If you set some goals for 2017… My mom wants you to know that you only have 357 days to go… so HOP TO IT! Time’s a wastin’. Make those dreams happen baby! Believe it and you can achieve it. 😉
The Progress Report
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
I did really good with going to bed early this past week. Sure, it probably helped that the HH was home for 3 days with a horrible cold but I think we both logged about 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Pretty rare for us.
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
We were able to knock another 7 principal payments off our mortage for January thanks to coming in under budget and not buying a bunch of stuff we didn’t need {or need to give} in December. I know everybody doesn’t agree with me on this one but paying down a mortage is a nice way to have a forced savings plan so you aren’t tempted to spend the money on something else. Especially since we won’t be staying in this house too much longer and it wouldn’t make sense to refinance to a shorter term mortage. Out of sight, out of mind. It worked well for us last year. So hey, what not do it again.
Also, Monkey Boy needs to get a wisdom tooth pulled this month which I have budgeted for. Luckily our out of pocket expenses shouldn’t be too bad thanks to our dental deductible resetting for 2017. But still, medical/dental bills are a bummer and next month I’m estimating we’ll only be able to knock 6 principal payments. We’ll see.
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
Seriously. When did store bought baked goods start to taste like junk? Bakeries. That’s where the good stuff is at. I’m going to find 52 of them this year and this past week I stopped at Suzanne’s Bakery in Gig Harbor for a chocolate croissant. The verdict? DELICIOUS!
Have 1 “no spend” week each month
I think I’m going to try this out next week. Wish me luck!
Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
I didn’t work on pattern this week but I did reposition the velcro on Lucy’s winter coat. 🙂
Turn My Wool Stash into $2,500.
I have one last thing to finish and then I’ll be able to list my Valentine hooked rugs on ebay. I’m hoping to get them listed by friday afternoon.
Play in The Dirt
Even with the frozen tundra outside I still managed to get a little garden stuff done. You can read all about it over on Dig for Your Dinner.
Purge 250 Items Including Selling Larger Items We No Longer Feel We Need
I sold our elliptical this past week! I listed it in a local FB group and it took 5 days to sell. Full price! Yee-Haw. Only 249 items left to purge. If you’re not using it…. GET RID OF IT! What are you waiting for?
Learn to Crochet
I think I’ll pop over to Michaels today and check out their yarn selection. The Girl lent me a hook { 1/9-5.50mm} and a wee bit of yarn {she’s pretty stingy so I was surprise she even gave me that much to play with 😉 } so I am going to sit down this morning and watch a youtube video {thanks for all your suggestions!} and try and make a granny square. I just hope the learning curve isn’t too long because I really want to get started on this project. Fingers crossed.
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
Seriously. He doesn’t know how good he’s got it. 😉 Breakfast in bed every Sunday? C’mon. Who does that?
Lose the Muffin Top. {again}
Mrs. HB cleaned out her closet last week and gave me 2 pairs of jeans that no longer fit her. One pair fits like a dream and the other pair is a size too small right now. But that’s okay. I was grateful for the hand me downs.
Last week I did really good with not eating a bunch of junk {although I did eat 3 Dove squares a day because HELLO…. someone has to eat all that Christmas candy}.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
Workin on it.
Try 52 New Recipes
Holy cow. We tried at least 5 new recipes last week {maybe more, I have to go through my pictures}. Every single one of them was a winner and I can’t wait to get those typed up and share them with you.
Read 52 Books
I started a Memory of Violets on Hoopla but couldn’t finish it. I just couldn’t get into it. I also read through the book The Year of Cozy and found 2 recipes I’d like to try. How about YOU? What are you reading?
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
My mom and I got together this weekend and picked up the items for our January donation. There’s a backstory to this one though so I’ll be writing up a special post about it soon.
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
- Secret Goal #1
- Secret Goal #2
- Secret Goal #3
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2016 Goals HERE.
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Stacie says
Two of my goals this year were to get in better shape by working at a gym and to get better at cake decorating! I worked out 4 days this week (3 at the gym once at home) and started a the Wilton 1 Course Building Buttercream at a local cake supply store! I can’t wait to learn how to make those beautiful large buttercream roses! So far so good on those two goals!
Mavis Butterfield says
I’d love to know how the cake decorating class goes. I see those posted all the time at the craft store.
Jennifer says
Great progress!
I’ve been down with a wrenched shoulder/neck/back for two weeks. It’s better now, and while I made very little progress on my goals thanks to meds…I did learn how to use a shark bite to repair a busted pipe. (Yay, me for buying that wrench that turns off water at the street…there when I needed it!) On the other hand, I managed an unintended no spend week (other than a pre-planned husband purchase of construction materials), because I couldn’t leave the house. The shark bite was already owned.
Mavis Butterfield says
DIY rules!
l bryant says
Glad to see you are enjoying the snow. I had an idea for your crocheting. My grandmother taught me to crochet in just a couple of days. When my father was in a rehabilitation center after a fall I saw many of the residents knitting and crocheting. Since you said you intended to do a good deed I would contact any in your area and inquire about a resident who could teach you, I talked to these ladies daily during his time there. they loved having someone to visit with and I know made them smile. I am sure if you brought along some of your baking (and some extra yarn for them) you would have multiple teachers.
Good Luck!!
Trinity says
I love this ❤
Mavis Butterfield says
Great idea! Thanks.
Mel says
Most of my resolutions are craft-related, so I’m excited for the crochet updates! I tried knitting years ago, and it didn’t take, but I’ve recently discovered knitting looms. In my mind, they’re sort of like knitting training wheels, and they seem perfect for holding your place when you have to leave a project and come back. My loom arrives tomorrow, so I haven’t tried it yet, but YouTube and Pinterest make it look pretty user-friendly. If I get the hang of it fast enough, I’m hoping to make most of my 2017 Christmas presents.
Karin Carson says
Good Mirning Mavis & Lucy.
I read an article on the internet about a man who uses the wool from sweaters to make hats , he unravels the sweaters that he has bought from thrift store , he washes them then unravels and then he knits up hats and donates them all. I though that’s a very frugal way of getting good quality wool.
I am a knitter and use wool when I knit my hats and socks , thinking I might have to try this .
Mavis Butterfield says
I think I’d like to try it in the future. I’d love to learn how to knit a pair of socks.
Delores says
Thanks for letting us update! Updates from the original comment numbering:
2) lost a pound since Tuesday, and did strength training every day to get up pushups, situps, squats. I can do about 25 squats, no pushups (only can do them on my knees still), and about 20 situps
6) Read a book… I think it qualifies as ‘good’ — definitely required thinking and I would not consider this book fluff!
8) started my garden journal
Habits: did well with vitamins and water, but not sleep (I tried) or cardio (still on school break, so I should start these next week)
Read bible every day, prayed rosary each day, but mental prayer was more hit or miss
I downloaded a habit tracking app, and I get a pretty sill sense of satisfaction of seeing all the check marks in a row! 🙂
Again, thank you Mavis!
Mavis Butterfield says
Good job Delores. Keep it up!
Lesley says
Mavis, your Sunday “GOALS” posts are my absolute favorite, a highlight of my week. Thanks for the inspiration, and for reminding me that I am not along in my goal-oriented lifestyle! Follow your bliss! Your mom is darling.
Related: your posts about paying down your principal spurred me to get a side-gig with the entire income going straight toward paying off my house. It’s a big goal, but I know I can do it!
Thanks, Lesley
Mavis Butterfield says
That rocks Lesley!!! You can do it.
tia in boise says
1. 52 house projects in 52 weeks: dusted cobwebs off porch (My projects are pretty minimal compared to Mavis’s, but they do need to get done!)
2. Wake up with purpose: this was really meant for the work week–and we’ve had snow days all week. But I did get up and do calisthenics once and hopped out of bed to get stuff done one other day
3. Be more social (Do something with husband and friends 1x/month): nothing–I’ve got 3 more weeks!
4. Exercise every day: I shoveled every day and one day I walked 3 miles through a foot of snow! (sore!)
5. Start the school week with everything graded and entered: Got all caught up over Christmas break and had no school due to snow, so that was a no-brainer!
Mavis Butterfield says
Shoveling snow totally counts as exercise Tia!!
Jamie says
I look forward to your hook rug patterns! I spent this week working on one of my goals and it included working on a hook rug myself! I still have a box of all of the leftovers from every latchhook rug I’ve finished so I’m trying to finally use it up.
I will be posting my week 1 progress over at my blog tomorrow but here is the rundown:
Health: Went to the gym thus using my gym membership and working towards my health insurance reimbursement for the membership (currently at 33/120 by June)
Create: Working on a painting and latchhook rug. I’m including reading books in this category as well and I started Amy Poehler’s Yes Please and I’m trying to read 6 books by June.
Mortgage principal of $1,000 by June: Saved $8 towards this goal using Qapital
Saving $1,000 by June: Ate a LOT of free food this week to save on groceries
Professional: Reached out to talk about some trainings for my health insurance license
Lori says
I’ve been having a few teeth move in my upper mouth, which were grinding down the lower ones. So, I’m currently on a 10-week Invisalign plan for the upper teeth, to get them back into position where they should be. I’m calling this 10 weeks my “Snack Diet Plan”, as I can only have the Invisalign out of my mouth for 2 hours a day. so other than meals, it’s in there. No more snacking for me! We’ll see how I do with this. Losing the muffin top is a goal for me this year, also.
Ruth says
Hi Mavis and Mom,
Thanks for the encouraging reminder……
Oh, 1 week down.
Ebay, do you think you will try Auctioning of your hooked rug to the highest bidder?
You are such a “Good Shopper”, I like your idea of giving items an a charity “Wish List”
Gotta go buy bacon & spinach for my dinner salad! Do you think the dressing will keep in the fridge if I don’t use it in 1 sitting?
Mavis Butterfield says
The dressing will keep in the fridge. You may want to warm it up in the microwave though.
Dana says
I’m not understanding why it’s better to pay down the mortgage if you’ll be selling the house in a couple of years? Wouldn’t it be better to spend as little on the mortgage as possible in that case?
To be clear, I’m. OT arguing the benefits of either way, I’m just wondering why it would be better to pay off more of the mortgage if you intend to sell.
Dana says
*I am NOT arguing the benefits of either way
Sorry for the typo
Lesley says
Hopefully Mavis will chime in here, but I think her point is that it’s a way to put the money into a good, secure investment that also doubles as a savings plan (assuming she and her HH will get the money back and hopefully more) when they sell the house. So since they have the extra funds, might as well put them somewhere safe rather than having them languish in a bank account where they might be tempting to otherwise spend.
That’s my take on it, anyway!
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes, you are correct. We will get the money back when we sell the house. So why not pay down the principal loan amount and by doing that each month MORE money will go towards the principal {and more in our pockets when we sell} and less will be thrown away towards the interest. Makes sense to me. The fact that we will be selling the house really has nothing to do with anything. The more you pay towards the principal, the less you throw away each month on interest.
Indio says
The stock market has been on a tear recently. I decided to split the extra payments I was making. Half to mortgage and half to investments. The 3.45% I saved on interest has been definitely made up with investment growth in the past quarter. Should be mortgage free by April 2018, if I don’t keep going on so many trips.
Pam says
I am currently reading The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man by W. Bruce Cameron. I’m really enjoying it. Usually I average over 100 books a year but only read 65 last year. I’m at 3 already this year and am beginning to think I have a serious problem lol!
Sandra Rector says
I’ve asked before and you have yet to explain how you calculate your principal payments. I have calculated mine from the forms the bank sends each month and the cost would be over $1400 + the monthly payment. So how do you calculate yours and about how much is it?
Kim says
My monthly statement breaks down my mortgage payment into separate amounts for principal, interest and escrow. If you’re early in your loan, you principal will be very small and your interest will be very high. Late in your loan, most of your payment is your principal. If it’s not on your statement, call your mortgage company.
Kim says
My monthly statement breaks down my mortgage payment into separate amounts for principal, interest and escrow. If you’re early in your loan, you principal will be very small and your interest will be very high. Late in your loan, most of your payment is your principal. If it’s not on your statement, call your mortgage company. Good luck.
Kari says
For easy math, I will round some numbers on our home loan breakdown for you: Our payment each month is $2,000, of which $500 goes to principal, $500 is escrow, and $1000 is interest. Ouch!! An additional principal payment, then, would be an additional $500 that month. In Mavis’ case, 7 additional principal payments would be 7 times her “principal” amount.
The biggest benefit of making these extra payments is the savings of the interest each month. If she makes 7 extra principal payments and knocks 7 months off her loan, then she also saves 7 times the interest amount. Hello, folks, in my case that is $7000!!! I’ll take that kind of savings in a heartbeat!!!
I hope this helps anyone who is still a bit foggy on her method.
Indio says
7 extra payments does not always equal 7 full principal payments just they are allocated to the principal and not interest. Banks usually will accept whatever additional amount you want to put towards principal as long as monthly payment has been paid.
Mavis Butterfield says
@Sandra Exactly what Kim said above. The principal on everybody’s mortage is different. Here is a cool calculator to see how much you’d save over any length of time http://www.bankrate.com/calculators/mortgages/mortgage-loan-payoff-calculator.aspx
Vivian says
I am freaking out looking at the photos of all that beautiful fabric! All I can see is pot holders and pillowcases to be made for next Christmas! You are not really getting rid of that, are you?
Also, I have requested baking times for the cranberry coffee cake twice if you bake it into a loaf rather than a 9×13 pan, which you said you have done….I still have the cranberries in the frig waiting…..Thanks!
Marcia says
I have many goals. Including trying recipes from all of my cookbooks, crocheting an afghan based on the day’s temperatures (low/avg/high), hiking, going on dates, exercising, drinking water. 14 total. So far so good.
Jane says
On the medical expenses, check and see if your insurance covers telemedicine. While I think seeing someone in person is ideal for a lot of things I’ve started using MD Live, which is included in our insurance plan for minor things (ex. sinus infections). We only have to pay $40 per appointment until we hit our deductible and then it’s $10. I’m happy with it so far. We are very limited on medical options where we live, so this is a huge deal for us. I was getting so sick of paying $300 every time we took a kid to the doctor.
Amy W says
Mavis, I LOVE your goals! Flexible, fun goals with lots of space for living! Enjoy!
Jen@FrugalSteppingStones says
Oh man, if you’re going to do a new bakery every week, I picked the wrong year to trial my doctor’s advice to go grain-free.