My goals for 2017
Get 7- 8 Hours of Sleep Each Night
Oh it was a horrible week for sleep. Too many projects, too many things on my mind and not enough sleep or long walks with Lucy. This week though, will be better.
Make Saving a Priority, Not an Idea
Eh. It was an expensive week. I bought a new kettle, 24 light bulbs {seriously, isn’t the price of light bulbs crazy these days?} we took Monkey Boy out for his birthday, filled up the gas tank, I made a trip to Costco, and bought a couple of other things I wouldn’t normally buy but had to because we needed them.
I also popped by Target for something and as soon as I walked in the store I realized that I hadn’t been there in months. I was literally in the store 7 minutes and in that time I was asked if I needed help finding something 9 TIMES. I couldn’t believe it. I felt like I was on a used car lot. It made my skin crawl and made me never want to shop there again. Ever.
- Do I LOOK like I need help? Because I think someone who is walking with purpose, with their eyes fixed straight ahead looks like they know exactly where they are going. Clearly I’m not their to lollygag, I’m on a mission. Maybe this is an INTJ thing?
- No I don’t need help, but thanks for asking {ONE TIME}.
- Is there some sort of rule that people can’t look at an item for more than 2 seconds without being questioned about it?
- When I check out, please don’t ask: If I want to sign up for a Target card, how my day is going, what my plans are for the day, what’s the weather like and do I need a bag all within the span of 15 seconds without giving me that chance to answer even one of your forced questions.
Sometimes {okay, most of the time} shopping makes me grouchy. Where have all the genuine people gone? The people that ask you a real question and actually wait for an answer and can give a meaningful response? Something that didn’t come out of the new employee manual? I cannot possibly be the only one who thinks this. I don’t need Peg at checkout, but c’mon.
Is it just me, or has the whole “shopping experience” as they like to call it now days totally gone downhill in the last couple of years?
Our tea kettle broke last week so I ordered this Ovente electric kettle and let me tell you Bob, watching water boil has never been so much fun. The kettle lights up when it’s on and I LOVE the funky colors offered by the manufacture. True, I could just boil water on the stove top in a saucepan, but really, where’s the fun in that?
Visit 52 REAL Bakeries
I haven’t stepped foot in a bakery in weeks but I still have a few more to tell you about.
Have 1 “no spend” week each month
I’m 9 for 10 so far this year… and hoping I can make it 11 out of 12.
Mission Accomplished Start a Line of Rug Hooking Patterns
I did it! I finally got all 12 of my patterns listed on Etsy. I only wish I had put my designs into patterns years ago, but hey, better late than never, right? Last week I even shipped off a rug hooking kit to France. How exciting is that?
Turn My Wool Stash into $2,500 Mission Accomplished
This past week I sold $327.98 in my Etsy shop which brings my total so far this year to $10,040.15. I guess I made more rugs this year than I was planning on. 🙂 I have one last round of items to get listed in my Etsy shop today and then I’ll be done adding things for the year. I also added a ton of new hand dyed wool bundles in my shop too.
I’m going to take a few weeks off from hooking {or try to anyway and then I’ll get started on my Valentine’s Day projects so I’ll be ready to go in the new year.
If you have an Etsy shop and would like to be featured on the blog be sure and leave the name of your shop on this post. Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing Etsy shops in upcoming daily deal posts.
Purge 250 Items Mission Accomplished
I think we are past 300 items for the year and honestly, I don’t think there is anything left to purge except maybe a couple of pairs of sneakers with holes in them that my son will just.not.give.up. Maybe you can relate?
Learn to Crochet Mission Accomplished
I’m a hooker not a crocheter. Ha!
Dote on My Husband Even More Than I Do Now.
Hot out of the oven, these homemade scones are what I’m serving the HH this morning. Maybe they’ll inspire him to change the light bulbs in the family room.
Lose the Muffin Top. {again} Mission Accomplished
Dear holidays, please be kind because I’d really like to start the new year off with clothes that fit.
Wear out {most of} the clothing I already own.
Life is so much better uncluttered. Really, why stuff your closet full of things you aren’t going to wear? What’s the point?
Today I’ll be trying Shalane Flanagan’s recipe for almond cake from her book Run Fast Eat Slow. The Girl and I have made a bunch of her other recipes from the book and very enjoyed them so I’m pretty sure the cake will be winner too. I’ll let you know.
Read 52 Books
This past week I’ve been listening to Saddled by Susan Richards {I can’t remember who suggested it, but thank you!} I still have about another hour to go {I’m listening to it on Hooplah} but I’ve really been enjoying it.
“This is a memoir about the power of animals to carry us through the toughest times of our lives—about the importance of constancy, the beauty of quiet, steadfast love, the way loving a good (and sometimes bad!) animal can keep you going.”
Give Back to 12 Different Organizations in My Community
January – Donated to Quilts from the Heart in Memory of my brother.
February – Donated to Empty Bowls Fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club.
March – Donated to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident.
April – Donated again to my daughter’s mentor who was in a horrible car accident.
May – $100 Tip to a waitress on Mother’s day.
June – Started collecting men’s shirts to donate this winter.
July – Donated to the Chew Dog Rescue
August – Donated to the Houston Flood Relief Fund
September – $100 Tip to our amazing server at The Grey House and bought a tin of caramel corn from a Boy Scout
And then, there’s those top secret goals we’re not talking about yet.
Secret Goal #1Sell East Coast House Mission AccomplishedSecret Goal #2Chickens! Mission Accomplished- Secret Goal #3 Working on it!
- Secret Goal #4
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2017? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2017 Goals HERE.
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