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I am your typical housewife living in high maintenance suburbia. I have a handsome husband, 2 kids and a flock of pet chickens. I try and feed my family with $100 a month. With the help of coupons, gardening and bartering I am able to squeeze the most out of our grocery budget and still manage to have a little fun along the way.
Random Person Named Melissa says
I actually got someone real coal for Christmas one year. He was really into grilling, we didn’t exactly see eye to eye on many things (we tended to annoy each other) and I was near broke. He thought the gift was hilarious.
Anyways I got this book from my sister for Christmas :
(Amazon wasn’t selling it) The sucker is about a inch thick and it looks like a book you would LOVE. It has alot of information about crop rotation what type of soil conditions this plant and that plant thrives in etc etc etc…. I figured out why my rosemary was dying so that’s a plus for me..
Anyways Merry Christmas and I’m sure Ernesto the elf can hang around till New Years 8)
Tessa says
Merry Christmas to you all! I wanted to share that I received the Kitchen Aid ice cream mixer attachment for Christmas today and am really looking forward to trying out some of the ice cream recipes I saw that you had posted.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday! Looking forward to New Years!
michelle g-b says
Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂 Santa brought me the wireless printer (for printing coupons from my laptop!) and the Fred Meyer re-loadable debit card (already loaded up with $200!) I asked for for Christmas. 🙂 Between that and the $250 that should be coming in to the ING Orange accounts I opened over the black Friday weekend, I’m looking at close to $0 toward groceries out of the household budget for at least two months! Why does this thrill me so? Well, that means more money toward that one last bill that needs to get gone and one step closer to being set up & ready to quit the old j.o.b.! Besides, what’s NOT cool about spending $0 on groceries? Do I need to explain? Of course I don’t; at least not to you guys! Hope Santa brought you all the cool stuff! Here’s a toast to saving lots & lots of money in 2013… can’t wait to see what your new goals are, Mavis! Waiting on pins & needles. 🙂
Karin says
I love Ernesto! He really cracks me up!