This past spring, Monkey Boy’s car broke down on the side of the road. He called us for help, so we hopped in the car and headed out to rescue him. We couldn’t fix the problem, so we had to wait with him for 90 minutes for a tow truck. Good thing I wore my slippers out of the house for what I thought would be a quick trip! 😉 While we were waiting, I began writing a post in my mind so I could share some tips on what to do if you find your car broken and yourself stranded on the side of the road {preferably NOT in slippers}. Here’s what I came up with:
Get the vehicle off the road: If you can coast to the side of the road {away from any curves or hills}, do that. If the vehicle is so disabled it is stopped where it is, leave it in traffic but DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR! So many people are hit and killed each year when they exit their broken down vehicles to try to get to safety. You’re much safer if you’re surrounded by all that metal and steel if someone accidentally plows into you!
Turn on your flashers: Immediately turn on your hazards. If you are in a light traffic area {so no freeways!}, and it’s dark, place whatever emergency lights, cones, flares, whatever red or light up stuff you have in the vehicle about 6 feet behind it to signal to oncoming drivers that there is a stalled vehicle ahead. If your battery is dead so flashers are not an option, pop your hood. Immediately get back in the vehicle after doing so.
Call for help: If you have cell service, call for a tow truck. It’s always best to call family or friends and keep them updated as to what’s going on. If you have no cell service and your hood is popped and hazards are on, start hoping a Good Samaritan pulls over to assist you. If you don’t feel comfortable getting out of the vehicle, roll down your window a bit and ask them to call for help while you remain in the vehicle.
Try to avoid becoming a human pancake: Whatever you do, never try to cross freeway traffic and never stand on the traffic side outside your vehicle for any reason.
Here’s hoping you never have to use any of this advice!!
Stay safe,
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