My goals for 2017
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
Hey! I did pretty good this past week. Yay me.
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
Over the weekend my mom and I celebrated our birthdays and she was so pleased with her gift to me I just had to share. It was a free glass jar from the bank filled with complimentary bath salts from a recent hotel stay, tied with a recycled pink ribbon {off a box her friend had given her} and secured with a leaf sticker from an empty box of cookies. Go MOM. And check out that Pinky the flamingo birthday card! 😉 Isn’t is cute? Pinky was hiding a gift card to Panera inside.
Live a little
My mom wanted to go bowling for our birthdays, so we did.
Actual quotes from my dad:
- “The last time I went bowling was when I was 15.”
- “This is a lot more exercise than I anticipated.” 😉
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
Last week we visited Coyle’s Bakeshop in Seattle, Washington and discovered the best lemon tart on the planet. If you are not a continuer of lemon tarts… let me tell you, there is a HUGE difference between the crapola lemon tart you find at the grocery store {that comes out of a 5 gallon tub of lemon goo} vs the hand crafted, small batch lemon curd you’ll find in a real patisserie shop. Yada yada yada lemon tarts are my bomb diggity.
The Girl and I will be headed east in a few weeks and we have TON of new bakeries we want to check out so I think I’ll hold off on visiting anymore in Washington state for the time being.
Have 1 “no spend” week each month
So far so good. I did it in January and February and I think I’ll save the last week in March for doing a “no spend” week.
Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
I was looking through my stash last night and I counted out 7. My goal is 12 by the end of the year. I was working on two more patterns but got side tracked {with a special order, planning a trip and working on house projects} but I know I’ll be able to accomplish this by the end of the year {most likely sooner.}
Turn My Wool Stash into $2,500.
I hardly have anything listed right now but I still managed to sell $149.93 on my Etsy and Ebay pages this past week. That brings my total to $1474.40 for the year.
The seedlings Mrs. HB and I planted are coming along well as is my backyard clean up projects. I wrote about them over on Dig For Your Dinner this morning.
Purge 250 Items Including Selling Larger Items We No Longer Feel We Need
Last sunday I had the boys go through all their tools and set aside anything they didn’t need/want so I could put them in the garage sale box. And this is all they would cough up. SERIOUSLY. Why did I even bother?
So far I’ve purged 56 items this year.
Learn to Crochet
I spent the week making more hooked rug flowers instead or working on granny squares. Bad Mavis.
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
The tables were turned this week as it was my birthday and the HH and Monkey Boy were the ones doting on me. Their combined shopping effort {clearly they stopped at Fred Meyer on their way home from work} yielded a giant box of candy and gift card to Panera and two frozen pies.
Now if you’re thinking, Gee Mavis, I had no idea you liked frozen Marie Callender’s pies… all I can say is neither did I. 😉 I didn’t ask but I’m guessing they thought the pies would be a wonderful gift because I like to bake fresh fruit pies during the summer months??? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!! The Girl and I are still scratching our heads at that one.
Fun fact: The Girl and I were watching a movie when the HH came home so I made him hide behind the bedroom door and touch/tap/hit the boxes so The Girl and I could guess what his presents to me were. We were able to identify a good 75% of them just by the sound of the packaging. Yee-Haw! It that’s not some cheesy entertainment I don’t know what is.
Lose the Muffin Top. {again}
Did you see the above post. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 I should just buy a mumu dress now. Oh, and I suppose the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake my parents gave me won’t help either.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
Yep Yep.
Try 52 New Recipes
The new recipes just keep rolling in. I’ll share what Mrs. HB made on Monday.
Read 52 Books
I’m still listening to A Dog’s Purpose on audio book. So far so good.
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
So this is a horribly sad thing to share. A few days ago a mentor of my daughters was in a horrible car accident that left him paralyzed, on a ventilator, and in a coma. He has a baby and a young wife and in an instant some idiot who was driving too fast slammed into his car and has now changed the course of her friends life {and that of his family} forever. The whole thing is incredibly sad and there is nothing any of us can do about it but to help monetarily {they are in another state}. So this month, my mom and I each donated $100 to the family.
Life. You just never know. You’ve got to live for today, plan for tomorrow and hope it all works out. 🙁
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
- Secret Goal #1
- Secret Goal #2
- Secret Goal #3
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2017 Goals HERE.
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Mel says
I’m also behind on my craftier goals. But we’re renovating, and spring is a very busy time for gardening, so I just haven’t had time yet. I’m not concerned though. Knitted socks were my goal, and I have already learned all the stitches necessary, so I’m good to go whenever I find the time. I don’t work in the summer, and house stuff should be done by then and the garden on autopilot, so I’m sure I’ll get back on track soon.
Linda says
If you and your daughter would like, and you’ll give me your friend’s name (just first is okay) I’ll add him to my church’s prayer list.
Tamara says
Happy Birthday, Mavis & Mom!
I suspect the frozen pies are for THEM when you and your daughter head east!
Praying for your daughter’s mentor and his family. If you can sort out how monetary gifts can be received let us know.
Anita says
Your mom really “gets” you. That’s awesome! Happy belated birthday to you both! 🙂
Jennifer says
I was just talking about that crash with a friend at church this morning. I’m so sorry.
Delores says
How sad about the young man and his family! I am reminded of how much I take it for granted.
I did well on my goals this week, kind of. The roof is almost done! Hopefully by next week. I read another book (3/12 for the year done): Hillbilly Elegy. It is good, but the horrible language is… horrible! I tend to not read or watch or listen to things like that, so it was kind of hard to get through at times. But apart from that, it is a very good book.
I transplanted some leafy greens, and happily noted that the radishes have sprouted! I didn’t get any more seeds started, ran out of time yesterday! But should get some started tomorrow or Tuesday.
I am working, slowly, on the knit blanket. It is a very boring pattern with a good deal of seaming. I detest seaming, but I am reminding myself it is for my son who will like the pattern (hopefully).
And I lost 1.8 lbs. I think Ash Wednesday fasting helped with that. 🙂
Happy Birthday to you, Mavis! May you have many more to come (and your mom, too)!
Leslie says
Whoa whoa whoa… is there any gofundme account set up for the man in the accident? Is there a baby registry we can send anonymous gifts from?? Please??
Mavis Butterfield says
There is and luckily he has a lot of support and a ton of people pulling for him.
Teri says
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MAVIS! A year full of happiness to you 🙂
Helen in Meridian says
I will be 70 tomorrow. My only wish is for a miracle for my nephew, a young dad of 5. .In the last 3 weeks they have discovered his problem swallowing food is two cancer masses in his esophagus. Each with 2 different types of cancer. Yesterday they found his pain earlier in the week in his hip is cancer in the bones. He is to start chemo tomorrow. With all those different cancers, I pray that instead he just enjoys the little time left with his chilluns. They are very religious and rejoice in whatever God chooses. At Christmas he looked so happy and fine. We just never know. Please pray for Scott Allen and his family as they adjust to this change.
Laura says
Praying for your nephew Helen. So sorry to hear of this and praying for a miracle for him and his family. Blessings to you in this season of Lent.
Mavis Butterfield says
Oh Helen I’m so sorry to hear this.
Lilypad says
Sending love and light to your daughter’s mentor and his family. And Happy Birthday to you and your mom—fellow March babies! I celebrated my 50th birthday this weekend. My husband and son took me out for vegetarian sushi, and I had high tea with my sister, nieces, and mother—and it was wonderful and plenty of excitement for me. Something you will appreciate: we also had snow this weekend, and as a lifelong Seattleite, I think that’s the first time I’ve had snow so close to my birthday, at least that I can remember. It was lovely!