In my opinion the demo has been the hardest part of our master bathroom remodel so far. And that is probably because the HH and Monkey Boy had to remove all the old cabinets, tile, fixtures and the toilet {to save money}. But so far, so good. Chino the Handyman and his crew have done a great job.
The original bathroom layout just didn’t make sense. With it’s bad lighting, outdated 8″ square tiles, clunky plastic whirlpool tub with and a loo with no privacy, I knew we could dramatically change the space with a few adjustments.
For starters, we added a separate room for the toilet.
We also removed the old tub and chose a more modern one to replace it and in the process were able to gain a few more inches for the shower as well.
We also added 2 more can lights and a WINDOW!!!
Is that a flamingo in the backyard?
Inspector Lucy on the prowl. 😉
This week drywall guy will be here putting up walls and texturing. If all goes as planned, I’ll get the bathroom painted this weekend and then the fun stuff like tile and cabinets can be installed.
Remember the weirdo half octagon shaped doorway leading from the bedroom to the bathroom?
It’s getting a pocket door. Wahoooo! Imagine that. A bathroom with a door.
Someone’s movin’ on up. 😉
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Chris M says
Love the doors!
Alison R says
We once had a house (moved a lot) that had all pocket doors except for the front and back doors. We have two pocket doors here and love them!!
AlysonRR says
Our house has ten (!) pocket doors. There’s nothing I hate more than having a door sticking out into a room, so in this, our (hopefully) forever home, we avoided them almost everywhere.
It looks like it will be much lighter and more private, which should make everybody happy.
AlysonRR says
I forgot one – eleven pocket doors 🙂
Deborah says
Hi Mavis…I thought you might like to see this.. I clicked on one of your free books from Amazon yesterday and was charged for it. I had this conversation with them and this is how it was resolved:
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It is on my Kindle for Mac
Viney : I will surely look into the matter.
Allow me a moment to check it.
Me: I need to leave…thunder storm. Please leave a message and I will get it when I come back. Have to put car away…..
Viney : Where did you see this book as Free?
As You have been a loyal customer of Amazon so for the good gesture, I am issuing $2.99 promo under your account.
Thanks for visiting We hope to see you again.
Good bye and take care!
Mavis Butterfield says
Unfortunately Kindle book prices can change at anytime but I am glad you got the matter resolved.