like to have them if I’m hungry while I’m in the garden. Sometimes you can make one last a good 20 minutes. Just thought I’d pass that on.
Best to you all.
Deborah says
God bless your brother, and you. It’s hard to watch your brother go down hill. I know because I lost mine to lung cancer when he was only 44. Tell your brother that he is an awesome testimony of brotherly love. He is such a joy to know about. And you are so awesome, too. Love all of your posts.
Caroline says
Photographing stale hospital crackers and ketchup packets from your brother’s sick bed. Followed by pictures of all your full meals from that week. For internet strangers. Do you ever stop and think about why you post this nonsense?
Mavis Butterfield says
It’s called real life. And my brother wants me to share. If you don’t like my blog, then don’t read it.
Shelle says
Absolutely it’s real life. It’s beautiful and sad and joy-filled and tragic and wonderful and heart-breaking. And it’s real. Thank you for sharing your real life with us all.
Sally says
No need to be nasty.
Susan says
Mavis, don’t focus on the “haters”. They must go on they onery little way! Your loyal followers love you and get it!!! Laughter is what allows us ALL to get through the really difficult stuff. It reminds us to breathe again…
Sending hugs,