Backyard Garden Plot Pictures – Week 30 of 52
It’s been another busy week in our backyard garden.
The squash we planted in the oak barrel alongside the potting bench is really starting to take off and the zucchini planted along the fence line are as well. If you look real hard you might be able to see 2 yellow squash that need to be picked.
The green beans in the front garden box need to be picked again as well as the Swiss chard, but other than that we are still waiting for plants to grow before they start bearing fruit.
The pallet garden. You can read my latest update HERE.
Take a look at the bean tepees, don’t they look cool? We planted squash seeds near the front of the tepees and they are just now starting to spread out. The pole beans are only about 6 inches tall right now so I’m thinking we will have a mid September harvest. We’ll see.
Things are moving right a long in the greenhouse, the green zebra tomatoes are almost hitting the ceiling so I’ll have to remember to trim those this week.
Red cabbage, potatoes and Chinese cabbage.
The area surrounding the potato towers has finally been weeded as well as the compost bin.
A view from the back deck.
Wahooo! Check out the pumpkin patch. Well, maybe I should say the pumpkin and potato patch because when I planted the pumpkin seeds I also planted a seed potato in each hill. This is my first year trying this so we’ll see what happens.
Somehow the chickens escaped and did a pretty goo job whipping out the Swiss chard before The Girl and I could chase them back into the chicken yard. I guess they really like the stuff. 🙂
The raspberries are still alive and kicking. My friend and her kiddos stopped by yesterday and picked the canes clean so it will be another day or two before we can pick again.
And last but not least, the container herb garden and rhubarb plants.
I keep forgetting to water the containers so the herbs are starting the keel over. 😉
That’s what’s happening in my garden, what’s new in yours?
This years garden is being sponsored by the awesome folks at Botanical Interests Seed Company. You can check out their website HERE, order their new 2013 Garden Seed Catalog HERE, or visit my online boyfriend Ryan’s blog HERE.
Up for a tour? Read about our behind the scenes tour of Botanical Interests Seed Company.
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Kay says
Please tell me how you removed your grass…weeds…or whatever before you put down your mulch to make your wonderful backyard so neat and orderly…and how do you keep it that way…
I so enjoy reading your blog….love it. All…
Mavis Butterfield says
We use landscape fabric. You can find it at Costco and the Home Depot. 🙂
Ay says
Thank you…your yard is n example to us all….will be cheering you on…on your St.Jde trip too….