When I was a kid my mom always bought fat free milk. The HH grew up on whole milk. So, when we moved in together we compromised and started buying 2% milk. Well, I asked The Girl to pick up a gallon of milk on her way home from work the other day and she accidentally bought a gallon of fat free milk. HOLY COW MAN…. There is like nothing to it. I might as well be drinking water with a little bit of school glue mixed in for color. Does YOUR family drink milk? If so, what kind?
With only 7 days to go meal times are beginning to get a little creative around here. If you have ever moved before {whether it was 2 miles or 2,000} then you know that moving perishable food is a total pain. So don’t be too surprised next week when I showing off a plate of kidney beans and sliced cheese. 😉
And if that wasn’t exciting enough, the only cooking containers we haven’t packed yet are the Crock Pot, 1 sauce pan and 3 mugs. Everything else {utensils included} have all been boxed up. I guess I should have left out a spatula for the giant sack of pancake mix we need to use up. Oh well, I’m sure flipping over a few hotcakes with a plastic fork will work… don’t you think?
Meal planning for this week: Pasta {x3}, baked potato night, pancake night, cereal night, and fend for yourself night. Breakfast will consist of oatmeal, eggs, more pancakes and chocolate chips. Snacks? Dried beans? A handful of nuts or Crasins? Life, it can get complicated if you overthink it.
I’m pretty sure I can cook everything that’s left in the freezer in the Crock Pot or saucepan with the exception of the dinner rolls. I might have to ask Mrs. HB if I can cook the rolls over at her place. Or who knows, maybe I can cook them in the Crock Pot? Anyone know for sure?
Thank goodness for all the disposable dinner plates and eating utensils my mother liberated last year. We are using them this week. Yay Mom!
I asked the HH if he wanted green beans to go along with his Sunday breakfast and he just glared at me. For someone who doesn’t cook… I think he’s just a little to picky.
On Friday I picked up a pie at Costco, because you know, it was national pizza day AND because we watched Mystic Pizza on the telly.
After my Mother’s procedure on Monday we swung by Panera to pick up dinner {my treat thanks to the gift cards I won playing 31 at my parents Christmas party}. While we were there we ran into One Hundred Dollars a Month reader Laura {Hey Laura!!!}. After we finished yaking it up with Laura we grabbed our to go bags and headed back to my parents place. When we got there I started unloading the bags and noticed we had accidentally picked up someones order in addition to ours {a melted steak sandwich, which my father happily ate}.
I felt so bad!!! And then I was like OH MY GOODNESS… I wonder if this was Laura’s dinner!!! So Laura if you are reading this…. I AM SO SORRY…. And I owe you lunch! I called Panera but they were like…. Eh, forget about it, it happens.
Because it was so late I ended up staying the night at my parents place and in the morning my Mom sent me home with a giant Salami. My Mom has bought The Girl a salami every year for Christmas for I don’t know, like the last 10 years or so for Christmas because it’s the first thing The Girl would go for off the appetizer platters every year at my parents Christmas party. Mom forgot to give it to her back in December but hey, I’m pretty sure we can eat 2 pounds in a week, right?
And last but not least, the HH took me to the Wandering Goose in Seattle after we attended the Northwest Flower and Garden Show. The meal was insanely delicious, and I’ll tell you all about it in my next post.
This week, it’s going to be NUTS…. But you know what? I am totally ready for it!
Have a WONDERFUL Monday everyone,
—->>>> The milk. What kind of milk does your family drink? <——
- Total Spent This Week on Groceries $1.89
- Total Spent in February on Groceries $10.76
- Total Spent in January on Groceries $240.15
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