Yesterday, was the perfect day. I slept in, played in the garden, took a 2 hour nap and then made dinner. And guess what? I’m going to do it all over again today. It’s rare for the greater Seattle/Tacoma area to see temps in the high 70’s to 80’s { I cannot imagine what it must be like for those of you who have days in the 100’s, Yikes!} and all I want to do is play outside.
So that’s is what I am going to do.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday, I’ll try and pop in a little later, but for now, I’m off to play in the dirt.
Planting a second batch of pumpkin and squash seeds.
Shasta daisies.
Peanut the Easter Egger chicken. Every time we go out to the chicken yard, Peanut will run up to us and wait at our feet. It’s as if she’s saying “hello, how are you?” and then she runs off. It’s so cute, and we are in love with her.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get out there and pull some weeds. I need to get some work done before it starts to really heat up out there.
Be back soon,
♥ Mavis
If you are looking for some high quality garden tools, Amazon currently has the Fiskars 3-Piece Softouch Garden Tool Set on sale for $13.80. These tools come with great reviews from fellow Amazon shoppers and ship for free with Amazon Prime.
*Amazon prices can change at any time.
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Sarah says
Have fun playing! I planted squash seeds yesterday too!
Peanut is so photogenic.
Sarah says
BTW, I just saw a recipe for a quinoa pasta dish…have you heard of quinoa pasta? I’ve never seen it before, but this looks good: