Yesterday I began planting my spring bulbs in the front yard. But because we have deer roaming through our neighborhood on any given day, I have to be careful what I plant.
The first year I made the mistake of planting lot’s and lot’s of tulips, which I soon found out was a BIG MISTAKE, as our neighborhood deer love tulip candy.
Over the years I’ve figured out what they do not eat.
Daffodils and Hyacinth bulbs.
If you have never planted hyacinth bulbs before, be careful. I learned the hard way several years ago I am severely allergic to them. So if breaking out in hives, doping yourself Benadryl and then having to go to a school function is not exactly your cup of tea, I would highly suggest wearing gloves just in case YOU are allergic to hyacinth bulbs as well.
Another spring bulb I love to plant is mini daffodils. They are dainty, and are wonderful in cut floral arrangements. I’m not planting any mini daffodils this year, because I planted a ton of them last fall, and they all have nice roots systems {see photo above} and are off to a good start.
One {tiny} bed down, and about 10 more to go. I think I have found my garden project for the weekend.
How about YOU? What are you plans for the weekend?
Did you plant any fall bulbs this year?
~ Mavis
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Heidi says
Thank you for reminding me that it’s bulb planting time. The weather looks decent this weekend here in Oregon so I just might tackle a really unattractive bed out front.
For the first time this year we have had a MAJOR problem with deer. Last weekend while I was listening to the garden Dr show on the radio someone called in and said if you buy Irish Spring soap, drill a hole in the bar and hang it up by your garden/flowers, etc then the deer won’t show up. Well I’m not interested in having big white bars of soap hanging all over my yard but I’m curious to see if I put it into a small burlap type bag so you can’t spot it as easily if it would still work. Has anyone else tried this method or have another idea to scare deer off?
Brenda says
I’ve tried the Irish Soap trick a few different ways with absolutely no luck. First I hung up the bars of soap and when that didn’t work, someone suggested that I shave up the bars and scatter it around. All I accomplished was having a yard that smelled like Man Soap!
PonyRyd says
Actually planted some garlic for the first time this fall. It come up very nicely, just have to see what I have next spring. Fingers crossed!
LaToya says
Check this out – we got a big box delivered to us, no idea what it was, I think it said bulbs on it and I was thinking like light bulbs or something technical. Thing is, the box was for someone on a neighboring street and was delivered here in error. So we needed to take it over to the fella. I guess he was expecting it on x day and when it didn’t arrive, he called the company and they sent a replacement to him. So when we took it over he told us to keep it because he had already gotten the replacement shipment overnighted from the bulb company. So we opened it and it’s a bunch of bulbs for planting. They have names like German this and Polish that…other country names…not sure if that means expensive or not, but I guess we got us some hopefully pretty fancy free bulbs.
Peggy says
Chipmunks eat tulip bulbs also. I have such a time trying to out smart them. Daffs and hyacinth are about all the bulbs I can grow.
D'Anna says
I have iris that I think are way too clumped together now because they didn’t really bloom this year. The plants are really big in front of my house but like I said, not alot of flowering going on.
My thought is to hack off the greenery, dig them up, break the bulbs up, spread them out, cover w/ dirt and hope for the best. Any thoughts?