I feel like there is nothing left to organize in my house. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zelich. How weird is that? There must be something wrong with me.
2. Run, walk or crawl a Marathon, half marathon, 10k, and 5k race this year.
What couldn’t I have done the marathon first? I have my eye on two different races. One is really hilly but scenic and the other is along the waterfront. I’m not sure which one to pick.
Remodel our Master Bathroom, Master Closet and Monkey Boy’s Bathroom. Done!
4. Finish Every Room in Our House.
I don’t think I’m going to get this done this year. Although, maybe if I get off my lazy arse and hung some stuff on the walls and finish painting….
5. Turn Spare Bedroom into a Cozy Home Office Space for myself. Done. I stole the HH’s office instead and gave the extra bedroom to Lucy. She loves it. 🙂
Create a Vegetable Garden. Done!
It’s nowhere near being done but I’m working on it. I’m thinking about putting in an asparagus bed. You know, for the next people who live here. Ha!
7. Build a Path into the Hillside for Easy Access to the Upper Garden.
We built a fence instead. Now, if I could just get the wisteria to hurry up and climb up the trellis all would be well in my world.
8. Limit my personal spending to $100 a month.
On my first trip to the thrift store I spent $19.22 on a twin bed frame {for the guest room}, 2 chairs and a framed picture for the bathroom. I’ve been slowly gathering mismatched chairs for the dining room table {which I also found at the local thrift store} and plan to paint them white this winter along with the bed frame.
On my second trip to the thrift store I snagged 5 magazines for $0.25 each, a white sheet that I’m planning on using for a quilt back for $0.50 and a masher for $0.75. You know what they say… one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
So far in August I’ve Spent $27.29
In July I spent $50.82
In June I spent $6.00.
In May I spent $26.50.
In April I Spent $18.46.
In March I Spent $42.44.
In February I Spent $32.52
In January I Spent $84.33
9. Purge… Weekly. Find 10 things each week to donate to the thrift store. Done!
I went well over the 520 items I was hoping to get rid of this year either by donating them to the thrift store or selling items at our garage sale this year. Mission accomplished. I earned $473 at the sale for my efforts.
10. Read 1 book a week.
I started reading If you find this letter in the airport and I’m just about finished with it. Be careful though if you decided to read it because it’s a lock yourself in the closet until you finish it type of book. Soooooo good!
I’m a {rug} hooker in my spare time these days. My goal is to make 100 of these little mats and then sell them on etsy and ebay when I’m done. For me, the joy is in the process. Rug hooking keeps my hands busy, gives me an excuse to watch past episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond {I’m on season 3} and, and I don’t know, keeps me off the streets and in the house?
What? Yes, I’ve been up since 3 am this morning and I haven’t stopped typing. Maybe I should. Is anybody even reading this? Maybe I need another hobby. One that doesn’t involve talking to myself via typing random blog posts. Or maybe, I just need a nap. And to learn to SLEEP like a normal person. Ya. That might be good.
Canning heirloom salsa is on the agenda for this afternoon. Weeeeeee.
Did you set any goals for this year? If so, how are they coming along?
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Anita says
You need to put a ceiling fan in your bedroom. Then you can sleep. 🙂
Mavis Butterfield says
I think you might be right.
Liliana says
I’m always reading what you write here.
Karen says
You are too funny (re: hooking)! I knit socks and do various other needlepoint things. Constantly. I tell my husband that it keeps me out of trouble. I firmly believe that it does.
Teresa says
I always read too. I sneak peeks at work on my break time. Gets me away from people that can be annoying. My little respite.
Patty P says
Ha! Love your little rant at the {almost} end! One of my favorite posts is your goals update!!! I look forward to it every week.
Connnie says
Always reading, but rarely comment. Love your blog – keep it up !
Veronica Vatter says
We read your stuff Mavis! BTW just finished oranges and sunshine… I bawled! I got it for 1.99 on kindle
janet in woodway says
I read your blog daily. I am always saying, “Mavis this, Mavis that….” I feel like you’re one of my best friends, we just have never meet!! Weird, I know!!
Angela D. says
I’m another daily reader, sometimes checking for new entries twice a day. Out of all the blogs I follow, you are the one posting the most frequent entries! My favorite categories are garden-related, even though being here in south-central WI puts my garden on a different time line than yours. You are also an inspiration to me in terms of organization and purging unwanted/needed “stuff.” Thanks for all your time sharing your thoughts and experiences!
Wendi says
Yup, I read it too. It generally makes me smile. As to your goals…(I want many of the things you are purging!) I think they are amazing and I somehow feel fulfilled when you complete them. As for me, no goals – at my age I do what I please, when I please and how I please…heck, I don’t even tell myself what to do! Miracle Grow may help with the Wisteria but it’s year 2 that it really takes off. Keep blogging and we’ll keep reading.
Courtney Thomas says
Question for ya: I see you’re getting rid of one of those oil sprayers. Did you find you didn’t use yours? Another unutasker? I had been contemplating getting one.
Ashley says
I had one that I loooved for the first fill or 2, then it went to crap. It worked like it was gummed up no matter how much I cleaned it. I decided to stick with Pam. Not speaking for Mavis or anything, just throwing my review out there :p
Mavis Butterfield says
The sprayers came in a two pack from Costco a while back. I do use the one I kept.
Alison R says
Ha!! Sleep is for the weak!!! lol
Connie says
Totally dig your blog – my morning coffee wouldn’t be the same without you! Hope you got in a nap today, missy. 🙂
Lissa says
Every. Single. Day.
Lynn says
You mentioned yesterday that you were going to can your heirloom tomato salsa. When I looked at the recipe I noticed in the comments you said you had never canned it, just eaten it fresh. Have you tried canning it since then and if so do you waterbath or pressure cook it. Thanks! Love your blog!
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Lynn, this is the recipe I used –> http://www.stage.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/canning-101-heirloom-tomato-salsa-recipe/
Lori says
I have a TON of catching up to do. My laptop crashed, summer came and with it a ton of stuff and I haven’t visited in FOREVER. I LOOOOVE the hooked rugs. Have wanted to learn for some time. I sew and it isnt relaxing to watch a show wiht a sewing machine on your lap 😉
Do you have any links to get me started rug hooking?
Now to go read for awhile and get caught back up here. 🙂
Earlene says
I love your blog at any time of day, I’m central time and was reading it at 6 am this morning at work. I was waiting for the vendors to come in for the day at the local grocery store where I work. So keep on blogging what ever time of day it is!
Tracy L. says
Always read. Almost always learn. And ALWAYS laugh!! Leaves you always coming back for more.
I ❤️ you Mavis, AND your rambling!