We left the Pacific Northwest this morning around 5:30 excited and full of energy. By the time The Girl and I arrived in Billings, Montana it was just after 7 pm and man oh man were we tired! The boys didn’t make it to the hotel until nearly 9 and they were exhausted from driving the giant U-Haul all day. The scenery though, it was amazing.
About a week ago when I checked the forecast snow was predicted in Montana and in New England for the dates of our road trip. Luckily, it looks like the weather pattern has changed {so far anyway} and on day one we were able to put a 820 mile dent in our 3,000 mile journey. Driving for 13 hours was hard, but luckily we had a bunch of podcasts to listen to.
Before leaving Western Washington we filled up the tank at Costco and paid $2.79 a gallon for regular unleaded. Along the way to Montana we shelled out $2.83 and $2.69 a gallon at regular, small town gas stations. I don’t know about you, but I find gas prices fascinating. I guess I don’t understand how gas could cost more in Tacoma, Washington than it could in a teeny tiny town in the middle of Eastern Washington. Is it because of big city taxes? Are there oil refineries in Eastern Washington? What am I missing here? I can’t imagine the demand for gasoline in a small town is a big as a large city like Tacoma.
I think it will be interesting to see what gas prices are as we travel across the country this week. Are they higher on the West coast or the East? Hmmm.
We also made a stop at Bernice’s Bakery in Missoula, Montana for lunch {I’ll tell you about it in another post} and they had the cutest cupcakes decorated for St. Patrick’s Day, I couldn’t resist. The Girl took Lucy for a walk around the block while I got our food to go, and then we gave Lucy a chewy stick and ate our lunch in the car like a bunch of weirdos.
Long road trips with a dog can be tricky, but this time around Lucy has her own car seat and we are making a point to take her for a quick run or walk every time we stop {about every 90 minutes or so} and I think that helps her from being so anxious. We’ve got a rhythm down now, and it seems to be working.
Montana, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and your BLUE skies are gorgeous!
And you have a Cracker Barrel…. Who could ask for anything more? 😉
2,200 miles to go!
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone,
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