I don’t know about you, but I love seeing peoples garden and chicken coop photos. It’s like snooping, but with permission. 😉 Destini from Port Orchard recently sent in these photos of her awesome chicken coop and run.
Here is what she had to say:
Hey Mavis,
I had wanted chickens forever. My boyfriend always said no way. I begged and pleaded and begged some more at every chance I got. Well in February of 2012 he finally said YES!
The next morning I was at the feed store picking out my 5 chickies. I was so excited. We did not have a coop or any supplies. I bought what I needed for a brooder and a feeder and a heat lamp. I got the babies home and set up in my garage. I had to act quick before he changed his mind.
2 of my 5 babies did not make it. I went back and got a lone week old chick and had 4. I wanted more so 2 months later I found someone who had 2 month old chicks and bought them. I had 8. Well due to some illnesses and just a couple sudden deaths over night after we had the coop built I now have 4 adult hens.
I also have 15 babies that are 8 weeks old in a new large brooder in the garage. (my boyfriend loves chickens as much as me now.)
We built an amazing barn coop and I hope you like it. I do. I do!
Our Hens give us fresh eggs daily. I wish I had a garden like yours instead I have a single 4×8 raised bed and some gutters and a strawberry pallet. I also have potted container plants too.
Oh and the picture of the black and white (splotchy) chicken is actually my pullet that is not a pullet but a cockeral. UGH!. I guess I never should have said anything about Pablo when I thought he was a rooster. I got one too.
Thanks Destini for your great photos! I wish I had an enclosed run on my chicken coop like you do. And hardwoods floors? Wowza! You are spoiling your birds! 😉
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has sent in their photographs and stories. I hope by sharing other peoples pictures and stories here on One Hundred Dollars a Month we can all have a rock star garden this summer. Keep them coming!
Heather’s Chicken Coop – Made from Recycled Wood Pallets!
If you would like to have your garden, chicken coop or something you’ve made featured on One Hundred Dollars a Month, here’s what I’m looking for:
- Your Garden Pictures and Tips – I’d especially like to see your garden set ups, growing areas, and know if you are starting seeds indoors this year. If so,  show me some picture of how you are going about it.
- Your Chicken and Chicken Related Stories – Coops, Chicks, Hen’s, Roosters, Eggs, you name it. If it clucks, send us some pictures to share with the world.
- Cool Arts & Crafts – Made from your very own hands with detailed {and well photographed} pictures and instructions.
- Your pictures and stories about your pets. The more pictures and details the better.
- Garage Sale, Thrift Store and Dumpster Diving pictures and the stories behind the treasures you found including how much you paid for them.
If I feature your pictures and the stories behind them on One Hundred Dollars a Month, I will send you a $20.00 gift card to the greatest store in the world: Amazon.com.
Go  HERE for the official rules.
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Destini says
I should clarify that’s not hardwood floors its a piece of sheet vinyl made to look like hardwood. I love it super easy to clean. Thanks for showing off my coop.
Mary Ann says
I love it! So jealous of everyone with their chickens. I want them so badly, but just can’t get past the dying so easily part. Don’t know where I could squeeze in a coop and run, really, either.
EC says
I have been keeping chickens for awhile and I haven’t had any die on me as chicks. i have bought chicks and hatched clutches. I keep our flock to about 35 hens. I can see how it might happen if a chick is sick and spreads the illness when they are so small, but I don’t think it is common. I don’t medicate or use medicated feed, either. We let them out of the big run as much as possible (when it’s not very cold or pouring) and I think that helps too. I saw someone with a run that paralleled her fence on two sides. It was narrow but enough for 3-4 hens and included an area under a tree that was too shady for growing food – perfect for dust bathing! There are a lot of creative solutions to small spaces. All living things die at some point, it’s sad to see them go, but I love seeing all of their unique personalities – all of those chicken sayings are really true!! I hope you keep chickens one day!
Kathy in Chicago says
You know what else is like snooping, walking your dog at dusk when people still have their drapes open & their lights on. You can totally spy into their houses from the sidewalk, and I love seeing how they decorate, and it their house is cleaner than mine (I have 2 teenagers, so their’s typically is…..) Since I stay on the sidewalk, and I am only looking as I walk past with the dog, is this illegal?
Wendy Steele says
Naahhh-I love looking in houses at that time of the day too-always for the decorating ideas-it’s fun!!!