It feels like forever and 27 days since I have posted some pictures of my backyard garden. Maybe it’s time I get off my keister and get back to work. 😉
We came home from our mini holiday to find mint growing EVERYWHERE. Note to self: never plant mint unless you put it in a container first.Â
Check out the red onions. I think I’m going to start harvesting the onion one at a time this week and use them in recipes. If I remember correctly we planted about 100 red onion starts so I should have plenty for salsa later this summer.Â
Speaking of salsa, how are your tomato plants doing?
So far we have Roma and cherry tomatoes forming. No Purple Cherokee’s yet though.
Kale. It seems we are growing a bumper crop this year.Â
The view from the back of the garden.
I don’t know what happened, but for some strange reason the HH watered the greenhouse while we were away. {Weird, huh} He didn’t water anything else… just the greenhouse. 😉
Purple sage. I need to harvest and dehydrate a bunch of sage this week so I’ll have some to use in my recipes this fall.
The raspberry jungle. I think we’re about a week or two away from our first harvest.
And last but not least, blueberries. Holy cats, this is going to be a bumper year for sure. We planted 12 blueberry plants about 7 years ago and as long as I can keep Lucy from eating them {she LOVES blueberries} we’ll probably be able to harvest enough that I won’t have to buy any for the first time. How cool would that be?
Well that’s what’s happening in my garden these days… How about YOU>
What’s in season at your place?
This years garden is being sponsored by the folks at Botanical Interests Seed Company. You can check out their website HERE, order their new 2014 Garden Seed Catalog HERE.
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Evonne says
You’re purple sage is GORGEOUS!
We are doing a container garden on the back deck this year and just planted a couple of weeks ago. Little late, but we are okay if we don’t get anything. Our big issue is some critter has decided that our deck is now his grocery store. Gonna have to figure out how to evict him!
Mandi says
We started picking raspberries and tayberries a couple days ago up here in Lynden. My tomatoes are mostly all setting fruit, although my determinate Romas and my Cherokee Purples haven’t quite yet. They are flowering though, so it can’t be too far off! My Japanese Trifele Black is probably setting the most fruit out of my 10-ish varieties, and I’m excited about that. My Sonora variety celery is already trying to bolt, so I’m going to have to harvest that this week, then I’m going to direct seed some kale for fall/winter.
Carrie says
I started getting my first squash and zucchini this past week. I’ve also had a few jalapenos. My Cherokee Purples have huge maters on them – just waiting for them to turn red. Only my Romas are getting blossom end rot – may need to intervene – any suggestions? Cukes are setting fruit now. I love this time of year except for the extreme humidity (I live in NC). I’ve never planted a fall crop of anything so I am brainstorming on what I want to do.
Jenn says
We are fixing to harvest our corn tomorrow. We have been getting zucchini, squash, eggplant, cucumbers, okra and bush beans for several weeks now. Last week was our first harvest on beans and we picked over 10 pounds and still have more to pick. Still waiting on our tomatoes, potatoes, watermelon and lima beans.
Cecily says
Here in Tacoma we have just started picking raspberries. The spring peas are just about done so I’ll be pulling them up and planting my fall crop soon. My Cherokee Purple was the first plant to fruit. All my other tomatoes have fruit on them even the brandywine, which is notorious for blossom drop. Harvesting lots of kale and will pick my first zucchinis tomorrow. I think the garlic will be ready for harvest this week or next. Summer is definitely here!