My goals for 2017
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
I rocked this goal last week. Especially yesterday when the puggles and I slept in until 8:30 then lounged around until 11 before heading outside for the rest of the day.
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
Next month is going to be a tough one for saving money. Taxes, a new dishwasher, tile replacement and airline reservations. Gaaa. Some months are like that I guess.
Live a little
I took the day off from work and chores to attend the Northwest Flower and Garden Show with the HH and had a really good time.
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
Coyle’s Bakeshop is next on our list.
Have 1 “no spend” week each month – Done!
“Mom, this is so ghetto.”
Kids these days. They just go out and BUY stuff without thinking outside of the box. If you don’t have a tool… MAKE ONE. You can totally do a no spend week. Try it. It’s actually kind of fun.
Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
Working on it and having a blast.
Turn My Wool Stash into $2,500.
This past week I sold $209.87 on my Etsy and Ebay pages. That brings my total up to $1324.47 for the year. I’m halfway to my goal. 🙂
Play in The Dirt
I don’t think I’ll be doing too much digging in the dirt this week but I do plan on hitting the back patio with the pressure washer to get all the junk off and around the pots and patio furniture.
Purge 250 Items Including Selling Larger Items We No Longer Feel We Need
I cleaned out the drawers in the garage the other day and told the boys that their sunday project was to go through all their tools and divide them up into 2 tool boxes {The Girl already has her own tool set}. I seriously doubt we need 7 hammers. Seriously. I think stuff like this just piles up and you never really know what you have. All the extras will be tossed in the garage sale box for someone else to enjoy {or store in their tool shed for 50 years}.
So far I’ve purged 40 items this year.
Learn to Crochet
I made 2 granny squares last week. They aren’t perfect… but I’m working in it. 😉
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
I’m currently trying to convince the HH we need to go on a mini vacation.
Lose the Muffin Top. {again}
The struggle is real people. Nuff’ said.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
Lately I’ve been dressing like I wandered out of the woods. And I totally don’t care. If I don’t have anywhere I need to go {most days} then I just toss on my painting clothes and putter around the house working on my rug hooking, blog or random house projects. It’s only awkward when I go to get the mail and someone sees me.
Try 52 New Recipes
Mrs. HB should totally take over this section. Since getting together with her to do meal planning this year, we are trying 2-3 new dishes every week. She’s so adventurous and I’m loving it. I’ll post our latest concoction on Tuesday.
Read 52 Books
I picked up A Dog’s Purpose on audiobook at the library yesterday. Have you read it yet?
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
Last weekend The Girl and I attended the Empty Bowls fundraiser at our local Boys and Girls Club. We came home with 6 handmade bowls {and our bellies filled with soup and bread} for $95. 3 bowls for us and 3 for my parents to give away.
There were tons of people lined up at the door when we arrived and I was a little worried we wouldn’t find any bowls that we liked… but luckily that wasn’t a problem because there were so many to choose from. Â All the proceeds went to their summer feeding program for school kids. It was AWESOME.
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
- Secret Goal #1
- Secret Goal #2
- Secret Goal #3
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2017 Goals HERE.
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Laura T. says
Good morning! First of all, I thought you guys were making a spear! It would go with that “just wandered out of the woods” look! :0)
Have you read the KonMari purging/organizing books? She says you should bring all similar items out before sorting. Like take all of your socks out & put them together. Don’t sort drawer by drawer. You may have socks shoved into several different drawers. Sometimes you might be surprised to see exactly how much you have of a similar item, like the hammers!
I find that I’m missing your goal of finding free & cheap gifts. I enjoyed that one. How many of those fire starters did you end up making? Were they a hit?
I want to go work outside but winter just returned to Illinois! We had record warmth for some time. It was wonderful! Back to the reality that’s it’s only February!
Mavis Butterfield says
I ended up with about 250 firestarters. I had originally made them for my brother. He didn’t make it to Christmas so I ended up giving them to someone else and they really liked them. We actually don’t have a lot of people to buy for but when I come across something {gift} I will be sharing it on the blog. 🙂
Delores says
Keep up the great work, Mavis! I am somewhat jealous of the garden show you went to. Not much like that around here.
I missed last week’s goals update, so this is kind of double duty.
I gained weight last week (for last Sunday’s weigh in), almost three pounds! Not a surprise, but still not happy. Anyway, I am back down today and in reviewing my chart since Jan. I see that I have lost a total of 10 pounds. I think I got off in my weekly count somewhere. Anyway, that is over 1 pound each week. Yea!
I went out last night with my guy… to Lowe’s, but then to Sweet F.R.O.G. for a mini date. I will take what I can get!
I am going to miss some of my monthly goals this month, but it is mainly because we are redoing our roof which is on my goal list for the year. That will be nice to cross it off the list! That roof is taking forever! Does trips to Lowes with the kids count as active family outings? Maybe I’ll just have to make them up in March or over our school break. And the work on the roof has taken over my time, so my exercise has fallen by the way side. But I will kind of count hauling shingles as exercise! I did finish a knitting project so I can get to work on my knitting goals for the year. And yesterday I planted strawberries, peas, carrots and radishes in the garden beds. I didn’t get the lettuce sown, but I also started some seeds indoors as well for later planting. Not as many as I wanted, but better than nothing.
Back to the roof!
These posts are so motivating, Mavis. You are an inspiration!
Mavis Butterfield says
Keep up the good work Delores! Just keep your eye on the prize. The finish line and you’ll be okay. Some weeks are stinkers. But it’s the end goal that matters.
Patricia says
We saw the movie A Dogs Purpose and it was beautiful. My poor husband cried through a good portion since he lost his beloved companion 6 years ago. If the movie was that good the book must be spectacular.
Mrs. C. says
I think I may have guessed one or two of your secret goals, but I won’t even venture a guess. It will be fun to see the big reveal!
Ruth says
Mrs C,
I have a thought or 2 myself……
That Mavis is a clever gal
Brianna says
I wish my hubby only had that many tools. It seems like there are so many ‘one purpose’ or ‘one time use’ tools and when you are done using it or finished with the project, you will probably never use it again. It drives me bonkers. He bought a drain fork tool to replace a drain in the tub and that was the end of the that, such a waste of money, but it makes the job simpler and is essential. I’m convinced tools breed in the tool box. Allen wrenches come with so many items (cribs, disposals, etc), but yet they still keep them after they have served their purpose. It is impossible to buy just 1 screw to replace the one you lost, instead you have to buy 20 in a package, so you accumulate 19 extra screws and that 1 screw you used cost you a pretty penny.
Lauralli says
I don’t know where you live but we have a smaller hardware store–Ace–where I can buy only one screw! I think the last time I needed one it was less than 25 cents! It also helps that the store is very conveniently located on a main street I am on daily! (And they have a popcorn machine churning out the free stuff all day long….my kids have always loved when it’s on my list of places I need to go!!) Another small hardware store is Tru Value. You should see if you have those anywhere near you.
Katie says
For a bit of fun, could we have an update on Lucy’s goal?
Rhona says
A friend told me about “A Dog’s Purpose” and was able to get it through our Library. This book is helping with our great loss of our beloved Blush going over the rainbow bridge last Thursday. Lots of tears but a lot of giggles also. We would recommend this book to everyone.
Stacy says
I am liking the bowls…esp the one with the red rim at the top. Our local University has a similar event every Nov. I can’t wait to go again. Every bowl is handmade and unique.
Last year I got a brown/Mother of Pearl bowl that is my one go to bowl for just about everything. Absolutely my fav bowl that I own.
They donate to a food pantry/food giveaway to feed struggling families. Great bowls and a really great cause.
Cat says
I rented the audio book a while back, and it was very hard to get through emotionally. They have so much that you read between the lines and even though alot of it makes you angry, and frustrated over animal treatment, there were portions I couldn’t stop crying or laughing. It was a wonderful book but it’s not for the faint of heart.
Alison R says
I tried to “clear out some tools” and this is how it was explained to me. I will just use hammers as an example since Mavis referenced those.
My dh said “well I have a tack hammer (small), a framing hammer, a carpentry hammer, a checker faced carpentry hammer, a ball peen (sp) hammer, a roofing hammer, a plumbing hammer, a finish hammer and then I have a small sledge hammer, a large sledge hammer and maybe a few more somewhere”.
What the heck people!!!???
That’s just the hammers…………………………………………