OMG! I started writing this post yesterday morning… and by the time I finally sat down last night (9 pm) to finish it… my day had evolved into something else…
The kids have the week off… Due to President’s week and all…
It’s 30 degrees outside…
And… It’s suppose to be like 30 degrees outside
This is Seattle people…not Minnesota…
30 Degrees for 5 days… is kind of a big deal…
Here’s part of a conversation I had with the HH on Sunday afternoon:
Topic: We need to re-bark the yard.
Mavis: Let’s order 15 yards of bark… now is the time to do it… the kids are on vacation… we need to whip the garden into shape… the kids are on vacation… we need to pull the weeds… the kids are on vacation… we need to spruce up the raspberry patch… the kids are on vacation… we need to burn the fallen branches… the kids are on vacation… we need to clean out the garage… did I mention: THE KIDS ARE ON VACATION????
The Handsome Husband: ARE YOU FREAKIN NUTS???
The kids are on vacation… and it’s 30 degrees out.
Mavis: Exactly… the kids are on vacation… FREE child labor…Perfect timing…
The Handsome Husband: Well… I have to work this week.
Mavis: What? But the kids are on vacation? I thought you were taking this week off?
The Handsome Husband: Shoveling bark and pulling weeds in freezing temps is not a vacation… I’m not taking time off to do that kinda crap…
So then I suggested we take the kids snowboarding… and finally… after A LOT of complaining… he agreed… but said we could only go for one day.
On Monday morning…
The bark was delivered… and the kids start shoveling…
Tuesday morning… the kids are still shoveling bark…
About noon… The Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird turns to me and says…
Are we going snowboarding this weekend?
Mavis: The boys said they don’t want to go…
The Girl: Well can we just go then… just the two of us?
Mavis: I don’t know… If just the two of us went I’d have to drive in the snow…
You know… it would cheaper for you and me to fly to XXXX than the four of us to go snowboarding for the day…
Mavis: I don’t know… Hey… let’s go see if we can get some last minute FREE tickets with our frequent flyer miles…
Mavis Again: Hey look! We can get 2 FREE tickets to XXXX…
The Girl: Can just the two of us go?
Mavis: Let’s call Dad…
I don’t know if the Handsome Husband was calling my bluff or just trying to get out of snowboarding…
But by the time you read this post…
The Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird and I will be on an airplane…
Wooo Hooo… I just love a last minute vacation!
Be sure and come back for tomorrows post…
I smell a giveaway!
OOoo… and it’s a good one!
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