My goals for 2017
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
As I type this it is 3:17 am and I have not been to bed yet. I didn’t mean to stay up all night and well into the wee morning hours it just kind of happened. I blame Pinterest, Wikipedia, Instagram and the news. Gaaa. All nighters are fun until that wave of tiredness hits you and you just want to roll off your chair and sleep on the floor.
But then you remember that you’ve seen 2 giant spiders on the floor this past week and you are afraid to actually sleep on the floor let alone walk barefoot in the house. If there are typos in this post this is me apologizing in advance. 🙂
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
We paid our mortgage payment for September and when we did we were able to make an additional 5 principal payments towards or mortgage. We have lived in this house just under three years and in that time we have paid down an additional 15 years off of our mortgage. How crazy is that? I’d like to see it get to 10 years by the end of the year but that would mean an additional 7 principal payments each month for the next three months and I just don’t think we could swing that. But hey, even if we get close, I’d be thrilled.
Do you listen to Dave Ramsey? I love listening to his podcasts while we are driving and well, one of the things he has says is that when people really get serious and about paying down their mortgage, “It takes the average family five to seven years to pay their home off early. This journey to debt freedom is a marathon. Stay focused and intense, and keep a steady pace.”
I would have never believed that unless we started this crazy goal after we finished all the remodel projects on this house. But you know what? It’s totally true. If we continued at this pace, we’d have our home paid off in about 2 years. I won’t last that long here, but in theory, I’d say the 5-7 year rule is spot on.
Seriously. What are you waiting for? Every little bit counts.
Live a little
I went Costco shopping with Mrs. HB… during sample time. I didn’t buy anything worth mentioning, but still, I got out of the neighborhood for the first time on 10 days, so that was exciting. Also, I’m thinking about getting some new gardening threads for when I work in the front yard. What do you think… THIS OUTFIT or this one?
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
The Girl and I were thinking about going to Crater Lake in Oregon but so many of you mentioned the forest fires that now we are going to hold off. Luckily, I have a vacation planned in the near future and some new bakeries to try out so I’ll be able to add a few more bakeries to my list.
Have 1 “no spend” week each month
Well it won’t be this week or next week so maybe the 3rd or 4th week in September?
Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
I have 8 rug hooking patterns listed in my Etsy shop, 5 more completed rugs that I need to get patterns printed up for so I can get them listed, and 3 more drawn out but not completed. I’ll get them done, sooner or later.
Turn My Wool Stash into $2500 Mission Accomplished
It was a crazy good week and I ended up selling $875.32 worth of goodness in my Etsy shop and Ebay store which brings my total to $7440.12 for the year. Hot dog! Last year I ended up selling $6912.41 worth of my hooked rugs in my Etsy and Ebay stores so I am really pleased with how well I’ve done so far this year. Maybe I’ll be able to hit $8,000 by the end of the year!? Who knows.
Purge 250 Items Including Selling Larger Items We No Longer Feel We Need Mission Accomplished
So far this year we’ve purged 262 items. And you know what? I don’t think we have anything left to get rid of. How weird is that?
Learn to Crochet Mission Accomplished
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
Working on it.
Lose the Muffin Top. {again}
I seriously don’t understand people who pay good money to get in their car, buy special clothes and PAY to workout at a gym. Gardening, I’m telling you, it’s the best exercise on the planet. And you know what? It’s free!
Speaking of gardening, my lawn smells like a cow pasture. The Girl and I spread about 2 yards of Tagro on the front lawn yesterday and today we are going to try and get the other 3 yards safely in the back. We were laughing so hard yesterday {because of the smell} I had tears in my eyes. Seriously, it’s so bad right now it’s beyond funny. It’s like gasping for air, making weird noises and falling on the floor funny. Well, at least to us it is anyway.
When the HH came home from work he was FLIPPING OUT and told me NEVER to order that stuff again. I almost peed my pants. And then he went out to the garage to take off his shoes and like 10 seconds later I heard the sprinklers going. And then I was like YOU KNOW, water is just going to make it WORSE!!!! And then he said a bunch of words that have four letters in them and said he can’t even go outside this weekend because he’s so embarrassed. And I was like, OH PLEASE. You don’t even go outside as it is now.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
I’m working hard on wearing out the shirts I already own so next year I can start on this stack of 8 black tees and 3 grey ones I set aside at the beginning of this year {they were all practically like new}.
Try 52 New Recipes
Mrs. HB and I got together and tried out a new chili recipe. I’ll get it posted soon.
Read 52 Books
I went to go download Working Stiff on audiobook but my library’s daily limit was reached yesterday by around 1pm. Luckily I was able to request it this morning because apparently no one is reserving books online at 3am.
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
January – Donated to Quilts from the Heart in Memory of my brother.
February – Donated to Empty Bowls Fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club.
March – Donated to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident.
April – Donated again to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident.
May – $100 Tip to a waitress on Mother’s day.
June – Started collecting men’s shirts to donate this winter.
July – Chew Dog Rescue
August – Donated to the Houston Flood Relief Fund
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
Secret Goal #1Sell East Coast House Mission AccomplishedSecret Goal #2Chickens! Mission Accomplished- Secret Goal #3
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2017 Goals HERE.
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Liesl says
New to your world–this is amazing! When you talk about principal payments, do you mean additional payments equal to your entire mortgage payment, or some other amount?
Lynda says
The stripes! Definitely the stripes!
Sheila in Alabama says
I vote the orange jumpsuit cause you know “orange is the new black” Thanks for the laugh!
Stacie says
HA!! Go with the stripes!! Thanks for donating to the Houston Harvey Flood Relief!! Us Texans are so appreciative of the outpouring of love and support for our state. My family is so fortunate we only suffered minor damages (trees down, lost shingles). Some people have lost everything and it’s so devasting.
Elise says
So, Staying up to 3am to do your posts may NOT be the best thing for your body or psyche, but it’s HILARIOUS for the rest of us!!
And the targo… My husband would be OUTAHERE with yours!! He doesn’t do “messy”… Pets, gardening, (small kids) etc, forget it. He’s handy around the house, but that’s not “messy” (sticky-ish?)
Peggy says
Oh Mavis, so funny about the manure spreading of the yard! I’m a country girl, so I’m kind of used to those smells!! Just think how great the lawn is going to look! 🙂
Barb says
I vote for the orange–just to freak out the neighbors (and you can always add the cuffs for fun later). When we were first starting our garden plots, my husband got 3 yards of cow manure. The smell and the FLIES were absolutely incredible!
Julie says
Such a funny post, I laughed out loud! Definitely the stripes! And your husband, so funny. And I bet the letter from the HOA is already on it’s way. Thank you so much
Heidi P says
I’m so impressed that you can stay awake that long. 3am would wipe me out for a couple days.
Although I love the stripes, I vote for the orange jumpsuit only because its about Halloween time. Wear it as a prison suit in September then take black fabric/felt and make a big pumpkin face on the back for October.
I have to say my favorite part is reading about your dwindling mortgage. I’d love to do the same but my husband isn’t on board as of now. I could do it on the side but without him I’m afraid I wouldn’t make much of a dent.
Please fill me in on why you spread targo on your lawn! What does it do for your grass?
Lisa MTB says
Stripes are cuter, orange is better for scaring away the HOA. Really, it’s a toss up.
Melissa says
That puggle dog–right beside her mama. So cute.
Heidi says
Hahahaha I have done the same thing with ordering compost and stinking up the place. We call the smell “vomi-rrhea” because it smells like a cross between vomit and diarrhea. Never do it right before you have a big bbq planned. Once the smell dies down, it is great for the plants.
Mel says
If you’re looking for grill recipes, I recommend spiedis. They’re basically marinated chicken skewers. They’re usually served on Italian bread or rolls, but they also are great in pasta, on salad, etc., so they make great leftovers if you cook a bunch.
Mel says
The grill response was meant for the previous blog post about Labor Day.
For this post, yes, thank you for donating to Texas. We’ve made a few donations and are gathering items to send later this month.
In terms of goals, I’ve been working on more sewing and gardening. I’ve made several skirts and belts lately. I lost track of how many pounds of tomatoes we’ve frozen, but I think it’s about 40 lbs. I cleared and pruned the herb garden today, and I’ll be spending most of tomorrow planting all the fall veggies I started from seed.
Shari Harniss says
Thank you for donating to the flood relief in Houston.
I was actually there visiting our son and daughter in law. We were gonna paint a guest room and turn a portion of it into a sewing area. Needless to say, we didn’t.
We had 3 feet of water in the house (they bought the house a little over a year ago).
We were rescued Monday at about 11a.m. after being out in the water since daylight. The Coast Guard plucked us from the water and pulled us onto their rubber boat. They are AWESOME! So, so grateful for all of the volunteers who risked their lives to save total strangers. Amazing!
My kids have lost almost everything including their 2 cars.
But, they are staying with family and have flood insurance. Big blessings right there!
My husband and I are on our way home right now. In Mississippi heading for Columbus, GA. Boy, am I wore out!
I hope others will reach out to family and friends and total strangers to help in the recovery. The recovery itself, for my kids and many others, can’t even begin until the water is out of the streets which can take another week or two! Agonizing to think of, isn’t it?
Keep all those hurting in your thoughts, hearts and prayers.
I so enjoy your blog and tell lots of family and friends about you!
Thanks for the smiles- love that furry baby for me!
Mavis Butterfield says
I’m glad you are all okay and that they have insurance. Also, I think it’s amazing when everybody pitches in with what they can… what a difference it makes. Glad you are safe.
Wendy says
I vote for the stripes. And btw, pulling an all-nighter takes on a whole new meaning when you regularly wake up at 4 AM. I’m another member of the 4 AM Wake Up Club. I started that a year ago and I love it. I’m curious as to why you get up so early. Have you ever blogged about why you start your day at silly o’clock? 😉
E in Upstate NY says
My oldest son used to be a nurse in our local hospital. When the farmers spread their cow manure on the fields, the hospital’s air handlers couldn’t help but bring that “wonderful” smell into the hospital. The locals understood, but the non-locals would complain, some rather nastily. Staff would shake their heads, asking what do you expect when you move from the city?
Oh and another couple complained that their car accident, ending with a trip to the ER would not have happened if we just had street lights. They saw a light and drove to it. Light was a barnyard light, and to get to it they drove through a field and a drainage ditch!
Oh the fun stories the tourists from the city give us.
Amy says
It has been a lot of fun to watch your mortgage go down over the past year, I think it is my favourite part of your weekly updates, Mavis! It’s really been encouraging. Keep up the great work!
Marcia says
Um, the people who pay money to work out at the gym:
1. Don’t garden (don’t like it, don’t have land, etc)
2. have schedules that require working out in the wee hours when it’s still dark
3. prefer (or require) workouts that require special equipment, like swimming for example. Or weight training.
Anything that gets people fit, is my motto. If gardening, walking, biking to work does it for you, go for it! If you want to pay hundreds to join a crossfit gym, go for it (assuming you can afford it).
jay says
mavis, what percent of your income is available for the extra principal payment? how do those of us starting with a new budget include that? i’ve read (i think) almost all of your budget posts but don’t remember that ever being a category. in 28 years of marriage, my husband (an accountant) is the worst at budgeting or staying within our parameters. we are getting ready to downsize (a too big house his parents bought with us, but now they’re gone) and i really want to end our working years financially strong (plus we have 3 kids to still put through college).
thanks for being awesome