The weather this weekend was PERFECT, so off I went to Home Depot to purchase some new garden shears for the raspberry patch.
While I was there I also picked up a few box woods to replace the 6 stunted ones in our front border. For some reason they are not growing as quickly as the others we installed a few years ago.
I heart boxwood borders. When we built this house it was the one and only landscape idea I had. Well, besides I wanted the house to have a “cottage-like” feel to it. By “cottage-like feel” I suppose I meant I wanted it to look a little dreamy.
The wisteria over the gate is starting to come back to life. See that big rock in the middle of the photo? I have purple cone flowers planted there. They bloom around mid August.
This is Henry. He is our Greeter Gnome.
Instead of spending big bucks on moss to line my flower baskets I use spent daffodil stems. Works like a charm.
I spy with my little eye the handsome husband mowing… AGAIN!! He is now up to mowing 2 times a week. In the height of summer this man will mow 3, count ’em 3, times a week. I used to think he was a little weird, but almost all of the other neighbor men mow this often too. I think there is something in the water here. I honestly do not think it is normal to mow your lawn 2-3 times a week.
I am also predicting that by the end of summer. My husband will have spent more of fertilizer than I have on garden seeds/supplies.
In other Lawn & Garden news, I discovered I planted green arrow (shelling) peas and not sugar snap peas like I had thought. I know this because they are starting to bloom and they are only 3 feet tall. Oops!
Current View from the garden gate. Summer: it’s almost here. Can you believe it?
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