Did you have Easter leftovers on Monday? Man, I love leftovers.
So this week was kind of exciting…. I did meal prep. Twice. On the first day I chopped up the leftover ham and mixed them with a few other ingredients for 2 complete dinners {which produced leftovers of course!}. Yay leftovers!
And a ham and spinach quiche. Anyone want the recipe? If so, let me know and I’ll post it later this week. Perfect for dinner, breakfast, to pack in a lunch box AND sliced quiche freezes well. Seriously, what’s not to love.
The hardest part about prepping for “picky dinner” night was not sampling. All I had to do was slice an apple, add some crackers and throw some nuts on the tray. Note to self: buy fancy olives for next time.
Breakfast of the week: Pancakes! Don’t like pancakes 5 days in a row? Not my problem. I have a garden to dig up, take or leave it. That’s how it is around here these days. Bahahahahaaaa. Mixing up pancake batter and storing it in the fridge… is super hard. I’m kidding. It’s totally not. You should try it sometime.
Meal prep day 2: Pot roast, Saturday night beans
If you have not made a Mississippi pot roast yet… You are truly missing out on the BEST home cooked meal on the planet. Seriously, if you eat meat and you don’t like this, well then, you need to get your head examined.
Not only is it the best freakin’ pot roast recipe on the planet, the leftovers {juices included!}, make an AH-MAZING soup the next day. And yes, that yellow hockey puck of butter will go straight to your arse. But it’s worth it. TRUST ME! Just go dig something up or pull some weeds, and the butter will melt right off of you.
Homemade croutons with herbs for the soup? Yes please! Let me know if you want the recipe for that too, I can set you up. Mostly because I’m pretty much in charge around here and can DO AS I PLEASE. 50 bucks says my mother just read that and totally rolled her eyes at that last sentence.
And let’s not forget… Saturday night beans. It’s a New England tradition! Yes, those are hot dogs, but hey now, I did take the time to grill them in the pan before serving. 😉 I do have standards you know.
Oh wait…. I almost forgot to tell you about my super duper exciting grocery shopping trip to the country store this week:
- Gelato Fiasco {torched marshmallow s’more gelato} $6.99
- Milk $1.69
The Gelato? Crazy good. I don’t know how many flavors there are of the gelato, but I kind of think as a public service, I should try each flavor don’t you think? And the milk? Well, it’s milk. Nothing too exciting there. For some reason, since moving here, drinking hot tea just hasn’t been the same. I don’t know if it’s the taste of the water {we have a well} or if my body is just telling me, ENOUGH ALREADY, drink something else.
Actually now that I think about it, it cant possibly be the well. I’ve been cutting back on tea drinking the past few days and sipping warm water with lemon instead and it tastes just fine. So I don’t know….
How about YOU? Anything super exciting happen this past week in the food department at your house? Inquiring minds want to know.
- Total Spent This Week on Groceries $8.68
- Total Spent in April on Groceries $8.68
- Total Spent in March on Groceries $306.75 <– Apartment life, moving across the country and settling into a new house
- Total Spent in February on Groceries $259.81 <— Living in an apartment and buying a lot of ready-made meals
- Total Spent in January on Groceries $240.15 <– Packing mode and not cooking from scratch as much
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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