The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever noteworthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the inter-web or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day. So, without further ado, here’s this weeks edition of Random Goodness from Around the Web:
Urine for a Discount That Will Make a Splash
This just might be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen when it comes to shock and awe advertising. Instead of buying a home pregnancy test or visiting your doctor, why not just pee on a new magazine advertisement from Ikea to see if you are pregnant? Not kidding. IKEA is encouraging expectant mothers to urinate on an ad for its Sundvik crib in order to earn a discount if it shows you’re with child! I don’t even want to know how one redeems their discount. Ick! Sometimes I think I’m being punked by a news story only to have it confirmed to be true. Like in this case. So who’s gonna run out and pee on an ad to save a buck or two?
Your Presence Alone Can Help Your Loved Ones Live Longer
If you love hanging out with with your mom or grandpa, good news! You’re actually extending their life when you do! Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that loneliness plays a pretty significant role in the decline of health that comes with old age. The study followed 1,600 adults, with an average age of 71. “Despite controlling for socioeconomic status and health, the lonely consistently held higher mortality rates. Nearly 23% of lonely participants died within six years of the study, as opposed to only 14% of those that reported adequate companionship.” So pick up that phone and invite grandma out for lunch ASAP!!

A Traffic Ticket Waiting to Happen
How is this even legal? The Steering Wheel Attachable Work Surface Tray is designed to be used on a vehicle’s steering wheel. As in you have a handy place for your laptop WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING!! It even says it was “developed for the mobile worker on the road needing support for their tablet or a great place to writ.” What the actual heck. How many wrecks do you think this has caused?
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
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