Backyard Garden Plot Pictures – Week 36 of 52
Even though the weather here in Western Washington has been a little wonky lately {rain one day, sunny skies the next} everything in the garden seems to be growing as it should. Every year about this time the zucchini and cucumbers start to fade out and the cool weather crops like lettuce and peas start to kick in. I love it!
It’s hard to see in this photo, but we replanted the pallet gardens with strawberry runners yesterday. When the beans in the upper left pallet and the lettuce in the far right pallets are all harvested, I think I’ll move the rest of our strawberry runners over there. For some strange reason, strawberries just seem to thrive in pallet gardens.
We had a heavy rain the other day and all the mulch shifted and made a funky pattern down the walkway. Now I’ll have to go out there with a rake and make it all pretty again because I have major OCD and every time I look at it I go crazy. 😉
Check out the bean tepees, aren’t they cool?
We’ve got tomatoes, peas, lettuce, strawberries and Lemon the Lemon Tree growing inside the greenhouse. The cabbage patch that planted alongside the greenhouse is looking pretty good and we should be harvesting those purple beauties in about a month or so.
I think I’m, going to give the potato towers a couple more weeks, or at least until all the leave die back and turn brown.
A view from the back deck.
Our pet chickens LOVE munching on the kale and Swiss chard we planted along the border of the chicken run. I plan on planting even more this fall so they’ll have plenty of fresh greens this winter.
Do you notice anything unusual about this picture? I’m pretty sure pumpkin vines are suppose to sprawl out in every direction. But they’re not. For some strange reason there are no vines on the Handsome Husband’s beloved grass. Weird, huh?
Ah the raspberry patch. I’m sure I’ll clean up this area one day.
Note to self- The wisteria has gone mad! Find the pruners and clip it before it takes down the garden gate.
And last but not least, the former herb garden.
I moved the herbs out of their pots and planted them alongside the greenhouse. Now all that’s left to do is replant the pots with seeds and stick them in the greenhouse for winter.
So much work, so little time. 😉
This years garden is being sponsored by the awesome folks at Botanical Interests Seed Company. You can check out their website HERE, order their new 2013 Garden Seed Catalog HERE, or visit my online boyfriend Ryan’s blog HERE.
Up for a tour? Read about our behind the scenes tour of Botanical Interests Seed Company.
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Julia says
My pumpkins haven’t been spreading everywhere either this year. I wonder if it’s all the rain and powdery mildew. My parents had all their squash die.
Betty AD says
Mavis….I love the daily garden picture etc… for the wisteria ..growing up….our parents had two of them growing on both sides of a porch steps and they were kept rimed as bushes. Each spring wed have them loaded with flowers….and love that smell.. …..
Vicki says
Aren’t you really tempted to just stick your hand inside the potato towers to feel around and see what’s in there? The one year I grew potatoes I couldn’t stand the suspense and regularly felt around inside the bed to see just what was growing under all that soil.
Sarah says
I just harvested my potatoes last weekend and I was SOO disappointing. Granted I had about 40 potatoes, only 3 were big size. The rest were about half the size of red potatoes— the plants had already died back too. I might have to change things up a little bit next year!