Backyard Garden Plot Pictures – Week 33 of 52
My goal today is to spend at least 8 hours in the garden because tomorrow I’m getting my crappy British teeth worked on and I’ll probably be drugged up pretty good for a couple of days. I think it would be wise to stay away from any and all garden tools for awhile.
Maybe I can get my garden fix by watching Grey Gardens, or Calendar Girls instead. I don’t know, I guess we’ll see what happens.
Anywho, the garden is doing great!
The lettuce seeds I planted in the pallet garden last week are just starting show. They are in the pallets to the right. Can you see them?
Actually all the garden boxes are really looking sharp right now. We even have some ornamental strawberry corn growing in one of them. My fingers are totally crossed because I’d really like some ornamental corn for my Thanksgiving table this year and the strawberry corn is my favorite.
The bean tepees are looking good too. I had forgotten what kind of squash I had planted at the base of the tepees, but yesterday I noticed a few Buttercup and also some Howden pumpkins starting to form. As long as I get some sort of winter squash I’ll be happy.
Lucy and I planted two pots full of Sugar Snap Peas the other day {they are in the tan colored pots} and spinach is next on my list. I’ve grown spinach successfully in the greenhouse in the spring, so I’m going to go ahead and try growing it this fall too.
According to inspector Lucy, everything is in order in the cabbage patch.
Besides needing to be weeded, the potato towers are still hanging in there.
While we were away the HH accidentally mowed over a few of my pumpkins. BOO! I think we’ll still have enough though.
The raspberries are done for this year, and the purple sage and oregano have gone to seed. The rosemary and thyme is still kickin’ though and the parsley is coming back for a second act.
Life is good!
That’s what’s happening in our backyard garden, what’s going on in yours?
This years garden is being sponsored by the awesome folks at Botanical Interests Seed Company. You can check out their website HERE, order their new 2013 Garden Seed Catalog HERE, or visit my online boyfriend Ryan’s blog HERE.
Up for a tour? Read about our behind the scenes tour of Botanical Interests Seed Company.
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MaryW says
My cucumbers have some kind of nastiness going on, and I’m just not getting much in the way of cucumbers. My tomatoes are ripening, green beans and carrots going like gangbusters. Cabbage is ready to be harvested. Egyptian onions going to town, and strawberries sending out runners. That is all.
Skelton says
I just pulled the last of my main lettuce crop (it has kept us in lettuce since the beginning of May, so I’m not complaining), and now we have a couple weeks until the next batch is ready to start harvesting. The Scarlet Runner beans are yielding enough each day for a snack. The tomatoes are finally starting to come in. The peppers are still small, but there are a lot of them. Every few days I’m harvesting a few carrots to add to stir fry or salads and they are incredible, How have I been eating store-bought carrots all these years?
Rose says
This is my first year growing a garden in a raised bed. I harvested 35 pounds of cucumbers in the last 2 weeks it was crazy! I did make lots of refrigerator pickles=) The down side is the plants go hit all over with powdery mildew, I had to pull them up because it was spreading to the zucchini. Cherry tomatoes are coming in, but bigger tomatoes still need a few weeks. My triple treat pumpkins survived transplanting, and I have to figure out how to train them onto a trellis?
My dad was 60 and had all his teeth pulled out because he was fed up with dealing with how bad they were. Very extreme I know…
I hope your procedure goes well!