1. Pay Down the Mortgage
We were able to make 7 additional principal payments towards the mortage for November! Sweet gravy boats of goodness. This is such a fun goal. EVERYONE should give it a go. Even if it’s just a partial payment. Your semi-retired/retired self will thank you every.single.day. when you don’t have to worry about making a house payment. 😉 Freedom. That’s what I’m talking about.
2. Buy Nothing New for 1 Year.
I wanted to buy this tin of tea so bad. But at $7.99 for 15 {fancy} tea bags, I consider it a luxury item. Maybe next year.
3. Track Spending and Figure Out New Ways to Cut Spending Even More.
The Girl made $100 dog sitting for a neighbor, I found $0.21 on the ground, I bought mummy a gift using a combination of gift cards and coupons that I know she’ll love, and I resisted the urge to buy slippers for yet another week. 😉
4. Try 52 New Recipes.
I tried a bunch of new recipes this week. Salmon cakes, fudge cookies and something else I can’t remember off the top of my head.
5. Keep My Grocery Budget Under $100 a Month.
6. Go on 52 Dates with the Handsome Husband
Beautiful sourdough pancakes with bacon, spuds and eggs over easy. The HH and I are both early risers so going on a morning date is right up our alley. If you are local, Netshed 9 is my new favorite place. You should totally try it out. There are only 10 tables and 17 items on the menu and I want to try them all.
So far this year we’ve gone on 30 dates and spent $501.22 out of pocket for our dates.
7. Turn My Wool Stash into $5,000.
I’m back on Etsy and Ebay and this past week I sold $129.93 worth of my hooked rugs. So far this year I have sold $6587.81 worth of arts & crafts. I’m done listing and creating new pieces for this year but I still have a few items listed on ebay and etsy. It would be pretty cool if I could hit the $7,000 mark, we’ll see. 😉
So far in November I’ve sold $324.91
In October I sold $1203.92
In September I sold $1259.27
In August I sold $329
In April I sold $29.99
In March I sold $799.53
In February I sold $1077.27
In January I sold $1563.92
8. Get Rid of 1,000 Things.
26 more items for the yard sale thanks to Monkey Boy’s big closet cleanout.
So far this year I’ve gotten rid of 1172+ things.
9. Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks.
This week I picked up Purge Plastic and Packaging Your Crafts from the library.
10. Track Hours Spent Working on My Vegetable Garden and do a Cost Analysis at the End of the Year.
This past week I spent ZERO time in the garden. To everything there is a season.
So far this year I have harvested 143 pounds 8 ounces of fresh veggies from our backyards. I spent $19.40 at the greenhouse, $10.40 at Wilco and about $16 on mulch.
Time spent working on Vegetable Garden in 2016: 21 hours 40 minutes.
11. 52 House Projects in 52 Weeks.
Did I do a project this week? You know, I don’t think I did. BAD MAVIS.
12. Make all Birthday and Christmas Gifts This Year or Acquire Them for Free.
I LOVE it when people pay me to do put their clothes in the dryer!! {Or rather when money that falls out of their pockets during the washing process.} Finders keepers. 😉 Thanks Monkey Boy!
In addition to the gifts I’ve made so far this year I have gleaned/earned for my holiday shopping:
- $26.45 Amazon credit {thanks to the HH’s loose change I turned in}
- $20 cash tip my mom left when she stayed with us
- $83.92 Costco Rebate
- $7 Loose dollar bills found in the wash
- $100 Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks and Best Western Points
- $25 Gift card to Target thanks to Best Western points
- $100 gift card to Amazon thanks to cashing in my SPG points
- Random food items thanks to the Fred Meyer Friday Freebie program
I think it’s all going to work out!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2016? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2016 Goals HERE.
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Cheri Robinson says
I’m inspired! I have been following about 14 months and have decided to follow your lead, modified some to suit our lifestyle.
Heather says
In awe of you and your principle payments on your mortgage. We made a goal of paying an extra three principle payments a month this year. So far we have only missed one due to medical bills. Seven would be heaven 🙂 I also take any extra money in our main account after all bills are paid and we are on the eve of a payday to move over any extra money to our mortgage. Twice a month it’s nice to move a little extra. Sometimes it’s $10 or less…sometimes it’s in the hundreds. Depends on the month. 🙂
Amy says
Awesome! Good job!!
Donna in VA says
Can’t you take a pair of socks and some wool fabric and SEW yourself a pair of slippers? This may be your next big craft business.
Amy says
I really enjoy your weekly updates on your goals, Mavis. Right now we’re working on our 3-6 month emergency fund amd I can’t wait to start hammering down on our mortgage. Thank you for your inspiration! 🙂 And maybe I’ll make some goals for the new year, I don’t want to rush into any, ha ha!!!
Marcia says
I’m impressed. I did manage to make two gifts so far. But I’ve utterly failed at getting my grocery bill to $125 a week.
Leslie says
Hoping you share your salmon cakes recipe. I see they are vacuum sealed, so your recipe must freeze pretty well?
Nancy D says
Ha! Monkey Boy’s “donation” reminded me of the blue piggy bank my mom kept on top of our dryer forty years ago. We all knew we’d better check our pockets!
Also, if we tossed our clothes into the hamper inside out (or left our socks in balls) they came out of the dryer and back on our bed the same way. Both great methods I used in raising my own four sons. No nagging and quick learning process!
Mavis Butterfield says
I LOVE that!!
Amy A. says
Loved the wool tree so much… had to order it for my daughter to give to her grandma for Christmas.
Excited to hear about your new job!