My goals for 2017
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
I’ve been getting so much sleep lately my back hurts. 😉
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
After watching the series Shetland I am now obsessed with learning about the Shetland Islands. I told the HH I need to buy a plane ticket {and one for The Girl} so we can go check it out. The past few nights I’ve been checking the towns webcams and watching as people spill out of the pubs and line up at the Taxi rank. I may need an intervention soon.
It’s funny. I used to have this burning desire to hop on an airplane every few months to someplace new. These days though, I’d rather just stick to the east coast and make additional payments on our mortgage. Maybe that means I’m finally growing up. Maybe by the time I’m 60 I’ll have traveling totally out of my system. Or maybe I’ll just be obsessed with something new. Like bingo or talking about my medical ailments with random strangers in the checkout line.
Life. You’ve just got to go with the flow.
Live a little
Last sunday Amazon featured Keds as one of their daily deals and I decided to snag a pair for $25. I was wanting a pair of simple shoes to go with the pants {stretchy jean, black and brown} hanging in my closet and thought they’d go nicely. They are kind of old school… but that preppy 16 year old girl in me loves them to bits. Because they are like totally for sure cool. Totally.
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
I’ve been craving another lemon tart from Coyle’s Bakeshop in Seattle lately…. I may have to go and get one. Or, I could try Blackbird Bakery on Bainbridge Island… I’ve heard they make good hand pies. Decisions, decisions.
Have 1 “no spend” week each month
I was thinking about doing a no spend week for this coming week but I just noticed the Seattle Tilth is having their edible plant sale next weekend… so I may wait until the second week in May to do my “no spend” week. We’ll see.
Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
I am now up to 6 rug hooking patterns in my Etsy shop! This week I added Betty’s Big Chicken to the lineup and I’m hoping to get another pattern listed this week. Yee-Haw! My goal was to have a dozen patterns listed by the end of the year, and at this rate, who knows… maybe I’ll have 18.
Turn My Wool Stash into $2,500. Goal accomplished
I sold $489.95 worth of goodies in my Etsy and Ebay shops last week. That brings my total to $3348.02 for the year so far. This week I’ll be working on a new pattern and a few repeat mini rugs.
Purge 250 Items Including Selling Larger Items We No Longer Feel We Need
I can’t believe I’ve only purged 95 items this year. How is that even possible? Is it that I’m not trying hard enough or that I have done so well getting rid of all our excess stuff the past two years that I am down to the bare essentials at this point?
Maybe I need to photograph my drawers and closets to show you just how serious I am. I walk in other people’s houses and I start to feel claustrophobic because they have so much stuff. Like, seriously, how many fake plants do you possibly need in a room? 15 nick nacks in the bathroom? Gaaaaa…. it makes me start to itch just thinking about it. Maybe there is something wrong with me. The way my brain works. It never stops.
Learn to Crochet Goal accomplished
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
The HH as away on a business trip for a few days last week so yesterday we lounged around all day and hung out together. Today? It’s date day. 🙂 I like date days… it gets me out of the house.
Lose the Muffin Top. {again}
Yep. I’m working on it. Me and Lucy actually.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
I was looking for a short sleeved shirt yesterday and noticed I only own like 5. Which is probably pretty weird. What is it about long sleeved shirts that I like so much? You know how Diane Keaton’s character in Something’s Gotta Give only wears white turtlenecks? Even in the summertime? I’m like that. Â But with Gap long sleeve black tees.
Try 52 New Recipes
The HH saw a picture on Reddit {I don’t understand that site, do you?} and wouldn’t stop talking about it. Recipe coming soon.
Read 52 Books
I am about 2/3rds done with The Yellow Envelope on audiobook and plan to finish it up tomorrow. All I can think about is … what  will happen with her husband!?
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
- January – Donated to Quilts from the Heart in Memory of my brother
- February – Donated to Empty Bowls Fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club
- March – Donated to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident
- April – I still need to do something.
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
- Secret Goal #1 – Still working on it
Secret Goal #2 – Get chickens- Secret Goal #3
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2017 Goals HERE.
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anne says
Believe me,life starts at 60.stay active through out your 30-40_50yrs and you wont have ailments to talk about,you will be too busy for bingo ,and the talking will be about travel,gardening family kinda of we did in our 30/40/50 years . And you dont sweat the small stuff and accept that some people just love their nic to garden bike and swim no time for a nap even at 60.
Janice says
It absolutely does! At 64 I’m heading to Tanzania for my 6th trip this fall and have volunteered around the world. It is the best way to travel, meet new people and really get a good idea about how they live, share skills and to come home appreciating what life here has to offer. You are not the type to sit around and complain – just not your style… We all need to find what makes us happy and do it – whatever that may be for each person.
Vivian says
I started Shetland on Netflix last night on your recommendation and really liked it! The captions are a real help to understand some of the words! You gotta love these BBC shows! As far as naps go, I NEVER take them. I’m 78 and have way too much to do! Knitting lessons, card making class, lunch with friends, volunteering at church, volunteering at the weekly homeless meal, Garden Club, taking care of my great granddaughter, volunteering at the Village Theater, paying attention to my husband take up all of my time… time for snoozing around here! Once in a while I even clean house.
Angela D. says
Vivian! You are an inspiration! After reading your comment, I feel like I’m not living up to my potential by half! I turn 47 this year and I’ll have to get on the stick to catch up with you!
Vivian says
Thanks! I worked until I was 74 so I have to make up for all the fun things I missed. We only go around once so live it up!
Leslie says
I just love your blog. You do lots, and it’s fun to follow along. You’ve inspired me to set more goals, save more, be more aware of my spending and food waste, and to get my butt out in the yard. Thanks for doing what you do, and letting us all tag along!
Shirley says
Actually the first I heard of Shetland was the books – awesome! They are written by Ann Cleeves! Maybe not the best though for you after watching the series!
gina says
So jelly of how successful you are on Etsy and Ebay! You are SO creative!
Linda says
I love your blog and can’t imagine you being a bingo playing recluse! I will be 60 next year and run Spartan races and travel and volunteer! Stay active!!
AlysonRR says
The croissants, pastries, and bread look amazing at Saboteur in Bremerton. If you go to the downtown one you can walk to the submarine fountains. Or cross the Manette bridge to the Manette location.
I have a ulterior motive: I’m not an early riser and I want to know if it’s as good as it looks before I force myself out of bed early, LOL. I trust your opinion that much! 😉
Joanna says
I like Reddit. You might never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than there (excepting 4Chan), but some parts of it are very welcoming and helpful, and have a sense of community. Try r/WholesomeMemes if you need a pick-me-up. 🙂
Peggy says
So you got chickens?
Becky K says
Oh my gosh!! I love Shetland! I cannot believe I didn’t know about the show. I watched all 3 seasons on Netflix this week. It is amazing and I so want to visit there!!! So if you need a companion on your trip, I will gladly sacrifice for it.