Hillbilly Hubby said the other day that he saw angles ……flying around my budget. Lol, like it was dead. I sum it up like this, my budget has been on a little hiatus this Summer. That being said, I still am more aware of things like the sale items at the grocery, best times to shop to get them and just overall want verses need spending. Still there was the Lavender Festival …..
If you recall from last month HB boy broke his leg at the beginning of the Summer and it has been a challenge to entertain him. I mean you can only watch so many movies and so much TV at home. The walls start to close in if you know what I mean. So we have spent more money this Summer going to the movies than we would ever do, renting the little motorized people movers at the zoo, counting change (HB boy wanted a cut for doing it), attending farmers markets and buying things like pickled onions (yummy) and eating out way too much.
Translation: Too much money being spent in the HB household this Summer!
But on the positive side I have been working in the garden a lot more and organizing my house. So that’s good!
A couple of weeks ago we were looking for something to do and decided to head out to the Lavender Festival in Sequim. Fun times but I spent way too much money. Food at the festival was a little low on desirability but very high in price. Though it was HB girl’s goal to get lavender ice cream and it was delish! I don’t know what it is but after driving three hours (traffic was horrible and doubled our time to get there), bad and expensive food, very tired and sore boy from using crutches an extreme heat, (for the greater NW), I just felt the NEED to purchase something to make the trip worthwhile.
And there it was …. I fell in love with this piece of iron yard art. I can’t even bring myself to tell you how much I spent on it but I love it in my HB back yard.
One funny story about HB daughter. As I was contemplating this purchase she was telling me that I didn’t need to spend the money, it was too much ect. I turn around to another mother giggling having heard the whole conversation. She too has had the same conversation with her daughter. When did this turn happen? When did they start to mother their mother? HB daughter is way more frugal than her HB mother for sure, Bless her heart, I love her.
Other expenses this Summer have been birthdays. HB daughter had a milestone B-Day so I took her and a couple of friends to Spokane for a convention she wanted to attend. We had a blast! Stayed at the Historic Davenport again remember Ms Mavis tagged along one trip I took for work?). But this time attended their Sunday brunch, OMS (oh my stars) it was sooooo worth the money! Should you ever happen to be in Spokane you should make a reservation and eat up !! I have to also call myself out.
Remember all my “chap-sticks”? Well while in Spokane I could not find a one of them. I had changed purses and failed to put one in so while in Spokane I HAD to buy one more… Hey it was hot and dry! I also had to take HB daughter and her friends to the Common Crumb, one of the bakeries that Ms Mavis and I had gone to on our trip. They had wonderful macaroons and that is HB girls favorite. The girls loved it as well!
Since my trip with Ms Mavis, another restaurant opened in the same area. Its called Biscuit Wizard and let me tell you, it was the best biscuit I have ever eaten. Coming from the south that says a lot. I shared with everybody and they agreed! Yummy!
Soooo though I have been spending spending spending …. I am looking forward to getting back on track. Ms Mavis and I have already had a “intervention”. That is talking about getting back into the grove with meal planning. We are going to get together next week after I return from a 4H fair with HB girl and cook up a storm. I like having that “list” for the grocery shopping. Without it I can see myself going back to old habits. ie projecting how I might need this or oh its a good deal. I did go to Costco this week and spent a whopping $137.00 but only $11.86 at FM with my rebate coupon.
Sweet! I didn’t use cash (bad girl) I really need to get back into that routine sooner than later. It makes the biggest difference keeping me honest with myself.
There is something about a routine that helps me stay on track and this Summer has been anything but routine. I know this about myself but this Summer has really reinforced it. Once school starts I will really get excited, plus HB girl can drive now! OH boy look out everyone! 🙂
Hang in their with me, I promise I will reign it back in!
~ Mrs, Hillbilly
To see how far Mrs. HB has come, or rather how far off the wagon she’s fallen 😉 you can read all her previous Hillbilly Goodness HERE.
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Charla says
Been missing your posts Mrs. HB!
Mary says
I concur. I love Mrs. HB’s posts!
marie says
Mrs HB says
Awe thank you both ! I will revisit with ms M and see if I can start back weekly once school starts. I can’t even imagine how one works a full time blog. LOL once a week seems at time a chore . But I have missed it too .
Mariska says
Hope you will come back to the blog more frequently too! I always enjoy your posts! And love the yard art, it sounds like your summer has been busy so sometimes you need to spoil yourself and this is something that will last.
Mary3M says
I think – rather I KNOW – would have bought that garden art! I saw some at my sister’s facebook posts and love them. So sometimes you have to splurge!!! Your thing might be chapstick but mine is nail files. Have to have them in the car, in y purse, by my computer. We all have our thing!!!!! I think you are doing great and not everyone is as ‘driven’ as Miss Mavis. I have found that with ‘shop from home’ I spend less though I spend was way too much for two people. But I don’t garden and don’t have chickens (BTW – haven’t heard anything about Miss Mavis’ chickens lately). I think it’s hard to work full time, maintain all the HB kids’ activities andstillstay on track – well it’s hard, especially with one HB kid down and out. Hang in there – I think you are dong great!!!! BTW – you will LOV LOV LOVE miss HB driving!
Carole says
Your garden looks great! Here in SW Texas ours is barely hanging on with the heat and no rain.
Mrs HB says
I hear ya . I do water daily . Contrary to popular belief , in the summer here it is very dry . Like feast or famin. I relish a good afternoon thunderstorm!
Earlene says
You certainly know how to grow beautiful plants!! I love ur posts and miss them weekly!! I think u r the typical person wanting to stay on course but life throws a lot of crap in the way and it’s hard to swerve!! Keep going and please come back here weekly!!
Mrs HB says
Thinking about it . I will consult with Ms. M . Thanks for the support !
Cher says
Laughing about your daughter telling you not to spend money! When my son was about 7, we took a Dave Ramsey class as a family and he really internalized the ‘credit card is bad’ lesson. A few weeks later in a check out line, the cashier offered me a credit card to save 5% on my purchase. Seven year old in his loudest voice announces to her and the rest of the store, “MY MOM IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE CREDIT CARDS!!!!!” The cashier glared at my husband thinking he was the cause of this edict. We laughed about it all the way home!
Mts HB says
This made me laugh so hard !!!! Thanks
Katherine says
I 100% approve of your purchase of the yard art. I would have bought it too! You will have to show us a photo of it in your garden/yard.
kcb says
One can never have too much yard art!!
Julia says
We also have 4-H fair this coming week with our son and his rabbits. Tell HB girl good luck from us!
Mrs HB says
I will ! And to your son too.
Cindi says
I can’t tell from your photo but did you know Bush beans have been recalled due to problems with their cans? I do see one of your cans is dented.
Just sayin’
Wendy Clark says
I really enjoy your posts Mrs. HB! Please keep them up. Both you and Mavis are very encouraging to me!
Paige Still says
I look forward to your posts. You keep it real for those of us trying to do a budget; but don’t always get it right!