Backyard Garden Plot Pictures – Week 37 of 52
I recently pulled up the beans and discarded all but two of the zucchini plants we had growing along the fence. Last year I was able to grow oodles of zucchini and other squash, but this year, not so much. I’m not sure if it was the location, soil, or lack of hot weather this summer but I’m kind of disappointed we didn’t get more zucchini {I can’t believe I’m saying that!}.
A few of the plants are starting turn yellow and die. Yep, fall is right around the corner.
On my to do list for today is picking pole beans. I’m not sure why one tepee is doing better than the other but I should have plenty of beans to harvest.
Can you see the purple cabbage to the right of the greenhouse? I so want to pick one!! But they’re not ready. 🙁
I think the potato towers are almost ready though. Maybe I’ll harvest them next week.
Ye Olde Chicken Coop. The Girl and I are going to try and work on this area today. Ideally we would like to replace the bird netting with chicken wire and build up the garden beds around the chicken run. I don’t think we will get the whole thing done in one day, but hopefully we can make a dent.
The pumpkin patch. If you look closely you’ll notice a bunch of powdery mildew on the leaves. Which is a total bummer. We’ve had a lot of rain this summer and not a lot of hot weather and I think it has made a HUGE difference in our pumpkin crop this year.
The raspberry patch. Yep, it still needs to be weeded.
And those containers still need to be moved and replanted too.
There is SO MUCH TO DO, and so little time to do it.
Please tell me I’m not the only one feeling a little overwhelmed with my garden right now.
This years garden is being sponsored by the awesome folks at Botanical Interests Seed Company. You can check out their website HERE, order their new 2013 Garden Seed Catalog HERE, or visit my online boyfriend Ryan’s blog HERE.
Up for a tour? Read about our behind the scenes tour of Botanical Interests Seed Company.
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Nathalie Lynch says
Hi Mavis,
So far so good here in Belgium ……
So far we’ve harvested 1,024 lbs of various vegetables and fruits from the garden which we are doing “seriously” this year !
And you are not the only one who is overwhelmed by the garden, hard to do everything in so little time (a HH too, three kids and their activities and so on ! lol)
All the best to you ! Nathalie
Mavis Butterfield says
I LOVE Belgium! 🙂 Good job on your harvest this year, that is great.
stephane brazeau says
Just wondering what your zone is? Ours is 5b this way i can compare crop productivity.
Mavis Butterfield says
Robin in SoCal says
You should cut yourself some slack as big as your garden is and with everything else you have going on I think your garden looks amazing. I too did not get the glut of zucchini I had hoped for, crazy huh?
Mavis Butterfield says
Ha! Maybe next year we will get the mother load of zucchini harvests.
Terry K. says
I have the same problem. Last year I got about 40 giant zucchini on 4 plants. This year I had about 10 on 3. Do zucchini have growing cycles?
Angie says
Don’t beat yourself up doll. We had the same problems in the northeast. I’m 5b and our area had a bad crop year. Powdery mildew, bad tomato blight, among other things. Didn’t get as many zucchini as I wanted either. From 6 patty pan plants i got 7 pattypan. I think the only things that did good this year was my burgundy bush beans lol. Our season is much shorter and all our farm stands are now closed. Only good thing is its apple season in NY! Enjoy the time left, those weeds will still be there tomorrow and the next day! Keep it up, love your blog!
Veronica says
My zucchini plants got powdery mildew this year and I got rid of the mildew! As directed by my mother, I combined a tsp of baking soda with a quart of water in a spray bottle; shook it up real good so all the soda dissolved. Then sprayed each infected leaf each morning until the spots when away. My plants are now back to producing (albeit slowly) zucchini. I live in Mukilteo, WA, so it should work for you too, if you want to spray your pumpkin plants each morning. Good luck with that!
Caroline says
No Mavis, you’re not the only one overwhelmed. My garden/yard doesn’t look nearly as neat as yours does and my gardening season hasn’t even really started yet (I’m in S. Florida). The weeds have taken over everything – the beds are a mess, the yard is a mess, the pots are a mess. EVERYTHING is a MESS.
So yes, you’re not the only one overwhelmed. 🙂
Carol says
Yes, yes, yes! And my garden isn’t anywhere near as big as yours. This has been a bumper tomato and bean year in my garden. Hard to find time to can tomatoes and make dilly beans, etc., when there are weeds to pull and fall plantings to do to just keep things going!
Julie says
Totally overwhelmed! NO zucchini or summer squash either. I fight squash bugs and vine borers and I’m about to totally give up on them. They took out my acorn squash too but I did get a decent amount of butternut.
Allison says
Also overwhelmed! We had 16 tomato plants and they completely outgrew their cages, tipping and then losing tomatoes to rot/slugs/fruit flies. We are working on a better solution for staking our tomatoes up. Luckily we are bringing in about 30 tomatoes every 3 days which is insane! Our zucchini, squash, and cucumbers did not do well either. Our garden is filled with weeds. I’m surprised you had a lot of rain. Just a couple hours south, in Vancouver, we had one very little rain this summer.
Shereen Travels Cheap says
I had powdery mildew and also white flies. No matter what I did I couldn’t/can’t get rid of it. It’s a bummer, too. I’m hoping to have better luck next spring/summer. I DID get a ton of beans and I’m hoping moving them to a new part of the yard will do even better (and help me remember which is which) for me next time. I couldn’t even get my zucchinis to grow this year, so you’re one up on me 🙂