Apparently I was having too much fun using my Mantis 4-Cycle Tiller Cultivator and so the HH finally decided to give it a whirl yesterday and revive a garden bed alongside the mini greenhouse. And everything was going a-okay until the blade stopped turning and the tiller sorta bounced off something.
The HH immediately turned off the machine. I looked up {because you know, chop chop, get back to work, why are you stopping… there is no dawdling here on the Butterfield farm!}. And then he freaked out a little and proceed to tell me that he nearly severed the propane line.
I was like WHAT!? I don’t think so. And then we both knelt down to inspect the pipe. And then he was like “That’s strange. The propane line is made out of thick tubing.” And I was like, “That is not a pipe. It’s a root.”
He didn’t believe me. And then we argued about it and moved the soil around the “pipe” for a good 30 seconds.
In all fairness, the section he hit with the tiller did in fact look like a pipe. But it was indeed a vary large root. Whatever. This whole moving to the country thing, it’s just one exciting new discovery after another. 😉
Moving on… How many pieces of kindling will I need to get the wood stove up and running each morning? 3, 5, 7? I need to figure this out and then multiply the number times 180 days so I don’t come up short squirreling away wood for this winter.
Also, the freshly cut samplings look so much nicer in the galvanized tub {almost decorative like} than the older bits of broken limbs. I need to get over this and just hoard it all, I know, but the former high maintenance suburbia homeowner inside of me wants the pretty twigs. I live in the country now, and must adjust my thinking. I mean, before I even had the pruned saplings I was happy with the old twigs. What is wrong with me?
The HH says I need to get out and meet some people, you know, make some friends. But I’m like why would I do that when I can obsess about twigs?
Speaking of friends… Lucy made two yesterday. Unfortunately they stopped moving once she got a hold of them. For the past few weeks she’s been mesmerized by the sound of something underground. Standing outside, staring at the ground, tilting her head and knowing something was there but not quite being able to figure out what it was. And then BAM! MOLES. She caught 2 of them. GO LUCY!!!
Even thought he temps were a bit cooler at the beginning of last week, I was able to plant 100 seascape strawberry plants and some sugar snap peas.
The next day there was snow.
And then, the weather started to heat up again and I was back in the vegetable patch tilling the compost into the garden. It was so warm out there I was in a tank top!
And then yesterday, holy cow man, I was in shorts tilling up a long strip of grass along the back of the house. I think it will be the perfect spot for some mammoth sunflowers, don’t you agree? Giant sunflowers 12 -14 foot tall? I wonder if they’ll reach the second story windows? How cool would that be?
Spring, I think it has finally arrived in New England. Wahooo!
Have a wonderful day everyone, enjoy the sun,
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