My goals for 2017
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
I think I did a pretty good job of getting enough sleep this week. Although, twice this past week when my alarm went off I was in the middle of some sort of dream about tomatoes. Lot’s and lots of tomatoes. Like so many tomatoes I have a stand at the farmer’s market and I’m practically giving them away to people and the other vendors are mad at me. I’m just happy to be there. Happy to be able to grow rows and rows of tomatoes instead of worrying about how much time or cost was spent on growing them. And then I wake up.
I think I texted my husband “I can’t wait to get out of here” three times this past week, and every time he responded with his usual “I know”. It makes me crazy every single time I see those words. So, so crazy.
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
Ever since giving the boot to our trash/recycling pick up over a year and a half ago, the local recycling center has been one of my favorite places to “shop” for treasures {plastic trays for seed starting, cardboard boxes in a particular size, green glass bottles}. Lately I’ve been stocking up on brown kraft paper. It used to be that I could get all the packing paper I needed for wrapping up my Etsy and Ebay items from the boxes I’d order off Amazon {I just LOVE brown kraft paper, don’t you? Why? Why does it make me so happy?}. But these days I’m not ordering as much and my paper stash had been totally depleted. Well, it was off to the recycling center. Because hey, why pay for something you can get for free?
So, if you are moving soon and need some packing paper or just want some brown kraft paper to entertain your kids, stop by your local recycling center on a weekend, towards the end of the day. You’ll likely find all the paper you need for free.
More things I did this past week to save money:
- I gave my husband a haircut.
- I used gift cards to by groceries {more on that tomorrow}
- Only turned on the A/C for 3 hours despite it being in the 80’s all week.
- Listened to an audiobook via the HooplaDigital app {free through my local library}
- I didn’t buy anything.
Live a little
I ate an ENTIRE 10″lemon tart over the course of 3 days all by myself. I have no regrets. Although by the time I got around to the last slice my teeth felt like they were going to fall out. But it was so goooooood.
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
None this past week, but I have a list going.
Have 1 “no spend” week each month
I wasn’t planning on not spending any money last week but it ended up working out that way. Yay!
Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
I have 8 rug hooking patterns listed in my Etsy shop, 5 more completed rugs that I need to get patterns printed up for so I can get them listed, and 3 more drawn out but not completed.
. Mission AccomplishedTurn My Wool Stash into $2,500
It was another AWESOME POSSUM week and I ended up I selling $486.32 worth of goodness in my Etsy shop and Ebay store which brings my total to $6032.94 for the year. $7500 is my new goal. I LOVE checking emails on my phone every morning and then finding out that I’ve sold something. I’m sure a lot of people would freak out if a week went by and they didn’t sell something. But I don’t. It just makes when I do sell one of my handmade items more exciting.
Purge 250 Items Including Selling Larger Items We No Longer Feel We Need
I snuck another 3 {of the HH’s} items into a donation bag this week to bring my total up to 233 items purged for the year. Also, I’m wondering what you think a good number for back up sheet sets is. Currently I have 3 sets of sheets for our queen sized bed. {1 grey set, 1 khaki set and one teal/grey set}. Remember when I went to that estate sale awhile back? Grandma had at least 15 sets of sheets in her closet. So I’m wondering if 2-3 sets of sheets per bed is enough. What do you think?
Also, if you were ever wondering if those vacuum storage bags really work, they do. They totally do.
Learn to Crochet Mission Accomplished
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
The HH worked 75+ hours this past week and so my plan of attack for today is to lay off the honey do list and just relax, hang out and walk Lucy together.
Lose the Muffin Top. {again} Mission Accomplished
And if you’re thinking Oh Mavis… how can that be? You ate an entire lemon tart by yourself. I would reply back, Ahhhh yes, but I replaced my breakfast and lunch meals with slices of lemon tart. So see, while I may have been on a sugar high/low for three days… IT WAS WORTH IT. 🙂
Also, someone needs to invent a lemon tart lip balm.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
I wore my “outside clothes” all but one day last week. So ya, I’m rocking that goal. Also, I think I may be spending to much time alone these days because I am starting to see cats in my lawn.
Try 52 New Recipes
With the cooler temps yesterday I decided to try a new scone recipe and I’m happy to report everyone {including Monkey Boy} loved them. I’ll post the recipe on Tuesday.
Read 52 Books
This past week I listened to Mother Daughter Me on Hoopla Digital and holy cow man, it is good. The story chronicles the authors difficult relationship with her mother. I highly recommend it. It made me think about how much the things in our childhoods shape who we become as adults. It was interesting.
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
January – Donated to Quilts from the Heart in Memory of my brother.
February – Donated to Empty Bowls Fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club.
March – Donated to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident.
April – Donated again to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident.
May – $100 Tip to a waitress on Mother’s day.
June – Started collecting men’s shirts to donate this winter.
July – Chew Dog Rescue
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
Secret Goal #1Sell East Coast House Mission AccomplishedSecret Goal #2Chickens! Mission Accomplished- Secret Goal #3
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2017 Goals HERE.
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Barb says
I have 2 sets of sheets for our bed and 2 sets for the guest bed. I actually just use 1 set, wash, and put back on the bed–and use that set until it wears out, then go to the “backup” set and buy another as backup.
Rachel says
I do the same thing, I wash and line-dry the sheets and put them right back on the bed.
In full disclosure, though, I do it because I hate folding fitted sheets. They always look lumpy and I can’t fold them into a perfect square, which bothers me far more than it should.
Caitlin says
I have 2 sets. One in summer weight, one in winter weight. I used to have more but my husband mistook them for drop cloths and I never bothered to replace them. 2 sets is working out just fine.
Carrie says
For years I had one set for my bed. I would wash and put back on. I was gifted a flannel set and started using those in the winter. Then I got a puppy who would jump on the bed with muddy paws. I bought a second set of cotton sheets so I could do a quick change if need be but I still primarily wash and put back on. So I have 3 sets for my queen bed and I only have one set for my full guest room bed since it rarely gets used.
Mel says
Our dog sheds like crazy and sleeps in our bed, so I have to change sheets weekly. My husband often works nights, so we have opposite sleep schedules, and it was tricky to manage fast sheet changes with only one set and a small washer. So, I bought a second set of sheets and blankets, and we always have one set on the bed and one in the wash. I’d like to have more, but 2 sets is technically enough, and it’s a king size bed, so storing more than that is dicey. Incidentally, if you have a dog that sheds heavily, invest in crib sheets or fitted twin sheets as dog bed covers–FAR easier than washing the actual dog bed covers each week.
We are drowning in tomatoes. We had a terrible tomato year last year, so it’s lovely, and I’m not quite to the point of being overwhelmed by it. We eat them daily, and I also used 8 lbs to make pizza sauce, and we have 15 lbs in the freezer, another 5 lbs or so on the counter waiting to be “butchered” and frozen, and more on the plants I need to go pick. I love never having to buy pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce, and I saved enough freezer space to accommodate at least a few more weeks of tomatoes at this rate.
TwoYorkies says
Do you still have your chickens? We haven’t seen any pictures of them for a while!
Margie Hudgins says
Hi TwoYorkies. Your “handle” intrigued me. We used to have 4 Yorkies(along with a German Shepherd), but one by one old age took them all. To make a long story short, I’m waiting (impatiently) for my two new Yorkie boy puppies to get 3 more weeks older so I can bring them home. Thanks so much for listening to my rant. Margie in Oklahoma.
TwoYorkies says
Hi Margie! Yes I love yorkies, they are the best! (Especially the no shedding!) My 2 died of old age also, and I’m in between dogs now too. Glad you are getting your 2 yorkies soon! 🙂
tera says
There are five beds in our house. Each bed gets one set! Our house is too small and I don’t like extra stuff. I just wash and place them back on when dry. Easy peasy.
E in Upstate NY says
We were a two set per bed for a long time. Now, with hubby’s health failing, our bed is slid up against two walls and he sleeps on the long available one. So I’m wiggling in and out of bed using my elbows. Gone through two fitted sheets in two years. Currently nursing a partial ripped one.
Did you know that one can’t buy just fitted sheets anymore? Only compete sets are sold anymore. This fall after we’ve moved to a one floor for us house, [gonna live with our son and his girlfriend], plan on sewing the flat sheets into fitted sheets.
Mary Ann says
Sure you can. Amazon has quite a selection.
Margie Hudgins says
Hi E in Upstate NY, You can buy very nice quality soft fitted sheets in every size for about $20 at Target stores. I recently got one for my guest bed which is a queen and was very pleasantly surprised at the quality in both the fabric and the construction. Margie in Oklahona
Tamara says
LLBean also has some of their sheets sold separately. We love their flannel sheets.
E in Upstate NY says
Thank you all for the suggestions for non-sheet sets. My local source is Penneys. Our store only sells complete sets. Know Mavis loves Amazon, I do try to buy local to support not only our local stores so we can keep them, but to support local government through taxes. If the sales tax continues to drop this year [we are behind last year’s numbers] our property tax has a good chance of going up.
jessica says
Sure you can! I only buy the fitted sheets since no one here likes the top sheet.. Target sells full sets, fitteds, flats and pillow cases!
Mary3M says
My mom’s rule was 3 sets: one on the bed, one in the wash and one in the closet. hen as she grew older that rule went out the window. She decided that she LIKED sheets so when she would see a set that she liked she would buy it. And as she got older, she loved the warmth of flannel sheets so we had more set of them. I would be freaking if I had only two sets – though for our guest room we have only two – so when guests come I can change the bed right away and then make it up – no looking at a bare mattress. Ah the things the drive us crazy!!!!!
Glad I am not the only one asking about Lucy’s babies! And Maxis – you seem to be more annoyed with the busybodies than normal. Something happen??
Stay clam and carry on!!!!!
Mavis Butterfield says
Oh wait until you read tomorrows post. 😉
Mary3M says
Oh my!! Sounds interesting – and amazing that I don’t see errors typing until AFTER they are posted!
Margie Hudgins says
I can’t wait. I’ve been following you and reading your blog for several years now, and tho I rarely have replied to anything, today I’m hitting the jackpot. I absolutely adore your blog. I follow only one other and that’s Ree Drummond. I love her too. Your recipes are fab, your stories are wonderful, and Lucy, what can I say about her except “it’s puppy love all the way”? Please give her a kiss for me, and a kick where it belongs to your HOA baddies. And when you DO get to get out of there, please continue your blog. I, and thousands of others, would miss you terribly, and your family. And that includes Lucy of course.
Christina says
I have 2-3 sets per bed. Have you tried using magnesium lotion at night. I made some and have been trying it out at bed time. I have also been making the hubby try it. It doesn’t make you fall asleep but i think it helps you stay asleep and sleep better. We have been waking up before the alarm goes off in the mornings.
Kimmy says
I usually feel 2 sets of sheets are plenty, except when young kids were in the stage of possibly wetting the bed or getting sick on it in the night. Then I could never have enough extra sheets!
Christy L says
If you are looking for other ways of getting free shipping supplies try freecycle. Post that you are looking for the craft paper or packing peanuts, etc. People will respond if they have some. I do this a couple of times a year for my ebay sales. No one wants to through those away (and we can’t recycle them around here). They are happy to give them to you. You just go and pickup from their house via porch pickup. I have yet to buy for packing supplies!
bobbi dougherty says
awesome job! Love the kitty, haha. I can’t wait til you get out of there so we can follow along on your new adventure! I keep 2 sets per bed, but don’t see anything wrong with 3 either, lol
Lucy looks great! She actually looks younger! haha
Have a great week!
Vicki says
Three sets for me, but one is old and the elastic part of the fitted sheet is ripped on one corner. I save them for possible sheet emergencies (my 6-year old grandson sometimes shares my bed, as well as my 9-year old Chihuahua). I have two sets that match my new quilt, and I rotate them as the mood hits. Sometimes I wash one set and put it right back on – just depends on what color I want to sleep on. LOL!
Katherine says
I have 3 sets of sheets for our bed and one for the guest bed. I love our sheets but these are starting to look a little dull after 3 years, I use a different set each week. Once we move into our remodeled master bedroom in next week to 10 days I’ll be using new sheets. I bought 2 new sets of sheets in the same brand and I’ll be donating our old ones to the local dog shelter. I like thinking that my comfortable sheets will comforting some lonely dogs waiting to be adopted.
Pamela says
I have one fitted sheet that doesn’t match anything because I bought it at Walmart as a single (not in a set). I have many top sheets and only a few pillow cases. I’ve had only one single fitted sheet for years because I keep saying I am getting a new bed in a larger size so I don’t want to buy sheets I won’t be able to use. It got old real fast though. I keep dreaming of having 3 or 4 complete sets when I finally take the plunge!
HeatherS says
We only have 2 sets per bed at our house, one summer weight and one winter (flannels). I usually just wash/dry and put back on. When the kids were younger and accidents happened, potty or sick, I had extra twin sets so that if something happened in the middle of the night I could give them fresh sheets and put them back to bed.
Amy says
Only one extra set of bed sheets per bed size at our house- I’m done storing things that we don’t need, LOL. However, when the children get sick, that rule can cause me trouble!
Be careful what you wish for in Lemon Tart Lip Chap, I found Lemon Merangue hand lotion and got it because it smelled delicious! After using it twice I realized it was super overpowering and everything I touched or ate for the next few hours would take on the scent. Ha ha!
Tisha says
I believe in 3 sets of sheets per commonly used bed. One for the bed, one for the wash and one just in case. This was handy with kids but sometimes things happen as an adult, too. If there is a stomach bug, etc., and everything else is going to pot, it is good to know I can get clean sheets on my bed, quick. For guest beds that are rarely occupied, I think 2 sets is adequate.
Lace Faerie says
I have four sets of linens for our queen size bed, two we used alterrnatively for 5 or 6 years and they are getting very thin. I received high quality sheet sets for 2 Christmases from my Dad. We alternate them. When we have company, I use one of the newest sets for the guest bed. I am keeping the 2 old tissue thin sets in case we ever come down with the flu at the same time again, so we can have clean sheets without having to expend energy with laundry! I learned that one the hard way!
We have six twin size air mattresses for teens when my family visit. They are all old sets from my kids’ childhoods. Hate having to store them all but it makes me feel better to be able to offer linens instead of saying bring sleeping bags!
Practical Parsimony says
The traditional “rule” is one on the bed, one in the wash, and one on the shelf. I cannot wash the sheets I take off immediately sometimes. So, this is a good rule for me. I always had two decorative sets for the kids beds and rather plain sets for emergencies which did happen with three children.
Those people are mad at you if you undersell them by too much. It is the same thing at craft shows. Have they never heard of free enterprise? The market is all about competition. Sell the produce for the price you please.
Pam H. says
Can anyone tell me how they store their extra comforters? We use comforters on the kids’ beds (easier for them to make beds), and I have extras for those wetting/puking events. But it’s a NIGHTMARE to store the extras. Any suggestions?
Mavis Butterfield says
Vacuum seal bag. 🙂
Mel says
I bought storage ottomans for our living room, and I moved all the living room linens (couch throws, throw pillow cases, dog blankets) into them. That freed up room in the linen closet, which I organized with labeled bins so I could devote the entire top shelf to blankets. I attached bungee cords from the shelf to the ceiling so there’s a “net” keeping the pile from tumbling when I pull one down.
Rolling under-bed plastic bins work well too.
Jennifer says
For our king bed, we have 2 sets of summer sheets and one set of flannels for the winter. For my son’s queen, we just have one sheet set. For the guest beds, also just one set. Eince we don’t have little kids or muddy pet paws, we have no need for the spares. If something spills (or the cat barfs) on the bed, day or night, we just toss the sheets in the wash and lay down a spare blanket for the sheet.
…now, throw blankets? We have at least 10!
Margaret @ Live Like No One Else says
I just ordered the vacuum bags. We rotate our seasonal clothes and have lots of garbage bags full of clothes. Bought a couple of packages and I think this will work great for me. I never thought of doing this before. I’m excited. Too many bulky bags.