Am I the only one out there who thought it was too nice outside last week to clip coupons? I mean really, it’s okay to put down the scissors every once in a while. Not every transaction has to be filled with do I really need this… How much does it cost, can I find it cheaper if I spend 15 minutes searching for a better deal.
Sometimes I just want to hop in the car, drive to the grocery store, walk in, buy what I want, and leave.
And that is exactly what I did last week.
Here is what little Miss Lazy Pants purchased last week:
Albertsons $12.91
Costco $29.62
Holy Crack! Shopping like a normal person with no coupons is expensive!
Albertsons $9.27
Vitacost $ FREE
Have you signed up for Vistacost yet?
When you sign up for Vitacost, the nice people over there will email you a code for $10 off your first order. But it gets even better. Vitacost has a referral program. In fact the links in this post are my referral links. Why am I telling you this? Well, you too can create your own Vitacost referral link and then share your link with family and friends via your blog, email account, Facebook and Twitter pages. When people go through your link, they will get $10 to spend and you will earn $10 to spend. Pretty sweet if you ask me.
Unidentified Store $ FREE
Costco $26.07
So, about the cheese. Sunday morning, the Handsome Husband was complaining that we didn’t have any cheese to go with the salami I had bought a few days earlier. He said he wanted his favorite Irish cheese. And since Costco has the best price on Dubliner cheese that’s where I was headed. But right before I left, he told me I should also pick up some flowers… FLOWERS… for Mother’s Day to display on the table {my parents were coming over for a BBQ}. I didn’t say anything {I won’t go into it, but I have a BIG issue with buying fresh cut flowers THAT ARE GOING TO DIE}.
So when I got to Costco, I walked right passed the fresh cut flower display, grabbed the requested cheese, then proceeded to the produce section and grabbed a bag of limes.
Why? Because limes are every bit as beautiful as fresh cut flowers, THEY ARE USEFUL, and they only cost $4.99.
Oh… And about the 2 sticks of butter. As I was driving home I realized I had forgotten butter. So I called Girly Girl {she didn’t answer} and told her I was going to break into her house, steal 2 sticks of butter and leave her a few limes on her kitchen counter as payment.
And then I did just that.
Total Spent This Week $77.87
Total Spent This Year $559.57 {I am officially $59.57 over budget for the year}
Total Spent This Year on Garden Seeds/Supplies $414.90
Looking for a citrus press that works great with lemons and limes? Check out the Amco Enameled Aluminum Lemon Squeezer. Amazon currently has it for $9.00!
* Amazon prices can change at anytime.
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Desi says
I don’t like to pay for flowers but I love them, which is why I grow my own.
LaToya says
I love the lime idea, Mavis! Colorful and you can actually get something out of them. My husband has strict orders to not buy or send me flowers…at all….ever. Crazy money for flowers…that die. I tried the Vitacost thing through another link from another site and I never got my code so it was a bust for me. Maybe I’ll try it again with a new e-mail addy or something and see if it works. I like free…
Bonnie Hawkins says
I have a juicer I use when making a lot of juice. If I just need juice from 1 lime, I use a
($5.99 -20% off coupon) Oxo Good Grips Wooden Reamer
Creating fresh juice is easy with this wooden reamer. The beauty of solid beech wood with a natural oil finish combined with a large comfortable grip make this kitchen tool a great way to juice your favorite citrus fruits. Lifetime satisfaction guaranteed.
jolene says
I use apples as a center piece on Thanksgiving. Then I peel and core them to make apple sauce the next day. When I use flowers I buy live ones that I can plant after dinner.
D'Anna says
I went to a work related function at one our garment vendors and they used tropical colored tees (lime, yellow, tangerine) in tall clear cylindrical vases and I thought it was a genius idea. Afterwards they poured them out, refolded and back in the boxes they went.
Shopping wise I stocked up on peanut butter & cheese slices @ Albertson’s, spent way too much on random stuff we were out of @ Winco and got a bunch or random almost free stuff @ Target. I still need to clip my Sunday coupons…I was hoping that would magically happen for Mother’s Day.
Tali says
so ditto about the spending money on fresh cut flowers…..I grow some in the back of the property so I can bring them in the house and do not have to cut the ones in the front.
Helen in Meridian says
Memorial Weekend we do 24 graves and Sis always thinks we should BUY flowers to put on graves, like mums and misc. bunches. I say our relatives never bought flowers, they cut them from their yards. I always have lots of snowballs and jacobs ladder for filler and some roses and iris and spirea etc. This year I am worried because the snowballs have popped and even the peonies seem to be opening. There may be nothing left in my yard to put on our family members’ graves.