“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
My goals for 2018
Goal #1 – Write Like No One is Reading.
“Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer.” ~ Barbara Kingsolver
Goal #2 – Slow Down
This past week? Not a chance! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Goal #3 – Shop Small
This past week I spent money at a local nursery instead of a big box store and I also found out that I will be able to buy milk from a local dairy after we get settled in at the new place. How cool is that? I have no idea how much they charge for a half gallon of milk in a glass bottle, but supporting my local farmer, is something I am looking forward to doing MUCH, MUCH more of this year.
Goal # 4 – Have a Designated Meal Prep Day
We were able to finish all that yummy food we bought from Trader Joe’s before we checked out of our 600 square foot apartment and all I can say is…. I can’t wait to get back to using my crock pot and rice cooker again. Maybe I’m weird, but I miss my beans and rice. 😉
Goal #5 – Install a Vegetable Garden
Well, there’s nothing I can do until I am officially in my new garden space NEXT WEEK {!!} but I have all my seeds ordered ordered and as soon as we get everything unpacked, I’ll be back in garden heaven.
In other news, Mrs. HB sold her kids play set last week and in it’s place installed and bunch of garden boxes. How cool is that? I’ll see if I can get her to keep us all updated on her progress. I think it would be fun to follow along, don’t you?
Goal #6 – Clear Land for a Chicken Coop and Future Raised Garden Bed Area
Lucy’s babies are set to arrive April 11th! I can’t believe it…. only 3 weeks to go until she gets her forever flock. We chose 7 different hens with a range in egg colors from brown to blue.
Goal #7 – Grow 500 Pounds of Vegetables
Last week when I meet up with my old neighbor Harriet at Watson’s Greenhouse, the nursery had just set their seed potatoes out for sale and I couldn’t resist. It looks like I’ll be planting French Fingerlings, Yukon Gold, Red Pontiac and Huckleberry potatoes this year PLUS anything else I come across at the local feed store. I also have sweet potatoes on order!
Goal #8 – Hook 100 Rugs
38 down, 62 to go. This past week I hooked 6 small crow mats for my Etsy shop. As we travel across the United States I’ll be working on my giant chicken rug that I plan on putting in our new kitchen.
Goal #9 – Make a Set of Dolls
I plan to make a set {or two} of primitive dolls later this year after the garden has been put to bed. At first I was thinking I’d make some funky Raggedy Ann type dolls, but know I’m not sure. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Goal #10 – Make a Sampler, Frame it and Hang it on the Wall
I plan to make a frame for the sampler I finished later this fall when I get some down time. There is a small space at the bottom of the stairs at our new place {I’ll show you next week when we get moved in} that is going to be the perfect spot for two small samplers. I have a few extra pieces of linen in storage so once we get unpacked, I think I’ll draw out a different design and set it aside for winter.
Goal #11 – Visit 22 Bakeries
We hit up another bakery!!! I’ll tell you all about it soon.
Goal #12 – Start a Collection
Wooden butter molds, Yellowware mixing bowls {the green ones} and wooden spoons are on my list for this year. I did find a nice wooden spoon for a quarter at SVDP the other day and as I was leaving I found this old colonial type chair for $25. It’s not as nice as the first chair the HH found for me but I do like the style and after I get it fixed up I am going to experiment with a black crackle or claret finish. Ideally, I’d like to put together a nice dining set with a tavern table and 6 – 8 chairs for the new place.
Goal #13 – Read {or listen to} 26 Books
This past week I have been enjoying the How I Built This podcast series. If you haven’t listened to this series yet, CHECK IT OUT! It’s fascinating to hear how people from all walks of life started their own businesses {most of them from through trial and error}.
Goal #14 – Try 12 New Canning Recipes
I am looking forward to doing a lot of canning this summer!
Goal #15 – Secret {for now} Holiday Project
I picked up a few supplies to “practice” with this past week but forgot to take a picture before packing them up so I’ll have to tell you all about it next week. 😉
Life. It’s moving crazy fast right now… And I couldn’t be more excited!
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2018? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2018 Goals HERE.
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