This morning I headed out to the pumpkin patch and pulled all the remaining pumpkins. We’ve had so much rain up here in the Seattle/Tacoma area lately, I was worried the pumpkins would start to rot before the kids could harvest them this weekend with their friends.
A little later today I’ll have Monkey Boy and The Girl bring them around to the front porch and weigh them.
I’m hoping for around 150 pounds. There would have been more larger pumpkins to show you, but Girly Girl’s kids came over to last night and picked the giant ones {and YES, there is a story coming about that}.
So what do you think?
If you had to guess, how many pounds of pumpkins do I have in the top photo?
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Lisa says
128 lbs!
crlzmmr says
Did none of your Musquee de Provence pumpkins produce?
(I don’t see any in the pictures.)
I was hoping to grow some next year myself,
but if none of yours made it,
it makes me discouraged about my chances next year.
Elizabeth says
Can’t guess weight with nothing next to them to put size into
Leanna says
Not sure I’m guessing over 200 though because pumpkins are very dense and heavy.
Ashley says
My guess would be around 200lbs….but that’s purely a guess.
Desi says
guessing 230 lbs
Kayla says
140 lbs!
Monica says
Leah L says
176 lbs (plus its my lucky number)
Mamalala says
187 pounds.
teri says
Julie2 says
222 lbs !
Jennifer says
subienkow says
Twice as much as half!
It’s accurate down to the decimal. : )
I have no idea, but it’s all weight for the scale.
Brenda says
420lbs : )
Preppy Pink Crocodile says
222 lbs.
Ann says
252 lbs.
Adrienne C. says
122 lb
Sarah says
You at least have 300#!