What do people do with their old laptops? I have 3 I need to get rid of. But how do I even do that? I know with a cell phone you can reset the phone to it’s factory settings and remove the sim card which will remove all your personal information {or at least I think/hope it does}. But how does one “wipe” a laptop clean? Anyone know?
Target. It never disappoints. If it’s not the 2 aisles devoted solely to granola/single serve bars it’s the fact that they want $2.49 cents for 5… count them {5} 6×9 inch manila envelopes these days. That’s the same price Office Depot is selling them for {which is INSANE}.
News flash… You can get {8} 6×9 inch manila envelopes at the Dollar Store for… You guessed it, $1.00. Little things like this, make me crazy. The overpricing of items in big box stores that claim to SAVE YOU MONEY. I suppose if I really wanted to I could order 100 envelopes off Amazon for $10.99…. But do I need 100 envelopes? No. I just need a few. It’s the principal I guess.
When my kids were little, I’d find a reason to pop into Target a few times a week…. But these days, I see it {and stores like it} for what they really are…. Just big boxes that lure you in for one thing, but try and get you to stay as long as possible so you will wander around and buy things you didn’t need in the first place. And really just affirms the fact that if OVE was a real person, we’d totally be best friends.
My bulbs are up…. Are yours breaking through the soil yet?
I have 3 pieces of furniture {all desks oddly enough} that I want to strip, sand and have ready to paint or stain before we move, and I have fallen MADLY in love with a new product I tried out for the first time yesterday.
Citri-Strip. Have you heard of it? Where has this product been hiding all my life? I’ll do a proper post when I get the pieces properly stripped {I’m hoping I’ll be able to show you by this time next week } but HOLY COW MAN…. I am impressed.
When do you stop paying for your kids dental work? Or rather, let’s say your 22 year old daughter {who is a full time college student but works part time} needs to have her wisdom teeth pulled out? One tooth is pushing through the gum lines and stuff is getting stuck in the little pockets of gum, two wisdom teeth are bothering her, but the fourth wisdom tooth isn’t a problem {yet}.
When do “kids” truly become financially independent? For me, it was when I got married. For Monkey Boy it was when he moved out of the house. But what do you do with a college student who still lives at home?
$3,342 The cost to have 4 wisdom teeth removed under Anesthesia {via our favorite Oral Surgeon}
-$1,400 The amount insurance will kick in {she just had her teeth cleaned}
-$92.00 Discount for paying cash {and not using a credit card} ALWAYS ASK about this option
$1942 Total cost after deductions to have 4 wisdom teeth removed
HOW MUCH if any, do you ask your adult child to pay who still lives at home {but does work part time}? Do you say hey, I’ll pay for the 3 teeth that need to come out, but if you want the fourth tooth removed you’ll have to pay for it? Does that seem far?
This parenting gig, it never really ends does it? 😉
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