Including these “Made in Austria” Choco bananas. Which upon further inspection of the ingredient list on back says that “these may cause a laxative like effect.” Well let’s just say that as soon as I told my guests that, it was kind of hard to get any takers.
We asked everyone to bring their favorite German Dish to share. Did you know “bundt” cakes are a German dessert and German Chocolate Cake is not?!
We supplied the wieners, brew and desserts.
We had party games like “Rate Your favorite Wiener.” The Johnsonville Brats (yuck) and the Curry Nurnburger Bratwurst had the highest overall ratings.
There was a prize for Best Costume. Since I could not award the prize to myself, Mrs. Hillbilly was announced the winner. This is her second win in 2 years.
Overall I was a little disappointed that more people didn’t dress up. Somehow they thought that when I printed “Costumes Highly Recommended” on the invitation, I was only kidding.
However, Leopard Girl & the Pirate came as Sprocket.
Sadly, she did not perform a German techno dance. Maybe I’ll get her to do that for part of the Thanksgiving entertainment extravaganza I have planned. In fact, if her and the Pirate DO NOT perform a Sprocket techno dance at Thanksgiving I will be withholding their Christmas gifts this year. So consider yourself warned and start practicing your robot moves!
Now what to do with all the leftover sausage in the frig?
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