Around here Albertson’s is the only store that accepts double coupons.
This week local shoppers are in for a rare treat…
7 Days of Double Coupons…
I cannot remember the last time we had 7 days to use a double coupon… usually it’s 3 or 5 days if we’re really lucky… so 7 days… it makes me giddy just telling you about it.
Here’s just a sampling of what I’ve was able to pick up for FREE or nearly FREE this morning.
Now if you’re sitting there thinking…
Gee Mavis… must be nice to have a store that offers double coupons twice a month… But here in Timbucktooooo they don’t have stores that will double my coupons…
What am I suppose to do?
Well…. for one thing stop your whining…
Didn’t your Mother tell you nobody likes a whiner…
Work with what you have… if you only have coupons… than hang on to them until there is a juicy sale on something and then use them… or maybe save up your coupons and the next time you are in a town that does offer double coupons…. Take 5 bucks out of your wallet and go hog wild shopping up a storm.
Until then…
I can offer you a chance to win some FREE (with my double coupons)
3 boxes in fact!
We love this stuff.
It’s the only instant oatmeal we eat.
Want it?
Leave me a comment below and I’ll chose 1 winner (not a whiner) tomorrow morning after I have my cuppa tea.
Until then… stay frugal….
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Melannie Hay says
Did anyone ever leave a comment??
Mavis says
Yes. This giveaway is over 🙁 When I transferred all my posts over to the new website all the comments got deleted… But I do giveaways pretty often so be on the look out 🙂