Mavis is too busy this morning to come to her computer… So I (Matilda… Mavis’s imaginary assistant) am re-posting this story for you… Mavis wrote this about a year ago…shortly after she discovered the magical word of coupons… and as you can see… not much has changed… Don’t worry… she’ll be back tomorrow…
Signs you are addicted to clipping coupons…
If your daughter catches you clipping coupons for FREE cat food… and you don’t have a cat…you might be a coupon a holic…
If you are able to buy $104 in beauty products for $1.21….
you might be a coupon a holic…
If you line up your re-usable grocery bags (to save an extra nickle) with envelopes stuffed with coupons each morning for 3 different stores…
you might be a coupon a holic…
If you dig thru the trash at your local post office looking for discarded double coupons…
you might be a coupon a holic…
If you email your friends asking them what kind of feminine hygiene products they prefer… you might be a coupon a holic…
When your friends don’t even think it’s odd that you are asking them what kind of feminine hygiene products they prefer but instead not only tell what they like… they also divulge their husbands favorite brand of deodorant to you in hopes that you can score a free tube of it…. you might be a coupon a holic.
If you find yourself setting your alarm for 5am on Saturday mornings so you can rush out and buy 6 Sunday Newspapers (early additions)… you might be a coupon… a holic
If you currently have more that 52lbs of pasta in your pantry…
you might be a coupon a holic…
She is officially addicted to coupons…
Please send help (or more coupons) now…
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