Backyard Garden Plot Pictures – Week 29 of 52
You know how the saying goes… The cobblers children have no shoes. Well lately I feel like I have so many other things on my plate that my backyard vegetable garden is getting neglected. Sure the raspberries, cabbage, chard and the occasional vegetables are getting picked, but the weeds? Ha! I am way behind.
It may not look like it, but the garden boxes need to be weeded BAD. I keep putting it at the top of my list but somehow PULL WEEDS never seems to get scratched off the list.
Well, maybe tomorrow. 😉
The pallet garden still needs a mini makeover. The strawberry plants are going nuts and the beans and zucchini are looking pretty good too. The celery and chard need help.
I’m planning on harvesting the rest of the cabbage today as well as some beets. Yee-Haw!
The squash we planted at the base of the bean tepees is really starting to take off. It wont’s be too long now before the start to trail down the hillside.
The green tomatoes are growing like nuts and the cucumbers and basil are growing well too.
Red cabbage, potatoes and Chinese cabbage.
The area surrounding the potato towers needs to be weeded as well as the compost bin.
The view from the back deck. Check out the daises!
Objects are larger than they appear. The kale and Swiss chard is doing great! I fully expect this garden to flourish this fall when the temperatures dip and the rains keeps the area nice and moist.
We are picking about 4 pints of raspberries a day. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Lucy the puggle dog picks the lower ones for us. 🙂
And last but not least, the container herb garden. It’s on it’s way out. The parsley is dying {I need to trim it} and the sage too. But, on a happier note, it looks like it’s time to harvest some more rhubarb. Go team!
How is your garden growing lately? Are you having a hard time keeping up with your weeds? {Please say you are, even if you aren’t}.
This years garden is being sponsored by the awesome folks at Botanical Interests Seed Company. You can check out their website HERE, order their new 2013 Garden Seed Catalog HERE, or visit my online boyfriend Ryan’s blog HERE.
Up for a tour? Read about our behind the scenes tour of Botanical Interests Seed Company.
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Jill Frank says
One of my squash plants and 2 of my tomatoes plants just up and died – over night. but the rest are doing well. And yes, I have some weeds to tend to…
tawnya Baird says
hi Mavis, I just finished reading your post and um trying to figure out why your herbs are on the way out. I grow mine in pots and in the ground. I harvest all summer then a major harvest clean up in the fall. is there a reason why yours don’t last?
Mavis Butterfield says
Lack of water. 🙂
Tawnya says
Hee hee…yeah been there. LOL
Diane says
Yes, Mavis, take comfort – the weeding is never-ending around here. Plus our next-door neighbor has a parcel of land right on which sits her well house, right behind our back yard, and she’s let it go all to English ivy, wild berry vines, and bindweed. Those invasives are CONSTANTLY trying to make incursions into our yard. We occasionally get back there and clip things back or pull them up, but we don’t have enough energy to take care of her plot of land as well as ours. So it’s a matter of beating back the invaders at the fence line.
On a happier note, I’ve harvested and cured all the garlic (40 bulbs), and about 2/3 of the potatoes (probably about 30 pounds; I’m not current on the poundage). Beans are finally flowering and tomatoes are beginning to ripen. I’m drowning in cucumbers. It’s gonna get REALLY busy around my kitchen in the next couple of weeks! Right now I have to get back outside and plant my fall broccoli and lettuce crops. Have fun!
Desi says
Oh Mavis, if you could see the weeds that are by my raspberry patch you would not feel so bad. They are taller than me! It must take you forever to pick raspberries. We only pick a quart bag every other day and it takes a while. Your garden looks great!
Madeline says
Mavis,just found your blog! Am inspired1 what climate do you live in?Do you garden all year round? Do you have to put in irrigation lines? I will read old posts in your blog and probably find this info! LOL! I live in Arizona where we have two distinct GOOD growing seasons..I should be able to grow LOTS of our food.We are an almost-retired couple– I already have 2 square foot boxes but have only been tending to them half heartedly.Your post gave me back the other half!Time to be busy–the next growing season is a good one here in Az.
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Madeline, we live in zone 8 up in Western Washington and I hand water the garden. 🙂