This morning The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird and I walked over the the V&A Museum. The V&A has everything from paintings and statues, to decorative arts of all kinds. Old, modern, unusual, you name it. They have it all.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from this morning…
There was a cool display of various house plans in the architect wing. This one depicts a typical London house in the 1920’s.
Obviously these homes were designed by men because there is absolutely no closet space.
David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust costume {it was hand knitted you know}.
No Freakin way!!! They even had an Eglu. I love this place!
~ Peace Out, We are off to have some more fun!
♥ Mavis
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Saralie says
Where is the olympic fever?
Erika says
I’m totally with you on the V&A! Hubby and I spent a week in England the year after we got married and I could have spent days wandering through that museum!
Amanda B says
No closet space and the kitchen looks tiny. So fun to get to see all the old house plans though!
L to the K-oupon says
Looks like a fun vacation.
Kia @ A View From Here says
LOL I ♥ your posts Mavis =)
I’m sure I read in one of your posts that your Brisith? Or did I dream that?
Houses here in good old England don’t usually come with built in closets like they do in the USA. Over here it’s more typical to have wardrobes instead of closets – I guess we just like having extra furniture and being able to move it all around on a whim (although personally I’d love built in closets).
Hope you enjoyed Blighty =)
Sara says
I think I would be more upset about no bathrooms than I would be about no closet space…. But I would really miss those closets! 🙂