Today was awesome.
I spent 7 hours in the garden, pulling weeds, hanging out with the chickens and harvesting vegetables from the greenhouse. I know some people think of gardening as a chore, but I don’t. I think it’s relaxing, even if all those little garden tasks never seem to end. I like what I am doing, and I think that is the most important part.
Do you remember when I was trying to figure out what to do with the enormous green zebra tomato plant in the greenhouse? Well, after hacking about 2 feet off the top of it two months ago, the plant has grown back and is touching the ceiling again.
Now what?
I’m trying to decide if I should cut the tomato plant back again, or just leave it as is.
The bok choy starts I transplanted to the greenhouse gutters a few weeks ago are doing great.
And so is the rainbow Swiss chard. But because I recently learned Swiss chard can be grown outside pretty much all winter long, I think as soon as there is an open raised garden bed, I’ll move them outside.
The strawberries we started in gutters back in March are in full force again. If you are a gardener living in the northwest, Tri-Star strawberries are my favorite. Lot’s of strawberries in the spring and almost double the amount in late August.
And check out these peas! Last week when I was planting lettuce starts in the recycled pallets, I planted a few peas as well. If all goes right, we should have a few baskets of sugar snap peas to use in stir fry dinners this fall.
Only time will tell.
~ Mavis
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